Marriage is going on..ragini did ghatbandhan..pandit ji asks them to do pheras..they about to move..
Ap:kya hua beta
Ragini:jiju lift di in ur arms then will be romantic..
Janki:ragu…let pandit ji do his work..dont cme in middle
Ragini:what is wrong it it maa..jiju do na..
Janki:ragu will u stop
Ragini pouts..
Laksh( lifts naina in his arms):now happy
Ragini(smiles widely):perfect..looking so lovely..
All smiles at ragini..
They start pheras…ragini silently goes to room..Sanskar who noticed this thinks where she was going she plans anything again..i hve to knw..he to followed her..he peeps into room whwre ragini went..
He was surprised to see ragini who was crying sitting in room..he looks at her unbelievable..ragini holding her di photo says today u r leaving di i dnt knw how can i live without u..u r my soul sister.but im hppy u got a good family..i will miss u so much..i love u di..she recalling her moments with naina..
Sanskar whose eyes got moisted says to himself whst happened to sanskar y r i getting emotional..he jerked nd composed…
Ragini (washed her face nd stands infront of mirror):ragini control urself.all thought im strong enough if anyone knws ur image will damage..dont cry..dont cry..dont cry..
She takes a deep breath nd tries to smile making faces..sanskar smiled at her antics..he immediately goes when he sensed ragini was coming out..
Marriage got bidai time..
Shekhar ,janki ,naina r crying..
Ragini:uffo..y r u all crying..she is going to her sasural..we should be happy..its rainy season..already its flooding..dont make floods with ur tears…
Naina looks at ragini..she knw how much ragini controlling herself..naina hugged ragini tight..
Ragini closed her eyes nd says in mind no ragini no..
Ragini(brks d hug):enough na..
Sanskar stares at her..
Suji:ragini y cant u cme with ur di for somedays..
Ragini face brighten..
Janki:no ji..u cant bear this saithan nd it will not good too
Ragini pouts
Suji:areh janki ji..dont call her saithan..u no need to hesitate to snd her we will manage..naina will feel happy..
Ap:send her jii..
Janki looks at shekhar who giving a assuring nod..she nodded..
Ragini hugs naina happily..
They leaves..
Sanskar driving d car ,ragini sits beside..laksh nd naina sits back keeping distance bw them,quite..
Ragini:did u both doing any vrat that u should not talk to eo..
Lakna(laksh-naina) looks at eo nervously..
Ragini murmurs unromantic fellows..sanskar smiles…
They reached mm..ap does aarti..naina gets in…
Ap takes them to house temple..
Suji:sanskar tu jaa nd decorate laksh room for suhagrat..
Suji:we all have work..u go nd take someone to help..
Ragini:i will help him aunty
Suji:no beta..u r my guest..u no need to work..
Ragini(sad face):am i not ur family member..aunty
Suji:its not like that beta..
Ragini:tho let me help him..
Suji nodded smilingly..
Ragini:chalo jiju ka bhai..
Sanskar:jiju ka bhai!!!i have a name
Ragini:fine but i want to call like this only..
Ragini:areh no but nd vut..come we have work..
Ragsan r decorating room..
Ragini:jiju ka u knw why fragrance flowers used for suhagrat..
Ragini:do u knw why kept sweets
Sanskar npdded as no
Ragini:then about milk
Ragini(placed her hand on his shoulder):u have to update man..
Sanskar(holds her wrist nd pulls her):but i knw very well what to do at first night
Ragini looks at him with widening eyes..
Sanskar:stop looking at work..
Ragini:u r not much dumb as i expected..
Sanskar:me !!! Dumb!!! come i will proove that im not dumb..
Ragini:no work..
Both decorated room..ragini looks around nd says wow its beautiful..i too want be here this night..i will get good sleep..
Sanskar:do u understand what u r talking
Sanskar gives a unbelievable look..
Laksh was in room waiting for naina…naina comes nd stands bowing her head..
Naina nodded nd sits… they never talked..
Nd never spend sometime privately..always used to be around family..they jst used to exchange their smiles..both r nervous..5mins passed both kept quite..
Ragini who was eating Apple under sitting on bed ,slaps her forehead with her hand..
Laksh(took deep breath):naina..
Naina looks at him shyingly..
Laksh(takes her hand in his hand):whenever i saw u..i fell in love with u..nd ur innocent face made me crazy..i love u so much..
Naina smiles..
Ragini in mind wahh jiju u super
Laksh:i want ur answr
Ragini in mind tell di..tell..
Naina feels shy
Ragini in mind she told me many times that she loves laksh but now she was not telling..
Laksh(feels sad):its k naina..
Naina(holds his hand):i love u too laksh..
Laksh smiles nd hugs..
Ragini smiles..
Laksh(brks d hug nd kissed her forehead):can i
Naina nodded where ragini widened her eyes..
Laksh moves close to kiss her..
Both part away nd looks around..ragini comes under bed..both shocked..ragini gives a sheepish smile..
Laksh:t..tu..tum..what r u doing here..
Ragini:i cme to see ur confession..
Ragini:actually my di na very shy..i want to knw how she express her feelings..
Naina hits ragini head playfully..
Laksh:ur behan was unbelievable
Ragini immitates laksh when ever i saw u i fell in love with u..
Laksh embarrassed..
Naina:will u stop laado
Ragini:will u continue
Naina glares at ragini nd throws her out..nd closed d door..
Sanskar who passing that way sres ragini coming frm lakna room..
Sanskar:what u r doing in their doom..
Ragini:i went to what they r doing..
Sanskar:r u mad
Ragini:dont wry i didnt see anything..
Sanskar:u r unbelievable
Ragini:jiju said same thing..thank for getting sleep.. Bye..saying she walks.. bhabi ki behan
Ragini (rolled her eyes):bhabi ka behan !!!
Sanskar:ha u called me like that then i will call u like this
Sanskar:thank u..thank u..
Ragini smiles
Sanskar:btw u r not looking good while crying..
Ragini:cr..cry..mein..i didnt cry..
Sanskar:i have seen
Ragini:what? ?
Sanskar:i have seen when u cried in room..
Ragini:fine..dont tell to anyone about strong..
Sanskar:what if i would tell
Ragini:then i will tell pregnant with ur child..
Sanskar eyes popped out..
Ragini smiles nd walks while saying good night cutie..
Thank u so much for ur comments..i replied to all ur comments but i dont knw some of comments r didnt posted tu..omce again thank u all..
I will post my other ffs soon
Super awesome
Thank u so much
Nice uff ragini is naughty. ? Keep going ?
Thank u so much
superrr awesome diddiiii! !!!!!????? just read both shots n i loved it soooo much! !!!???
Thank u so much
Guys i forget to tell plz vote for is d link:
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Plzzzzzz vote
Haha omg lagari sis , outstanding ??
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
awesome akka…loved it alot…omg ragu is Soooooooo naughty….eagerly waiting for nxt one..tkcr akka….
Thank u so much
Awesome loved rags
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
fab loved it and poor Sansku xx
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
jiju ka bhai aur bhabhi ki behn ki jodi ekdum kamaal h ?????????
loved Ragsan…. ragu is sooooo naughty and bechara sanskaar ????

Thank u so much
Outstanding dr update other ff too
Thank u so much
Yeah i loved it lahari di
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Jiju ka bhai is really cute

Aww seriously Ragini is impossible
Loved it a lottt sis.Pls Post Bcoz i love u soon
Your all stories r amazing <3
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Haahhahahahahahahahahahha?????????????????????????????????????????????? naughty chirpy with devil mind………….. Awesome…
Thank u so much
Awesome sissy
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
hahahahaha!!!! omg, let me laugh first…. update is damn hilarious. ragini is really an unbelievable person. i mean who hides under the bed of newly wed couple to listen their confession. update soon.
Thank u so much
My reaction was same like sanskar at last… Update soooooooooooon
Thank u so much
Awesome update my dr
Thank u so much
Loved it akka
Thank u so much
Superb dear, this Ragu is super naughty and loved it