Fan Fiction


Hey guys …thanks for the support u all r giving me ……and about the pairs ….it can be swasan or swasam … ragini is not still introduced here ….but not swalak …..OK …no swlak ….but can be raglak or ragsan …
So plz support the story than the pairs …..
So here is the story ,

Swara ,tanu and riya were sitting ….
Tanu : oh oh …so u helped ur lover huh !
Swara : shut up tanu ….
Tanu : OK OK …
Riya : guys …plz keep ur fight aside ….I am starving ….
Swara : OK wait …I will go and order ….
Tanu : OK ….
Swara leaves to counter .
Swara : three chicken sandwich and three Pepsi …
Waiter : 350
Swara : here ….
Waiter : plz wait …
Swara : OK ….

Swara was seeing something on phone ……
Suddenly sanskar and others enter .
Tanu : hey boys ..come sit …
Sanskar : we can but madam won’t like ….
Riya : who
Kabir : array those two love birds fought so ….
Riya : really ..Swara doesn’t say anything …..
Rohan : OK leave all that …where is Swara ….
Tanu : there (pointing Swara)
Sanskar smiles at her …….

At that time …..
A cool , dashing , handsome , hot boy goes near her …..
Boy : hey princess …may I know ur name …
Swara looks at him …
Swara : Swara kapoor ….
Boy : wow nice name ….
Swara : urs …
Boy : summer shergil ….u can call me Sammy ..
Swara smiles ….
Swara shakes hand with him (sanskar fumes in jealousy )
Swara : nice to meet u Sammy ….wait a sec …u said shergil right ….
Sammy : don’t be surprised ….I am the chairman son …
Swara : oh ya ….
Sammy : OK meet u later …bye …
Swara : bye …
Sammy waves bye and leaves …

Sanskar (rude) : what was the need to talk ….to him …
Swara (rude) : oh hello …..who the hell r u to say whom to talk and whom to not …
Sanskar : because I am ur boyfri……..(he stops)
Swara : for ur kind info ……we broke and now I am single ….so I don’t have any problem …
Sanskar was taken back ….
Sanskar : Swara ….u can’t just ….
Swara : u were the one who dumped me right ….then y do u care !
Sanskar : Swara ….
Swara : what Swara …..go find someone …who don’t put rules …..go to her and enjoy ….
Sanskar : Swara ….I am sorry yaar …..I shouldn’t have ….
Swara : no use ….I don’t need ur sorry …and moreover already I have changed my status to single ….so plz ….if u will excuse ..
Sanskar : Swara …u r showing attitude to me …
Swara : oh hello …when u can show urs to me …to Swara kapoor then y can’t I … plz stop ur nonsense ….
Sanskar gets angry …and leaves …
Swara has tears ….she wipes it …
Tanu and Riya consoles her ..

@class …
Swara was sitting on her bench and reading book ..
Sanskar was about to sit …next to her ….before that sammy comes and sits …
Sammy ; hey Swara …
Swara : hi Sammy ….
Sammy : won’t u mind sharing ur book
Swara : sure ….
They both share the book and read
Sanskar gets angry
He was about to say something but stops ……

At that time professor comes and sanskar sits beside Swara …..
No one dared to sit with sanskar he was alone in that bench …

Professor : students we have a new students …..let’s welcome …ragini shergil and summer shergil …..our chairman son and daughter …
Sammy stands up …
At the door step ..
A girl very stylish wearing red shirt with half black jeans …..making her hair curly …..and mild make up entered ….
All the boys went flat …….
Sanskar was just simply seeing her ….
Ragini : good afternoon …everyone ….
All the boys wishes her …..Sammy smiles …(they r twins)
Professor : plz take a seat ragini …
Ragini : yes sir …

She sees and sits next to sanskar …..
Everyone were shocked ….as no one except Swara can sit next to him ….
But to their surprise …he didn’t say anything …
Professor : I have to correct the note ….so sit quiet and do something …

Swara : Sammy …u didn’t say about ragini to me …
Sammy : actually she is my twin sister but I am two minutes elder than her …
Swara : oh …
Sammy : she is full dilemma type …
Swara : I can see ….
Sammy : but infront of u no one can stand …
Swara smiles ….
Sammy smiles …..

Sanskar hears this …
Ragini : hey handsome …
Sanskar : hey sweet …
Ragini : r u sanskar ….sanskar maheshwari …the collage popular student …
Sanskar : yes ….
Ragini : I came to know …..that u dumped ur girlfriend ..r u single now …
Sanskar sees Swara …
Sanskar : hmm ….ya single ….
Ragini : then its perfect …..y don’t we start a relationship ……
Sanskar was surprised ….
Swara who was hearing this was taken back ……
Sanskar : sure y not sweet ……u r more beautiful …….then my ex ….
Swara gets angry …and jealous so ..,

Swara : sir ..
Professor : yes Swara ..
Swara : sir can we and sammy go rp library …as we couldn’t concentrate because of some brats (thinking sanskar)
Professor : sure Swara …u can go
Swara : thank u sir …Sammy come …
Sammy smiles : OK …

Swasam leaves …….
Sanskar was fuming with jealousy and the whole class was shocked ……

Precap : Swara feels for Laksh …….Laksh tries to make Swara fall ………swasam new best friends

Guys ..about Swara feeling for Laksh ….is not an love interest but some other ….u will know in the next chapter …
After that Laksh will be seen in a new avatar ….but u will see ragsan and swasam couple …in upcoming episodes


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