hi frnds im back with another chapter,,hope u will enjoy,,
thanks for ur support…
special thnx to sus,simi,kumu,soujanyaanu stg,a,sri,kat,arshaanya….
sus-u r right dear..being rich we cant understand thr situation…
arshaanya:i wont ler her forgave her easily,,
last part: https://www.tellyupdates.com/new-bonding-swasan-episode-7-good-bye
his pov…
i open my eyes,,one more day passed,,,,one more day without my soul…yet alone in this room,,your smile is haunting me,,,,i took my phone watching her cute smile in the pic,,i want to see u first once i wake up dear,,i succesfully lived one more day without u shona,,,but this tears,,it wont leave me ever…are u too crying for me??…i knew im mad to ask tht..,,,i knew u r happy in ur life,,my mrs swara sahil gupta….but its pain me dear..i regreat tht decision i took,,i know im selfish to think tht,,,but somewhr i was totally wrong,,,
i know u would have searched for me in every
possible way..but mom make sure tht u wont get any clue of us..we shifted to delhi,,but nothing was same like before,,the day whn i lost u..tht day i loose my dad nd brother,,,,evn we livetogether thy both bcm strangers for me and mom ,evnthough swara didnt meet thm but she made her own space in thr life,,,thr ignorance make me and mom to feel guilty on our deciosn..
after tht too i had done somany mistake in my career by bcming careles…mom scold me for tht,,,but which hurt me a lot was my dad’s silence,,,once he used to taunt me a lot on my every actions…but now??he didnt have any right on me??nd my lucky,,,never bcm like before,,, tht naughty boy was gone far away frm us,,,he bcm serious abt his studies or can say found reason to avoid us,,nd now got a job at pune,,dad nd he is always together,,,,whn me nd mom discuss abt something,,thy both will go out or will go to thr own world whr we r not allowed,,,thy r punishing us??
i deserve this tears na swara..my child??i read somehwr tht”nobody deserves ur tear,nd those who deserve wont let u cry..””sorry swara…i know i make u cry..nd im getting the punishment for tht,,r u happy swara in ur married life??it will give me relief..tht i didnt do any sin na…whn i was struggling in my job i came to knew abt ur marriage,,,tht was abt 4 months after our seperation,,,i was going through business magazine,,nd the caption make me shocked,,”business tycoon sahil got married.”..i rememberd u said tht u asked to postponed marriage after 4 months,,as u need to cm with me..ofcourse by tht time u would have finished ur degree…nd now will ready for marriage,,,so finally u get married,i read the rest of news..”sahil gupta,the famous business tycoon got married to the daughter of famous business man……”i didint complete..i dont want to,,,i close tht magazine,,,after tht day i worked hard for reaching in this position,,,
now i have everything u need dear,,,but i dont have u with me,,,i cangive u wht u ask for,,but u r not thr to ask…wht a fate na doll??i miss u babydoll..miss u sooo much,,,this tears wont stop ,i knew tht,,the deep pain i feeling wont change,,,,this wound i myself made,,i have everything,,im the famous buisness tycoon of india,,nd starting to make it out of india too,,i will be sucessful in few months in it,,,everyone says its miracle,,in such a short period of time nd in this age it will be somthing impossible..i turned to possible…i want my parents to be proud of me..but instead thy r living in guilt…i want to stand with pride by holding my shona’s hand,,,im a looser who won everything but failed before life..my life,,my swara…i always knew looking bck on my tears would bring me laughter,but never knew looking bck on my laughter would make me cry.
now i hate myself..wht a joke..the grt sanskar maheswary,,the one of the most famous person in india is hating himself…”whn you r gulty,its not your sins,you hate u rself”
“i feel so ashamed that i showed my worst side to the best thing tht has ever happened to me im sorry…”
san pov over
sujatha’s pov…
i will be the person who need to blame abt the situation of my family..i regreat whn i took decison after listening to akshay,,if i can go bck to those days,,i would have erased those days frm our life,.,,after we left her ,,we lived a new life as i thought,,but new life was not wht i expected,,,i regret those times whn i’ve chosen the dark side.i’ve wasted enough time not being happy..evn being hurt..today too im standing infront of my son’s room nd watching him weeping looking at his phone,,this is now daily routine,,i saw him smiling after tht day too,,but those smiles never reach his eyes,,its incomplete..my husbamd my lucky all r punishing me,,i dont know who will help us to chage this situation,,,i cant see my son in this state,,,i too miss my daughter,,but,,,forgive this mother my child,,only this i can ask…i wipe my tears,,,nd left to hall…
sujatha pov ends…
its big mansion,,,now sanskar maheswary is living here with his family,,,lucky is working in pune,,he too have his mansion in pune..nd lucky nd ram used to live thr mostly..nd some days with thm too,,today everyone was thr at mansion,,,all r sitting at dinning table for breakfast,,sanskar came thr with his fake smile,,,he silently took the seat nd have thr breakfast,,this silence is normal between thm now..
ram:sanskar i need to talk to u
sanskar was shocked,,evn sujatha,,,whr lucky was sitting with a unintrested look..after a long brk ram is talking to him ,,sanskar was happy…
sanskar:yeah dad..say please(he is smiling)
ram:u told tht u r starting business in kolkata?
sanskar feel so happy tht he is asking him abt his work tht too normally,,,thr life will chnage??
sanskar:yes dad,,verysoon
ram:so u must need to stay thr for a while isnt?
sanskar nodded like a kid,,he is happy..
ram:lucky too is getting some chnaces in kolkata,,,so he too need to stay thr,,,wht saying abt buying a mansion thr??
sanskar(in mind):so it was for lucky,,,no he thought abt me too..i knew how much u avoid me sill u will think abt me..
sanskar:yes dad,,i will do the arrangment
ram:the matterr is..me nd lucky bought a mansion thr in last month,,,so if u wish u can cm nd stay thr…
sujatha:u both together bought a mansion nd didnt infromed us,,
sanskar looked at thm blankly..how much thy both chnaged,,
ram:its working is going on..within 2 days will finish,,we will shift to thr by next week.
he is avoding every questions,,,
sanskar:(mind)u cant hate me,,,thts why u r asking me t stay with u..i knew dad,,i miss u too..
sanskar wiped the tears which was abt to rush out through he cheeks,,,
“teddy….hr is the documents,,,we r going to kolkata…”a boy came towards a room with some documents,,nd a wide smile in his lips,,,,
a girl is seemed to laying at the lap of another boy..she sit straight nd look at the first boy,,,he gave her the documents…
“so we r flying to kolkata isnt??teddy?””the second boy asked by taking her in his embrace…
she pull the other boy to the bed nd trio share a group hug
“yesss…bears”…the girl said..two boys looked at the girl,,,thn start to tickle her,,,she was laughing madly nd was hitting thm both,,,,
frnds wht abt this part???is it boring…guess the last part…
emotional but nyc one
but what i can do dear now emotional chapters don’t make me feel emotional
Super amazing
pls post next part soooon ..
Awesome one … Waiting for next one
Its so emotional…
I love ram n lucky…
Sujatha dsrve dis treatment…
Last scene ? who r dey ??
Post nxt part ASAP
loved it
Emotional chapter…
I don’t think swara got married…
emotional…sujju n sanskar r stupid…huhh. The last scene is swara??