Fan Fiction

Finding the seeds to grow the happy family tree — sanjay shivay singh oberoi

name: sanjay shivay singh oberoi

nicknames: mummy ki billa, mini cupid, sanju, prince and sp

age: 9

description: youngest child of shivika. he is not handicapped note. he is completely like anika: loving, bubbly, talks non stop, always has an instant witty reply to everything, can have a thousands expression on his face at once, always makes everyone laugh and has his unique dictionary. also has a habit to throw water at people when mad. calls anika, anika didi despite the fact she is his mother and shivay sso. he has many cat fights with shivay. he is a fire cracker since birth. like dadi, hooks up people hence mini cupid.

dadi’s favourite because he is just like anika. he spends a lot of time with her.

loves football a lot. he plays everyday with his sisters and brother. he watches every match with naksh and rudy. big fan of the Spanish team and a great fan of Ronaldo hence his room has Ronaldo pictures on it. every Friday he attends football club where he has a blast. one day he wishes to be a footballer and attend the world cups and meet Ronaldo.

anika pampers him a lot and he loves to annoy shivay a lot by copying him like doing his hair flick when he does it.


hi I am lavanya from wattpad (magicglow11111).

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