Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 14th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode begins with, dadi tells umesh and aman that they have to meet panditji but nisha has to go as well now what to do, dadaji says im allowing nisha bcoz of umesh and aman being along with them,umesh says no dadaji nisha will accompany us.umesh says what this panditji why did he had to meet now,ramesh goes to umesh and says umesh show me the receipt I have a plan.
Dadi tells nisha go where u want to go and hope u will find peace, dadi tells ramesh that only one room is available what will nisha do,ramesh says nisha will stay at my friends place,dadi says who, ramesh says u don’t worry I will manage, nisha says bye guys take care,dolly stops dadi n says that let them go I have to talk to u.
Virendra meets panditji,panditji shows virendra some boys pics, virendra says
good nisha will meet mharajji, panditji says no nisha wont be visiting mharaj ji we could manage only rooms for aman and umesh. Dolly tells dadi that nisha isn’t going with aman and umesh,dadi says what why didn’t u tell me, dolly says we got scared so plz, dadi says u are fools. Virendra calls dolly, and asks her without any nonsense tell the truth,dolly says dad nisha isn’t going to mharaj jis place but is going to the trip on umesh and amans booking al alone, virendra decides to go and stop nisha.
Kabir has his new job at the trip where nisha is going but he is late to reach the stop, on his way he decides to help a women for a lift and sits in her car and requests her to drop him on bus stop, the lady gets angry at kabir and pushes him,kabir falls on virndras car and goes and sits in his car and pretends as if he has gun and says samosa unce without any mess drop me, virendra says plz leave me alone, kabir says leave me to bus stop and I will not harm u,virendra says ok I will u just don’t harm me.
Nisha reaches bus stop along with umesh aman and ramesh,nisha is unaware that she is going on trip and not with aman and umesh, aman acts as if she has forgotten her bag and says nisha u go me n ladoo will come later.on reaching bus stand kabir gets off the car quickly and disappears. Ramesh drops nisha to her bus,nisha asks ramesh where is umesh,ramesh gets umesh call and says uncle we are ok,ramesh says thanku umesh,umesh says uncle plz don’t say thanku just say bye to nisha and take care.nisha asks what is it dad,ramesh gets virendras call, nisha says pick its uncle,ramesh picks it up,virendra says nisha will not go,r amesh says she will go and sees virendra in front if him, virendra and ramesh get into argument,kabir comes from behind and scares virendra again and asks him to say yes,virendra says ok ok leave me nisha will go,kabir shows virendra the fake gun and runs,ramesh says brother plz nisha go its for her to get out of pain plz plz, virendra says ok.
Nisha sees her phone has no signal the bus starts,ramesh says nisha ur going alone umesh and aman wont be going leave ur life find ur path I trust u go for it,nisha gives ramesh flying kiss and thanks him. Kabir gets into the bus and sees nisha sitting he goes near her and says excuse me and falls on her and says wow ,nisha says get off u,he sneezes , nisha gives him a cold look and ignores him, kabir says so whats plane miss breakup I see all the signs in u like stage1 crying stage 2 running away,nisha says stop or else I will kill u,kabir says ur lucky to have me im the one who brings broken hearts close to eachother,nisha says get up,kabir gets off and sits back near her and sleeps on her shoulder, nisha says see don’t irritate me when u will have a breakup then shall we speak,kabir says oh really tell me why don’t u laugh.
Kabirs camera bag is robed by a guy on cycle,nisha and kabir shout and say stop that bag is very important.
Update Credit to: Tanaya