Nazar 19th January 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Nishant puts Dola in jar. Ansh says Mohana helped us today. Piya says but she did it as Dola was her enemy and wanted her dead, she did this for herself not for you or us, she didnt change, she is still a danger for you. Nishant says yes, she thinks about herself only. Vedsheree says she is my sister too but I know her too well, listen to Nishant. Mohana comes there and claps. All are stunned. Mohana says you people keep provoking my son, I helped you all to save from Dola, I am not a fool like Dola, just see what I do. Mohana grabs Dola’s jar and says you people cheated me and Dola so you will have to bear consequences, she leaves. Nishant says we have to stop her before she frees Dola.
Mohana pours Dola’s liquid from jar on rood of Ansh’s house. Dola becomes alive again. Mohana eyes her.
All family members are searching for Mohana.
Dola says to Mohana that you saved me? Mohana says you got lost to humans? Dola says you took their side, what is your gain in all this? what you want? Mohana says do me a favor as I helped you, you have to make my mission complete. Dola laughs. Mohana says game has changed, think about it. Dola says I am not helping you. Mohana shows her braid and smirks.
Ansh and Piya are in house. Piya hears some lion noise.
Mohana says I took your braid so you have no power, you are not a dayan without it. Mohana says help me become dukayan and get your powers back. Dola agrees. Mohana ties her braid again. Mohana says you have to finish sarpika. Dola says its not easy to kill her. Mohana says what if she doesnt remain sarpika? Ansh comes on roof and sees them. They grab Ansh. Piya comes there. She asks Mohana to leave Ansh. Mohana says now I am with Dukayan, we dont need eclipse night, we can eat Ansh and fulfill our mission. They start eating Ansh’s life. Piya cries and says what to do. She looks at the ring her mother gave her. Piya thinks that if I give my powers to Ansh then he will become sarpika, Maa gave me this ring because she wanted me to continue our generation but if I give it to Ansh then it wont happen but I have to save him. She throws her sarpika ring to Ansh. Snake poison goes in Ansh. Mohana and Dola stop eating his life. Vedsheree comes there and screams for Ansh. Ansh sees Mohana and Dola gone. Piya faints and is about to fall down from balcony but Ansh grabs her and pulls her back.
Ansh tells family that Dola and Mohana ranaway, they were scared of something. Vedsheree says they must have got scared of Davansh and Sarpika together.
Mohana says to Dola that we did good acting. Dola says they might think we are scared of them, Mohana says they will think we wont comeback.
Vedsheree says to family that everything is fine, lets pray to lord.
Mohana says to Dola that Piya doesnt have sarpika powers and our mission is to kill her.
Ansh asks Piya what is happening? Piya says I have no powers now. Ansh says your power is your trust, we are together and can fight anything. Piya hugs him.
Mohana and Dola gets more powers from witch tree.
Ansh and family leaves for mandir while Piya rests in house.
Scene 2
Nishant says to Saanvi that I think Mohana and Dola are upto something. He sees witch tree in jungle and says this cant happen.
All family members come in mandir. Vedsheree asks Ansh to light diya.
Mohana and Dola comes to Ansh’s house. Piya sees them and is tensed. Mohana says you were proud of being a wife but now you dont have any power. Dola says she is not even sarpika. Mohana says lets see how you save your life. Piya runs from there.
All family members are praying in mandir.
Piya is running house. Mohana and Dola come infront of her. They throw kerosene on her. Piya falls down. They create fire circle around her. Piya screams for help. Mohana says no devi will come to save you. Piya recalls how Ansh said her power is her faith. She prays. Devi’s lion comes there. Mohana and Dola are scared. Piya takes devi’s avatar.
Nishant says Mohana and Saanvi took powers from witch tree, they made Piya give her powers to Ansh so they can attack her, lets go. Saanvi touches tree and gets trapped.
All family comes in house and are stunned to see lion. They see Piya in devi’s avatar and fold hands. Vedsheree sees Dola and Mohana and says they were here to kill Piya but Piya’s devik powers are back. Piya says to dayans that you wont be saved from me. Mohana asks Ansh to save them. Dola says you are a human, how can you kill your mother in law? Piya says you people didnt spare anyone, get ready to be killed. She brings her trishul and is about to kill them but Ansh says dont do anything. Vedsheree says they tried to kill Piya. Ansh says I dont want my wife to kill my mother. Mohana says I knew my son will save me. Ansh says good people dont let bad happen. He grabs Mohana’s hand and says I dont want Piya to kill her, I will do it. He says to Mohana that you crossed all lines, you could have killed me but you tried to attack my Piya, I cant trust you anymore. He makes Mohana of stone. Vedsheree cries and says die Mohana, its better for you. Dola tries to run from there.
Saanvi is getting trapped by tree. Nishant tries to find a way.
Dola is running. Ansh runs behind her but Piya comes infront of her and throws her back. Piya grabs Dola in her hand. Dola says dont kill me. Piya makes her of stone too. Vedsheree and all pray to Devi and fold hands infront of Piya.
Nishant gives patal liquid to Saanvi and asks her to drink it but tree eats her. Nishant says dont know if Saanvi listened to me. Saanvi comes back from tree.
Piya says to Nishant that now Ansh have davansh and sarpika powers, Nishant says we dont know how dangerous this combination is, you have to keep an eye on Ansh.
PRECAP- Ansh and Piya are leaving. A butterfly sits on Ansh’s neck. Piya looks at it.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Amazing..but precap?
1. I watched half episode, and it was mindblowing…??????
2. Rest half was just ok, as mohona and dola tricked piya to give powers to ansh???
3 . I hope dayans? are dead
4. So now ansh is davansh? and sarpika? both (extension result), hope its not going to spoil show
5. Piya ki devik powers are back finally, but ansh has positive as well as negative powers (now he will fight within more)
6. One thing is confusing me is that if dayan tree? is helpful for both dayan? and sarpika?, why can’t tree? be netural as this tree always work more for dayan ?as compared to sarpika?: I mean to say tree? should be netrual but tree help evil more and help less for good (why is it so????)???
7. Now Ansh will behave like Naag? Naagin? (who need to leave their skin on full moon? light)
8. Ita wrong precap: Ansh body leave skin just like snake…
9. I think if show doesn’t got extension it would have been last episode today as both Dayans are dead today, it means show will new dayan, but I hope show stays like this, it should be good more
precap is good I think because previously when ansh needs to search piya a butterfly used to help him showing piya’s sign and now as ansh power and piya’s power came together butterfly is coming with ansh might be and since piya doesn’t know about her and ansh connection with butterfly she might be shocked..but it’s good one might be
Love the serial a lot specially the way Pia’s Devick power came back… Ansh mind-blowing again make Mohona a stone… Let’s see tomorrow.. excited for next epi everyday… Now new twist and turns in Piansh live??????
Thanks for the update Atiba.
As much as, i am happy with pia becoming daivik again, i can’t say the same with ansh having sarp-vansh powers. This show is unique for 3 D’s concept, why make it into naagin 3.5 version?
I suggest, cv’s to completely eradicate sarpika concept entirely. It’s a pointless add-on’s to the story.