Fan Fiction

This Is Not A Love Story (Shot 2)

So this is before Pragya approaches Abhi for coaching.

Abhi’s POV

Well my name is Abhishek Prem Mehra, too long eh? well in short Abhi. So if you don’t know , and even if you do in case then i would like to tell that yes Abhi, the greatest jock on the whole university campus. Go on you can ask anyone.

well the fact that people think I’m too stubborn, mean, illogical but i take those as compliments like once it happened i was sitting in the window looking out the corridor when i saw a Raju proposing a girl.

I shouted there and then “she is out of your league man, you’ll find better, she is trapping you.”

The girl’s gaze turned towards me and she approached me, her eyes showing FIYYAH!!!

“how dare you insult me?” she spoke in a demanding tone.

“I’m not insulting, I’m being honest,” he said and looked away.

the girl stomped her feet and shouted “RAJUU!!!” and walked away while abhi looked at her.

“abhi tu bhi na,” said raju as he ran behind her.

“hey you’ll find better,” said abhi

“men running behind women gosh i like it the other way around,” said abhi as he got up aand dusted himself.

well that was that. So the other day it was our exam and my girlfriend, hot and s*xy tanu hadn’t prepared for it and so I decided to help her, yes you could say cheat but i think of it as help as a friend in need is a friend indeed. Oh i think i used that wrong but whatever, so on that day i was helping okay making her cheat when the Invigilator caught us and canceled our exam. He took us to the Board Heads where Tanu blamed me to save herself but i can understand and so i went with it and was sentenced community service hours.

Two days later Purab came up to me and asked me to train this girl who is his friend but pointedly his girlfriend’s friend, and he wants to impress bulbul so i agreed as i had no choice. Besides i would be putting in some community service hours.

The following day a girl entered my room, a petite figure, glowing eyes, sparkling smile, chubby cheeks oh and her chashma, wait a minute why am I speaking like a poet, gosh coming back to the point i was doing my daily exercise shirtless and she was acting like i had committed a sin. After wearing a tee she turned around, fluttering her almond shaped, brown eyes and i introduced myself to which she frowned.

She was Pragya, the one purab was talking about i had guessed. Then i told her that we need to follow a certain set of rules for which she gave a quite alarmed look like i had asked her to marry me.

(author’s pov: hehehehe)

Abhi Pov End

“RULES!!” she exclaimed as she paced left to right in the room.

“yeah not a big deal, you are shouting it for the fifth time,” said abhi who was comfortably lying down on the bed.

“okay speak up,” she said as she stopped ad stood there with her arms folded, tapping her foot expecting him to speak.

“well there are only three,” said Abhi

“THREEEE!!!” exclaimed pragya again

“stop shouting, my ears might burst, you loud speaker,” said abhi as he kept a hand on his ears.

“oh sorry,” she said and stood there silent.

“Rule number 1, you shall never speak in between when i am…” said abhi but was cut short by pragya “but how….” she stopped from the glaring eyes of abhi.

“speaking oh and how will you ask your silly questions, after i complete,” he said

“rule number 2 you need to follow my instructions as i say, no if or buts get that,” said abhi while pragya nodded her head.

“oh and last but not the least a set of conditions are there on this page, read them and we shall start from tomorrow,” said abhi handing over a piece of paper to her. Her eyes widened as she read through it.

“you are saying that i have to complete all your assignments as a pay plus i will do your personal stuff and on the top of it i need to be present here at 6 am while you sleep till 8,” barked pragya as she neared abhi and loomed on top of him.

“if you can’t then i can’t help u,” said abhi as he turned around trying to hide his face of fear as he had to this and these all conditions were for his own luxury.

pragya walked around the bed to face him and spoke “Hey mister you have to do the Community service hours so what’s this pay and all,”

“I am your coach so my way or else go get insulted by your friend for not being able to do sports” said abhi using her need as a waepon for himself

i am a big jerk ain’t i

what a jerk, he is so intimidating but sadly i have to thought pragya

“okay I agree,” said pragya but as she was about to turn a round and leave she stumbled and fell on abhi who was lying on the bed

Both of them shared an eye lock, lost in the dreamy eyes of each other.

“sanam re, sanam re”

Pragya spoke softy “how are we getting background music?”

Abhi replied in a dreamy tone “it’s my phone”

at that moment pragya came back to reality and pushed got up and abhi too came back to his senses and they composed themselves and pragya left while abhi looked at his phone and sighed in dismay as it was tanu

why did i sigh, why ain’t i happy? whatever

he thought and lifted the call

On the other side with Pragya

what just happened to me? why did my heart start to thump so loudly? WHY?? That jerk. Why godji why in my life i have to train with this jerk but i have to say he is kinda cool

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