Fan Fiction

A new bonding (swasan) – episode 10(mistake..huge mistake)

hi frnds…hope u all fine,,,thank u so much reading the story..

special thnx to sus,anu,anniya,stg,simi,kumu,mannu,anuann,ashaanya,vyshu10
i just posted all the chapters of my ff in wattpad…pls frnds read the chaps..nd give me comments thr,,i just started,,pls support,,

my id is varshaswara…
@thank u anniya for asking abt wattpad account,,,,

@ashaanya…as ur suggestion ,,in this episode truth abt sahil will reveal to sanky…
previous episode:episode-9

bck to story…

@pune saturday night…

ranveer walks to a room..nd thr was swara sitting in bed packing things..

ranveer:did u finished packing ur useless things??

swara:shut up… these are not useless things…these r my..

(before she could complete ranveer stops her..)

ranveer:..okok…i dont want to hear ur talks once more..

his sound was in a bit irritated mode..but whn he finds her eyes looking down at the things which r yet to packed..he sighed nd moved towards her,nd help her to finish her packing..nd arranged those photos frames safely in her bag,,where tears makes way through her cheek,,,ranveer didnt failed to notice it,,he slowly placed all the bags in side by table nd took the box kept upon the table..nd took some pills in his hand,,nd walked towards her..he showed pills to her nd she without any word took it in her hand…he handover a glass of water…

ranveer:tomorrow is a big day for sleep now..need rest na teddy,,

his sound was low with full of love and concern,,,,swara noded as a obedient kid nd ranveer cares her hair,,,swara took the pills nd ranveer sit beside her nd make her lay in his lap,,,nd soon everything bcm blackned before her nd she was thr sleeping forgeting everything…just thn varun came to the room along with sandra,,,varun saw swara sleeping in ranveers lap nd he came nd sat in his knees nd cares her face nd looks towards ranveer,,,whr ranveer nodes his head,,,

both ranveer nd varun was in tears nd sandra sense the situation.
sandra:flight is at 9 pm,,,so we need to leave now to airport,,

varun(to ranveer):did u booked tickets for those bodyguards too??didnt u knew teddy dont like thm??

ranveer:i knew,,she wont came to knew abt thm,,i will take care of it…u guys knew na,,,our fans r more crazy for her,,,and thr we need some protection,,i need her safety,,,,

varun:i knew bhai…whn we are with her nothing will happen to her,,,so come we will leave to airport now,,

ranveer:u took these luggage to car…i will come with her,,sandra took her ticket nd keep all those things with u..

sandra and varun nods thr head nd start thr own works,,,nd after sometimes ranveer came to swara’s room after getting ready whr swara was in deep sleep..ranveer came towards her nd lift her in bridal style nd moves towards the car…driver opens the door nd varun who was waiting for thm came nd help ranveer… ranveer placed her safely in back seat nd he too sit beside her nd make her sleep in his lap nd varun takes her legs nd put on swara is laying in back seat in ranveers lap like small baby…varun closed the door nd sits in driver seat nd sandra beside him..varun asked the driver to come in the other car..which is acompaining thm with luggages nd after thr flight he can drove the car bck…

in airport they was welcomed by the bodygaurds nd thy alredy finished all the security prblms nd all thy were lead to fight directly where swara is still sleeping in ranveers embrace,,,nd thy start thr journey to kolkata….

@same day evng at pune…

sanskar is walking through the park,,,he came thr for a evng walk or can say a brk frm all those office tensions,,,he was walking with a absent mind….sanskar was feeling tht some thing is going to happen,,,its wht he not wants to happen…he is restless…his mind is full of questions,,nd confusion,,,,..suddenly he hrd someone yelling at him,,,,”sanky.”…he looks towards the person who was shouting his name in disbelief,,sanskar was wondering who is hr tht knew him by personal…bcz others wont use “sanky”..he was shocked to see the person infornt of him…

“akkii….!””,,,thr stand akki who is also in same position ,,,not ready to accept wht he saw…

akki:…sanskar..u here???where were you?.god,,,ii cant belive,,,

he was left inomplete in his state of mind ,,he was finding difficult to register the truth,,

sanskar was in another state,,,those bad meemories are agn coming to his mind,,agn making him fall to the pit of guilt,,the stupid decision he ever makes came to his mind like a nightmare,,which he wish to chnage by going bck to past…but its all just a wish,,not going to happen which is killing him inside,,,he came out of his thoughts whn he found akki shooking him..

akki:sanskar…whr r u lost..??

sanskar:ha…yeah akki…after a long time meeting u…

akki:wht a situation we met yaar..i was having a meeting in next 10 min..nd i came to get some fresh air nd leaving to attend tht meeting,,,

sanskar:(not in his mind)ok..

akki:areyy..wht ok?..r u in sense?,,,r u living in kolkata??

sanskar:yes akki…i start my next branch here before few days,,for next few months i will be here,,,wht abt u ?

akki:im settled here…so u both r here..u knew how much i searched for u both,,,

sanskar was confused..””both??””he was thinking..thn he strike with the friendship of akki with laksh..”oh..he might be talking abt lucky,,”

sanskar:we shifted to delhi…

akki:oh…i thought tht u r angry with me,,afterall i do a lot to u both n..

sanskar:dont think like tht,,u didnt do anything,,

(sanskar still is confused abt his talk..he is answering with full confusion..)

akki:thank u yaar,,u make me free frm my guilt,,,i know i did mistake,,later i understood tht,,sorry yaar,,nd i want to ask sorry frm swara too,,so how is she??i need to meet her soon..she too fine na..i knew with u she will be happy always,,,

sanskar was take bck by his words,,”swara??,,why he asking me abt her,,,she is married to sahil,,thn how will i knew abt her,,,i didnt saw her after tht day,,dont want to meet her agn too,,but wht he is saying…his mind was hell confused,,,but he was out of words…

sanskar:swara?(only tht much came out)

akki:i did a lot with her..u knew how much she outburst whn i proposed her…tht time i understood her depth of love,,u r so lucky to get her yaar..she broke our frndship,but i deserve tht,,is she still angry with me?

sanskar was abt to say something,,,tht time akki checked the time..

akki:oh god,,,im late..sorry yaar…hr is my number,,u give a call. ,,,i need to meet her too,,so take care will meet u soon..

he give him a card,,nd was abt to leave …making sanskar shocked nd rooted to whr he is standing,,,

sanskar:akki..wht abt sahil??

he asked as he hoped tht..wht all he hrd is a misunderstanding..his swara will be with sahil happily,,

akki:ohh ,,,sahil,,,,when swara left he married kavitha..his another business partner …nd swara’s family too now settled in abroad after tht na…ok bye…

he walked out of park..where sanskar was feeling like someone is stabbing his heart a million of times…his body was troubling with wht he hrd,,,his swara didnt married sahil…nd she is not with her family..not with him…thn where she is…wht will be her situation…wht fault she did for this???,,,only thing she did was tht,,she loved him ..beyound everything…nd wht akki told..he proposed her,,he tried to stop sanskar frm loving her,,,nd he himself proposed,,,he remeemberd akki’s words which changed his mind..nd make him take tht decision to leave her..

now the reality is hitting would have been akki’s plan to make him seperate frm swara..nd he bcm successful in it,,,sanskar took out his phone nd dialed akkis number,,

akki:hello,,whose this??

sanskar:tht day wht all u told to me was ur plan to get us seperated?is it so?

akki:sanskar..wht happen…atleast say a hello yaar..

sanskar:i asked u smthng

akki:sanskar ,,im on the way to office ..can we talk later i want ans

akki:wht u r talking yaar..didnt she told u everything,,,i was too much greedy for her money,,so i decide to make her fall for me,,,but before tht u told me abt ur both relation…i need to brk tht,,so i told all to divert u..nd i talk to sujatha aunty too..tht all was planned..but whn u dissappered i proposed swara..i thought u had left after listning to me nd swara will hate u bcz u cheated her..for my susprise she reject me nd evn slapped me for talking bad abt u…in tht anger i informed her mother abt ur both relation…so she make arrangment of swara’s marriage with sahil in very next day…in tht night she came with u na…after tht we all didnt saw her…not u too…whn she left with u i understood the love she had for u…i regreat a lot..sorry san…..

phone was cutted…

sanskar was in his knees,,phone in pieces on ground…how stupid he was to belive all those talks,,,nd left swara thr,,atleast he would have talk to her once abt it…he cant hold it more,,,his head was paining….wht a mistake he have done,,,he need to run frm all these,,,want to free frm this guilt…wht he had done to a pure soul..he sit on the ground ..keeping his head iin his knees…he dont know how much time he sat thr like tht,,,he dont know howmany ppl give him taunts nd weired looks of his actions…he was literally called as mad…

he reached his home,,,with a pale face ,,,tears r evident in his face,,,


precap:swasan meeting
frnds read my story in wattpad nd support me thr id is varshaswara
so how’s it frnds…..pls say….i want to contiue it///but need ur support….

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