Categories: Nimki Mukhiya

Nimki Mukhiya 9th December 2017 Written Episode Update: Abhi heartbroken

Nimki Mukhiya 9th December 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ram says I have fixed wedding of Babbu with Nimki. Everyone is dazed. HE says your mukhiya will be our daughter in law. Chachi says to Ram is this true? Why didn’t you tell us all? Tettar says to ram we will come back with a date and time. Everyone is in a shock. Nehar throttles Ram. He says how dare you do this. Abhi stops his hand. He says don’t touch him. Go from here. Nehar leaves. Tunee is in tears. Elena says but papa.. Ram says Nimki said yes before I could tell you. Abhi says for now we should go. He leaves. tune is crying.

Nimki comes to Tunee and says I am so happy today. I have said yes to Babbu’s proposal. She hugs him.

Mai says to Babbu Tettar took my bangles to give to that Nimki. Babbu says this is too much now. Dablo says to dadi please

do something.. Dadi says he is doing this for power. Tettar comes in and says I have decided. Sweeti says where are mai’s bangles. Ritu says that was given to Nimki. Everyone is shocked. Ritu says she is our daughter in law now. Tettar says bring sweets. Everyone looks at him angrily. Babbu says this is too much. That was my mom;s. Tettar says that was given by mom to her and now to the new daughter in law. Babbu says enough, I will shoot oyou. He points gun at him. Tettar picks his gun and shoots. It didn’t hit Babbu. Sweet says what are you both doing. She takes Tettar’s gun. Mai says are you oakyy. She hugs Babbu. Tettar says told you keep your anger inside. Mai says you shot our babbu. Tettar says ask him to stay in his limits. Otherwise this time the shot wont miss. Remember don’t try to be my dad when you are my son. Mai hugs Babbu. Babbu says the proposal is done. And it will only not happen if something happens to me or Babbu.

Scene 2
Abhi is driving his way back home. He is upset. Mai says please drive carefully. I know you are hurt. Abhi says I shouldn’t have been late. Masi says its not late. Go and tell him. Abhi says no Masi its too late. She is very happy. We should care about her happiness. We can’t change whats done. Lets go.

Ritu says to Sweeti we have won even we lost. Sweeti says my father and brother put gun on each other. He really loved Babbu and now she shot him. Ritu says but he pointed the gun first. Sweeti saays this politics has only turned him into a politician. This is all happened because of you. We have lost a father.

Nimki is very happy. She says because of me you will be connected to that haveli too. Don’t think about what people will say. Babbu isn’t bad. Ram says are you happy? Nimki says really happy. Mauha says what kind of girl is she. Nimki says aren’t you all happy? Ram says if you are happy we are happy. She hugs him.

Precap-Nimki calls Babbu. She says its me Nimki.
He is shocked.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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