Categories: Neerja

Neerja 11th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Neerja tells Bijoy about Bappan

Neerja 11th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Police walk to Munmun and point gun at her and Kaushik gets arrested. Munmun says its all Bappan’s fault I didn’t do anything and Kaushik got Bappan. Bappa wakes up Munmun and asks who is Bappan. Munmun realises she is dreaming and leaves. Bappa decides to find out who is Bappan.

Sarthak welcomes Abir to the office, Abir happy to return to the office. Everyone happily welcome office.
Didun reaches Bijoy’s office. Chotu asks Didun to be careful and not create a rukuss.

Bijoy says to Kaushik, look everyone is so happy to see Abir. Kaushik says all I see is everyone wasting their time and our money. Kaushik leaves. Bijoy asks Sarthak to take Abir to conferrence room.
Didun enters the office, receptionist asks who is she here for. Didun says she is here to meet Bijoy.


asks Abir how does he feel coming back. Abir says very nice. The receptionist tells Abir, Didun is here to meet Bijoy but he is busy and she insists on meeting him. Abir says I will handle it. Bijoy sees Abir going to meet Didun, he takes him to the conference room avoiding Didun. Bijoy gives Sarthak project files and leaves the room, thinking I have to deal with this Didun quickly before she messes everything.

Bijoy asks Didun to come to his cabin. Bijoy says to Didun how dare she come to his office. Didun says I see things changing between us, you aren’t receiving calls and after the fire incident your tone has changed and so let me take my girl away if your work is done. Bijoy says to Didun, you are providing your girl and I am paying you, so stay away from me and my family. Didun says we are in a deal and you put my girl’s life in danger. Bijoy signs a cheque for Didun and says I need Neerja and you need money, so stop this drama and leave. Didun thinks Bijoy has his attitude changed and I have to find out why and leaves.

Protima says to Shyamli, what should I do to keep Didun away from my daughter. Shyamli says to Protima that Didun threatens that she will tell Neerja the truth and so it’s better protima tells herself. Protima says Neerja will hate me if she finds the truth, Protima tells Shyamli how Neerja denied money from Neerja and she is so proud and all this is because I kept her away from the darkness of Sonagachi.

Abir walks to Neerja and asks how is feeling. Neerja says better. Abir says you can watch TV or read books. Neerja says even I like to read books. Abir says please feel free and get yourself a book, whichever you like. Abir says I have one question, why did I give you Trisha’s stuff. Neerja says I was your nurse and you gave it to me to take care of her belongings, trust me I am nto a thief. Abir says please don’t, I apologise on her behalf and all our staff here is like family to us like Laltu Da, he is our family and we trust him and you have done so much for us, please let me know if you need any financial help. Neerja feels bad when Abir compares her to Laltu. Abir says its my responsibility to take proper care. Sarthak knocks the door and says to Abir, he needs to talk. Abir leaves.
Sarthak says to Abir, he shouldn’t have spoken to Neerja about financial help, she wasn’t here for money. Abir says I understand your point but she was appointed as my nurse, so why can’t I help her financially.

Neerja feels bad. Sarthak walks to Neerja and offers his hanky. Sarthak says to Neerja, please don’t feel bad about Dada’s words, he is told all these things, he is helpless. Neerja says I am helpless because Abir can’t be mine, he doesn’t remember me but it hurts seeing he wants to pay me. Neerja says I am not here for money, I just want respect nothing else, I want to leave this house respectfully.

Munmun sees Neerja busy with newspapers and asks what are you doing with them. Munmun looks around and says you are so comfortable here and did you light the fire purposely. Neerja says enough, you keep blaming me. Munmun says I know you have done this purposely. Neerja remembers Bappan telling he was paid to kill her and decides to inform Bijoy about it.

Neerja informs Abir about the incident. Bijoy scolds her why didn’t she inform him earlier? Kaushik walks to them and says she is lying. Bijoy asks Neerja has she seen his face and can she recognise him. Neerja says his name is Bappan. Bijoy remembers Bappan.

Pre cap:
Munmun insults Neerja and makes her leave the house. Kaushik informs bappan and asks him to kill Neerja.
Bappan chases Neerja.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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