Categories: Nimki Mukhiya

Nimki Mukhiya 19th July 2018 Written Episode Update: Nimki promises to save Richa

Nimki Mukhiya 19th July 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Tettar says to Nimki that I will get Richa married to Chirag at any cost. Nimki says I accept your challenge, I will make Chirag get the punishment and get justice for Richa, mark my words. She puts on her glasses and says this is called style. Babbu and Mai glares at her, Nimki leaves from there.

Nahar’s man says Kundan’s son is getting married, how to stop it? Nahar says Nimki will stop his marriage, put our men near Kundan’s house, if Chirag tries to runaway then grab him and give him to Nimki, then Tettar will try to marry him to Soraj’s daughter but he will be cursed in people, dont let Chirag leave this village, man nods and leaves. Nahar says Kundan will be punished for shaking hands with Tettar.

Nimki is sleeping but dreams about her mother’s

suicide. She wakes up and gets a call. Its Mauha, Mauha says why your voice is shaky? are you fine? Nimki says when Mai died, why didnt I cry? her deadbody was infront of me, everyone was crying, you, baba but why didnt I? dont I have emotions? atleast I should cry for others. Muaha says I know you are worried for Richa, Nimki says she should get justice, I couldnt save my Mai but I will save Richa, I wont let her do suicide. Mauha says I trust you will bring her justice. Nimki ends call and tries to control her emotions, she puts on her glasses and says whole world can go against me but I will get Chirag punished at any cost.

Sweety looks at her doll and recalls her moments with Elena, she smiles. She is about to call Abhi but says this is wrong. She gets Elena’s call and says you were calling? Sweety says I called mistakenly. Elena says why didnt you come to meet me? will you teach me painting? Sweety says yes I will make you learn. Ritu comes there. Sweety says I will come to meet you, she ends call. Ritu asks if she was talking to Elena? Sweety doesnt answer. Ritu says did she call? where is your heart these days? Sweety ignores him. He asks if she was talking to Elena? she nods, he says why you have started showing emotions towards her? Sweety says she is a nice girl, she craves motherly love. Ritu says thats why you are playing mother with her? emotions are not good, it can make you lose balance. Sweety says I know that well, I lost balance years back. Ritu says why have you changed? I diudnt change at all. Sweety says thats a problem, you didnt try to change, even a tree grows with time. Ritu says I still have time, I will change but Abhi doesnt need anything to grow. Sweety says you dont understand the respect and honor I have for Elena and Abhi. Ritu glares at her.

Scene 2
Ritu says to Tettar that Nimki is showing attitude. Babbu says you people gave her freedom to do this. Tettar says its not good that she is showing her colors. Ritu says she will finish Tettar’s value like this. Tettar says if I support Nimki then I will lose elections, people will go against me. Ritu says sit with Nimki, talk to her and calm her down, I will call her here. He asks servant to call Nimki and tell her Tettar is calling. Servant checks and says Nimki is not in room, Tettar and Babbu gets tensed.

Door bell rings, Nimki and Tunee breaks in Soraj’s house and asks where is Richa? Soraj asks her to get lost. Tunee says dont talk to her like that. Nimki says I want to know if Richa is fine. Mother says she is fine. Tunee says we want to talk to her. Nimki calls out for Richa. Soraj is about to attack Nimki but Tunee stands infront of her and says dont even take a step towards Nimki, I will become a villain. Soraj asks them to get lost. Nimki shouts for Richa… Richa screams from a locked that Mukhiya Nimki.. Nimki looks on.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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