Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 18th February 2015 Written Episode Update

Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 18th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode begins with, ramesh gives suku keys and papers of shop and says now shops responsibility is urs, suku says how can I,ramesh says u can,mohan gets a call asking reason for dadajis retirement,mohan says no he isn’t he is just resting, virendra says see ramesh now we three we have to take care in babaujis absence, virendra asks ramesh why did he give papers to suku,ramesh says u all know im a hopeless guy and so im retiring as well and so suku will take my responsibilities,virendra says laxmi tell him see ramesh business and emotions are two different things and how will u handle ur family expenses,ramesh doesn’t answer and so mohan and virendra leave in anger.
Nisha tells kabir abt police and shantii, Kabir says wow chandu ur a star u know even I have followers n looks

to nisha,nisha gives him cold look,kabir says not u my mom,nisha says shut up we have to take care of chandu her life is in danger, kabir says before police see chandu with us we have to run, kabir finds a cycle and says follow me , nisha says we cant rob,kabir says we need it ,nisha says no,kabir goes to owner and says uncle plz take this watch and give ur cycle, the owner agrees.

Suku denise,laxmi says ramesh don’t do this ur running from ur responsibilities how can u do this to suku, ramesh says babuji everytime tries to let me down every time and this retirement is also a way to punish I was never close to him but this decision of his has increased the distances more now and so now I will do what I wish to and leaves,laxmi starts crying.
Kabir is tried riding the cycle, nisha says chandu im hungry are u ,chandu nods yes,nisha says lets get a room and then have food,kabir says good idea,nisha says what,kabir says don’t forget about my bag n camera,nisha says still no one room,kabir says jokes apart its for safety lets be together, nisha says as if u can scare them, kabir says oh common if u leave alone they can doubt on us so we have to act as husband wife for sake of chandu,nisha says that’s true, kabir says good girl.
Kabir says we are mr and mrs Sharma and we need a room, manager says cute daughter, assistant says sir this girl looks young and this child,manager says how come this child urs, nisha says I was married at young age any problem give me keys fast, chandu puts kabirs hand in nishas ,kabir says see our daughter loves her lets go to room or else mummy will get more angry common.
Shanty and her men are finding chandu. Kabir says chandu common smile and now along with nisha it’s a challenge to make u smile as well,nisha says that isn’t ur cup of tea, kabir starts acting funny but chandu doesn’t smile , kabir grabs a broom and acts like harry potter but falls down, nisha and chandu smile, kabir looks at them but nisha hides chandu, kabir says this is cheating but anyways janu I will win, nisha says dare u call me janu, laxmi calls nisha,nisha asks laxmi is granny ok and how are all at gangwal house,laxmi says all are fine u take care of urself,nisha says mom ur sounding low,laxmi says just little weakness but u take care of urself and do call me every day, nisha says ok I will bye now.
Nisha takes chandu and says lets go to our room, kabir starts dancing on entering the room,nisha says stop this nonsense,kabir jumps on bed and says how comfortable is this bed,nisha says u fool and goes to washroom,kabir says this aunty is liitle out of track, kabir picks a rose from table and starts dancing ,nisha gets a extra bed,kabir says janu how will u sleep on ground, how sweet of u,nisha says keep this out there, nisha says no janu u will sleep out go,kabir says to waiter see this,waiter says forgive him madam,nisha says don’t trust him on valentines he forgot to wish me, waiter says sir no one can save u now,kabir says so u are sharp anyways let me take wallet its there on table, kabir takes his wallet but something falls off his wallet,it’s a picture.

Nisha seeing a shadow gets scared, and hides with jar in her hand,when the shadow enters the room nisha hits that person

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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