Categories: Nimki Mukhiya

Nimki Mukhiya 19th February 2018 Written Episode Update: Abhi and Babbu have argument

Nimki Mukhiya 19th February 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mai and others come home. Tettar asks Mai when she will stop her drama? Servant brings letter for Nimki. Ritu reads it and says its head training letter from government for Nimki. Tettar calls Babbu and says head training is starting, you have to go there, Nimki is just pawn, our Babbu will be head. Tettar says to Mai that you can try to sabotage it but Babbu will be head.

Ram says to family that Babbu’s family clearly said they wont send Babbu, Mai totally denied it, Nimki asks what Tettar said? Ram says he asked to send you. Mauha says people are talking that you were thrown out of palace. Nimkii says why they are asking when I will go back? Bua says you cant stay here for long time, Nimki asks Ram why he had to go there? Tunee comes there and says Nimki there is a new

movie of Salman Khan, lets go to watch. Nimki doesnt answer, he asks if everything is fine? Mauha says Babbu is coming to pick her, Ram asks Tunee to leave. Nimki says I will go to watch movie with Tunee, Tunee goes to bring tickets. Nimki says I should call him to buy premium seats, she leaves.

People from villages are at BDO office for head training. Manager is handling them. Babbu comes there with Dayya. Manager says I was thinking when Nimki will come. Dayya says Babbu have come at her place, manager takes his sign. Abhi comes there and says Babbu have come too for Nimki? where is Nimki. Babbu goes to workshop. Abhi says you are going to support Nimki? Babbu says I have come in her place. Abhi says you cant go in workshop, this is training for head. Manager says let him go, ladies dont come here, Abhi says it wont happen here now with me here. Babbu says you think they all won head position? there are here in place of their wives and mothers, people agree with Babbu. Manager says ladies dont take this training. Abhi asks everyone who came in place of someone else cant go inside workshop. He glares at Babbu.

Bua says to Ram that Nimki’s husband is coming. Dumri says she is not even worried. Nimki says where is Tunee? I have to go and watch movie. Mauha asks her to worry about her husband. Nimki says I dont want to think about it. Ram says this is not a play, relation. Nimki says husband and wife have good fights. Dumri says Ram you have spoiled your daughter. Ram says maybe I couldnt teach you how to be a good wife and daughter in law. Mauha says this is not a joke.

Scene 2
Abhi asks manager to send all fake heads from training. Babbu says I am not like my father, I cant shoot you in blink. Abhi asks Dayya to take Babbu from here and tell Tettar to send Nimki tomorrow, if you people have done all this game to get head position then I wont spare you people. Babbu glares at him. Dayya asks him to leave him, this is government office. Abhi says if you do anything here then it wont be good for you, leave and send Nimki tomorrow. Babbu says I wont let it happen, Abhi says then I wont let this happen, Babbu leaves.

Nimki says to Ram that if I am burden on you then I will leave, wives have no value, this house is not mine anymore. Ram says I didnt mean that, Nimki says I am not your daughter anymore, Mauha help me pack things.. leave it I will do that too but I know Babbu will come here for sure, she goes in room.

Babbu comes home. Tettar says how dare Abhi send you back? Mai says you said it was all easy and drama. Babbu says I wanted to kill that Abhi. Dublo says Abhi will make sure to call Nimki there. Tettar asks him to shut up. Mai says we did all this drama so Babbu can become head but Abhi destroyed all that.

PRECAP- Nimki says to Ram and family that I am leaving. She turns to leave but someone(Babbu) enters there, she slips and falls in his arms.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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