Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 12th February 2015 Written Episode Update

Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 12th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode begins with, nisha goes to dadi and says dadi it was a very big mistake,plz scold me for my fault, im ready to accept any kind of punishment,dadi says nisha who are we to punish u, when u urself have punished urself with such huge mistake, nisha says dadi I was scared,very sacred,dadi says I know that u were scared, u were scared that when will viraj will know that u and arti are one he will reject u once again and this fright of urs stopped u from telling him the truth but dear this lie of urs will trouble u throughout ur life n I guess this ur punishment and what else should we punish u with and now go get changed,dadi turns and nisha starts crying very badly,hearing nishas voice cousins gather,nisha says kirti always remember do anything u wish but never never lie, bcoz

lying is like sin the biggest sin,dolly says nisha are u alright,nisha says off course I am, what can happen to me and nisha starts crying again,looking at this aman dadi and vimla have tears in their eyes and so does kirti.ramesh is seeing all this and doesn’t like to see his daughter breaking down.
Nisha crying falls on ground and says to herself who told u to lie nisha, ramesh goes to nisha and gives her his hand,nisha looks at him, ramesh says don’t say anything, just hold my hand and lets go,nisha holds rameshs hand and getsup,ramesh takes nisha to her room makes her sit on bed and with a towel wipes her hands and dries her hair, nisha sits still with no movement and just keeps crying,ramesh removes her sandals, wraps towel around her and gives her clothes and asks her to change.nisha goes to change when she leaves ramesh starts crying dadi comes and hugs ramesh and says ramesh don’t,ramesh says what did my daughter do why is that always she is the one in trouble after such long time she was trying to live her life but got betrayed again.

Nisha listens ramesh crying from inside her washroom and says to herself nisha control urself bcoz when u fall week look what happens to ur dad,so for dad control urself.bunty comes and asks dad where is nisha di,ramesh says she is changing wait, nisha comes out,ramesh says nisha call ur mom she is very worried,bunty says im going to talk to nobody,ramesh says bunty come here ur big boy now so look after ur sister and so go get haldi and milk for ur sister and nisha go see if he gets haldi go,nisha smiles and follows bunty.nisha leaves and ramesh starts crying again and says mom im feeling like I have failed,dadi says no crying isn’t a sign of failure but the sign that u have someone who loves u a lot,ramesh says does that mean nisha shd always be in pain,dadi says its just a bad phase which will teach her what are strengths are and don’t worry nisha is a strong girl, ramesh says what about the world didn’t u see what kind of phone calls we are having after that incident, dadi says forget them just remember everything happens for good and we have to fight this bad phase and we will win this phase.
Cousins are together,umesh says don’t call,aman says I think we shd call viraj once bcz its an misunderstanding even umesh gets upset with me and then doesn’t talk to me for 3 long days,see we have to clear misunderstanding between them,kirti says I think aman bhabhi is right,umesh says no after all that happened at the lounge we shdnt contat him let him go to hell,aman says stop umesh viraj bro has helped us a lot, how can u talk abt him like this,umesh says bcoz he broke my sisters heart,aman says yes he did bcoz they are in love and he will heel her heart and for that we need to contact him.
Viraj is at his home thinking about what all happened at the press conference, sham singh gets virajs luggage, viraj says ok then I should leave now, sham singh says do u have to go. Aman offers suku to call viraj but he denies ,kirti says give here I will call, kirti calls viraj the phone rings but umesh snatches the phn from kirti and says I told u no one will call.
Viraj looks at the missed call,sham singh asks viraj are u ok,viraj says I have no choice other than being fine, after sso many years I have the same feeling af the loneliness and looks like I will always be alone,sham singh says don’t lose hope life has its own ups and downs, viraj says hope what hope,when I was kid mom left me, and then it was the gangwal family and now even my faith has left me alone, and yes if nisha calls just cut all calls I don’t want to hear anything from her and about her.the door bell rings,sham singh opens the door, its gayatri at the door,she looks at virajs luggage and says are u going some where viraj,viraj says im going to London and u take care of urself and priyanka,viraj gets a call and says hello thanku for helping lakshya academy even after this huge scandal and ur investment wont get ruined I will monitor all the lakshya academies working and activities from London.viraj picks up his luggage,gayatri says viraj if u wont mind me and priyanka will shift in this penthouse u know so that we can look after the academy more nicely, viraj hands penthouse keys to sham singh its ur house dadaji till im in London take care of it,sham singh hugs viraj and says take care.
Next morning dolly kirti aman and umesh go to nishas room to give her surprise,umesh says guys keep smiling,kirti says this is so fake,umesh says whatever we have to do this ,aman says yes after all we have all her favourite things,umesh says remember even if nisha cries we have to keep smiling,aman opens nishas room door and all shout surprise and get surprised to see nisha burning letters, nisha says good morning cousins,kirti asks what all is this nisha,nisha says does ur life has any meaning no right similarly this doesn’t have any reason come in have a sit,all enter nishas room, nisha says this world is sad and so lets hear my sher but what will happen when a real sher(lion) will come,no one laughs at this joke except nisha, nisha says oh common relax guys nothing has happened see I thought a lot and then I decided what is the use of crying now but there was a good part as well now nisha gangwal is famous personality.
Dolly says that’s true u know nisha ur popular on social networking as well, kirti says even famous then me,nisha says don worry,dolly says thank god nisha u left all the sad things behind and we all pray that u keep smiling always but tell me one thing what is ur next plan,nisha says without planning so many things happened so some kind of foolishness it is to plan things,kirti says oh common nisha on a serious note what is the plan.
Dadaji is searching his spectacles in his room, dadi comes with tea and says here is ur specs its with me, dadi says u left it out near the newspaper,dadaji says oh I forgot it now a days the things are infront of me but I cant see them,dadi says theres nothing like this, ur vision is so clear that u easily find diamonds out of the stone heap, dadaji says ya but for that sake there has to be diamond, dadaji says in that case u will make diamond out of the stone,dadi says I know ur thinking abt nisha and im happy to see the way u handled all this situation, dadaji says its just that,dadi says u stood for her in front of the world and then explained her where she went wrong im proud of u.
Dadaji says ok give me that panditjis number,dadi says which one, the kundali one,dadaji says yes.

Kabir goes to gangwals store and says oh nice here u get food along with jewelry nice.kabir enters the shop and sees some necklaces and says see get me a cup of tea and show me some rigns,virendra comes and says see the tea stall is next to our shop and u already ate or samaosas,kabir says no im buying chain how much it costs,virendra says 12000.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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