Fan Fiction

It was not my fault (Twinj) Chapter 7

In case you missed the previous one,

Chapter 6

Recap: Kunj and Twinkle are stuck in a jungle, they sleep hugging each other.

Flashback continues.
Next day,
Kunj calls Twinkle and says “I want to meet you today evening.” Twinkle asks “but why?” Kunj says “I am not at all liable to give you any answer. I just want to meet you!” Twinkle gets tensed and thinks “what happened to him?”

In the evening…
Twinkle dresses up and goes to meet Kunj. It is a lonely road no one can be seen there. She thinks why has Kunj called her here?
Flashback ends

Its morning,
Twinkle sees herself sleeping on Kunj’s lap.She quickly gets up and realises what happened last night( Kunj and Twinkle hugging each other and saying I love you to each other). She cries and thinks “what did I do?” She gets up and finds a way to leave from there as she does not want to face Kunj. She goes without even informing him, and he is still sleeping. Some time later Kunj wakes up and does not find Twinkle anywhere, he gets tensed he shouts “Twinkle….Twinkle..” but he does not get any reply. He reminisces the previous night with her. He shouts Twinkle but does not get any reply. From behind someone calls Kunj. Kunj turns back to see all forest men he goes to them and says “Twinkle, please find her.. she was with me but now in the morning I could not find her. Please find her”. A man says “calm down we will find her, have faith in us.”They all go in different ways to search her.
Leela and Mohan are worried as Twinkle’s phone was not connecting because of network error. Whereas Raj is also worried for him because of the same reason. They try to contact them but are unable to do so.. Here Kunj and all are trying to search Twinkle.

Some time later Kunj sees a scarf. He thinks that “this was Twinkle’s scarf so she must be here only.” He searches in and out and sees a girl lying on the ground. He goes to her and sees her face and calls out “Twinkle, Twinkle wake up” he sees that she is still breathing and gives a sigh of relief. “Twinkle wake up wake up” says Kunj, he sees the forest team and calls them. They come and one of them gives water to him. Kunj sprinkles water on her eyes, she slowly opens her eyes and sees Kunj. Kunj smiles with tears in his eyes and says “you know I was so worried”and he hugs her tightly. Twinkle was still in dilemma. Kunj says “don’t do like this again you know I was so worried, if something would have happened to you then?!” Twinkle frees herself and without saying anything gets up but is unable to walk because of her wound on her leg. She was about to fall when Kunj gets up and holds her in his arms, “what are you doing, put me down, I said put me down” shouts Twinkle but Kunj does not listen. A man from the team says “see how much he loves her only some girls are lucky to have such a lover.” Twinj hears them creating an awkward situation. Twinkle still keeps on telling “please put me down I can walk alone” but Kunj gives her a deaf ear. Later on she stops telling him and just stares her and thinks “why have you come in my life again, please go back, with much difficulty I have learnt to live without you”.

Kunj also stares at her and thinks,
“ even though I try to show you that I hate you but still I love you, and that I have realised it today.. I want you back in my life, you don’t know how much difficult it was to live without you! But no what you did was wrong!! And I can never forgive you for that, because of you..”

Twinj get out of the jungle with the help of the team, and Twinkle was still in Kunj’s arms. Kunj eyes her lovingly whereas Twinkle avoids eye contact with him… They all sit in a van and drop Kunj and Twinkle in their previous hotel, Kunj takes a room for two. “no we want two different rooms!” interrupted Twinkle. Kunj stares at her and the receptionist gives Kunj a key and says “sorry mam we have only one room available rest are already occupied!” Twinkle says “really just check it once again” “No rooms available ma’am” replies the receptionist. Twinkle thinks “Idon’t even have money what will I do? How will I go to another hotel?” Kunj says “we can share a room”. She says ok hesitating. They head towards the room. The receptionist sends the serviceman with them and winks him! The man shows them the room and leaves.

Kunj opens the door, they both enter the room together and rose petals fall on them and lights are switched on and the whole room is decorated! They go inside and Kunj asks “what is this? This room is for honeymoon couples!” Kunj uses the telephone and calls the receptionist and informs her but she says “sorry sir but we have only this room left!” And she keeps the phone, and thinks “I hope all the fights between this couple ends!” Kunj calls Raj and tells everything what happened and says about Twinkle also. Raj says “ok beta take care of her and yourself.” Kunj asks “why are you asking me to take care of her also”. Raj says because she is my daughter in law, your wife! ok bye take care and come soon!” saying so he cuts the call.

Raj thinks “now Twinkle has come back in Kunj’s life I hope everything will be fine!” Twinkle calls Leela and tells her everything! She asks “what? you are with Kunj?””yes” replies Twinkle, Leela says “please come back soon I don’t want you to suffer again because of him, already you have suffered a lot!” Twinkle says “hmm.. wiping her tear. I know I will come soon, you don’t worry!”

Some time later Twinkle goes to use the washroom without locking the door and by mistake she opens the shower, actually breaks the handle and she gets wet shouting “ahh..”Kunj runs inside the washroom and finds Twinkle drenched in water. He walks towards her, looking at her lovingly, he forgets everything, the reason why he hated her and so on. He just couldn’t control himself and stood under the shower along with her holding her by her shoulders. They both are under the shower standing wet. Kunj leans forward and somehow fixes the handle and leans forward and kisses Twinkle’s neck. Twinkle was also lost in him, she also forgot everything and gave in. Kunj kissed her cheeks and picked her up in his arms. He kept her on the bed and started kissing all over her body. He got over Twinkle and kissed her and Twinkle also started kissing him. He slowly undressed her and they made love the entire night sleeping in each other’s embrace.

Twinkle slowly woke up due to the sun rays and found herself naked sleeping in Kunj’s embrace. She remembered the previous night and gets tensed. She tries to get up but realises again that she was naked, so she tries to pull the blanket along with her which disturbs Kunj’s sleep. She starts crying thinking about her situation. Kunj wakes up to see himself naked with Twinkle on the bed. He remembers the previous night and thinks,
“How can I do this? No ways! I’m so sorry mom.”

He sees Twinkle crying and sits straight and gives her his clothes to wear. She throws it on the bed and continues crying saying “Why did you come back Kunj, why? I was slowly able to live without you but you came back and spoiled everything! Why Kunj?! Why?” and she cries hard. Kunj was also in tears. He goes into the washroom without saying anything covering himself with his clothes.

Twinkle comes to the lonely place and someone with a mask on face comes and pulls her inside a dark room! She says “who are you?” Bachaooo!! (Save me!)That man keeps finger on her lips and comes forward and removes the mask just then the lights are switched on! Twinkle sees the room decorated and his love Kunj standing in front of him. She is surprised as well as happy!

So this was a long one! I hope you all are satisfied now. I hope you all are not bored with my story. Please drop your views and if there are any suggestions feel free to speak out.



Follow me on Wattpad : _angel_from_heaven_

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