Categories: Nimki Mukhiya

Nimki Mukhiya 10th July 2018 Written Episode Update: Nimki sees a rape

Nimki Mukhiya 10th July 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Sweety says to Ritu that I went there for Nimki. He says for Nimki or Abhi? She glares at him. He says I was joking, I will hang your painting. Sweety takes her painting and rips it in two. She leaves from there.

Tunee and Nimki are in car, he says Tettar is nice but people plot against him. Nimki says but we had good function. Tunee sees one man running behind a girl. Nimki says they are romancing, they are playing catch-catch. I wanted that too. Tunee says you could have asked me. Its Chirag running behind Richa. He catches her with his goons and says today I will not spare you, he tries to rape her but Richa sees a car going. She screams for help. Nimki hears her voice and stops car. She asks if everything is fine. She asks Tunee to take car back. Tunee says they are romancing.

Nimki says I am head too, its my duty, take car back.

In house, Tettar says to Mai that we solved all troubles in function, Nimki handled it. Mai says read headlines of news, Sweety reads that Nimki saved villagers from bees. Mai says Nimki was praised. Tettar sees Nimki’s photo and gets angry. Mai says that Nimki will keep getting praises. Mai says I will apply blam on bees bite. Babbu says Ritu ranaway from there alone and didnt even stop for Sweety, he was saved from bees. Diamond says Abhi saved Sweety, all look on.

Chirag grabs Richa in jungle and says I will take revenge now. He grabs her to rape her. Nimki and Tunee comes in jungle and asks if there is anyone? Chirag hides. Richa runs from there. Nimki sees someone hiding in bushes. She goes with Tunee. They come near the bush and sees girl’s dupatta. Nimki looks around and says where did they go?
Richa is running from Chirag, he is running behind her in jungle. Tunee and Nimki are finding them too. Chirag grabs Richa and hides. Nimki shouts if there is anyone here? Tunee says if someone is forcing a girl then head Nimki is here. Nimki says I am here. Chirag puts hand on Richa’s mouth so she cant shout. Nimki and Tunee turns to leave but Richa is able to scream. Nimki says they might on other side. Tunee and Nimki leaves from there. Nimki and Tunee leaves from there. Chirag forces himself on Richa and rapes her. Tunee is trying to drive but car gets stuck in mud. Tunee turns car towards jungle. They see Chirag raping Richa. He starts leaving from there. Nimki and Tunee sees himg going. They run behind him but he is gone. Tunee runs behind him while Nimki sees Richa lying in mud, raped and broken. She is shocked.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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