Fan Fiction

its not revenge its love swasan season 3 (change color of revenge and love) chapter 47

Arnav signed seeing all of them with him standing where he have thought to be alone.

They all are standing terrace of palace hotel in Lucknow in morning having coffee and tea after the heated argument.

Arnav -Arjun did you got any information about Alizah location?
Arjun -no.

Sara -Arnav you are forgotting that she have called us here and now again she will be the one to again call chill.

And that was what three are doing without any tension chilling.
Swara and Laksh are standing in one corner looking around with smile.

Ragini whisper to Sanskar -why i am having feeling laksh and Swara are up to something without anyone knowledge.
Sanskar smile and whisper -And i am sharing the same feeling with you Ragini.
Sanskar and Ragini stepped back and slowly left the terrace.
They walk towards the garden area .
Sanskar -Alizah Shiekh !What i and you know is definately player.
Ragini -yeah ,but the fact that someone humilation of bullying can go to this extent!She have guts to trapped Arnav in love and then humiliate him infront of everyone!just for the silly prank.
Sanskar and Ragini give a knowing look each other when they heard another voice from behind them.

“this is not full story behind Alizah Shiekh chapter!”they both turned to see Sara standing crossing arm and understanding look.
Sanskar -you too dont know right!
Sara- yes only Swara and Laksh are aware and even have full fact behind Alizah chapter.I have tried but they both dont buldge.
Ragini -but why they both are hiding something which is now too serious.
Sanskar -The mystery is too deep and have been all behind the back of us.
Sara- if you both are going to DHS then i am in.
Ragini -Sara you really knew both of us.
Swara look around to find everyone left leaving Laksh and her .
Laksh smirk -Seem plan is working.
Swara said coldly-too well ,if that women is all wanted to scratch the scars of Arnav and kill me then she needed reality check.
Laksh worried-It will break many relationships Swara.
Swara -I know Laksh,All misunderstandings of years would be vanished but that women who have taken my Suraj three years needed pain and i will not hesitate to give her.This is about my son.if it meant to breaking all the relations and the very trust.And then its about him Laksh!

Laksh sadly -you had again gambled your life again .that time it was for Arjun and this time again it was Arjun and Arnav .Why you love him this much Swara ??that you even have to hurt Arnav in it!and what you thought about Sanskar ?and why always Arjun,he can never be yours then why? Aasaan hai kya aisi mohabbat karna … jiske badle mohabbat na mile?(It’s not easy to be in love … when you don’t get love back in return? )try to understand Swara you itself have made Arjun married to Arohi and given hopes to Sanskar !!And here again you are ready to break yourself more !understand please Swara !!

Swara smile brokenly- Mujhe samjhane ki koshish mat karna … kyun ki agar samjhaoge toh samajh jaaongi … agar samajh gayi toh bikhar jaaongi”{“Don’t try to make me understand … because if you try to make me understand, then I’ll understand … and if I understand, then I’ll disseminate }
Laksh taken aback by her pain,he still found it hard that how can his Sister love someone to this extent!
Swara laugh painly -Laksh you are someone who never judge me for my one sided love to Arjun,You know its pain here (pointing her heart) too much ,i have accepted it long back that Arjun can never be mine because first Alizah then DP contract and after it Sanskar .In all these i have only saw my love becoming more unbearable to tolerate !In my love i have learnt to live without him .You see selfless one sided love .But i can never stepped back for protecting him,giving him happiness and most importantly fulfilling his every wishes.
Laksh seriously said -And you knew well he only see you as friend ,you have an idea Swara how much he was devastated three years before by your confession even then you have supported him and made him marry his love Arohi !And the lie which you have told Sanskar !
Swara -I have not lied to Sanskar !its not his mistake that he fallen for me.and I have just told him i am confused with my feeling.
Laksh -And it is damm lie !How on the earth you are confuse !!Cant you see standing here in this palace again and separated from your own daughter and everyone is the confession of your madness for Arjun !You know right it was never Suraj,Arnav or anyone in first place but Arjun again!
Swara -I dont want to talk about it.
Laksh angrily -you have to talk ! This cant go on like this!I have supported you in every damm madness of yours but this is too much !you know what have you done in three have forced Sanskar in biggest lie to marry Kavita ,their was no sister of her to be in love of Suraj in first place,that girl is american and dead in the accident.I know it!! You have tried hard to let Sanskar be happy with Kavita and it never happened .he is still in you as much you are in Arjun!the letter and Suraj accident is done by Alizah !and all attacks on Arjun which you again taken on yourself to protect him.Alizah hate Arjun and she is still alive because of your decesion.and today everything will be open !but then what you have ever thought what you will do when everyone got the wind of your stunt!
Swara whisper-I dont know!..i just know Arjun is important.
Laksh lean back on railing ,helplessness is all coming from him,he can never make Swara understand to move on from Arjun because she have pushed herself beyond limits!
Swara said emotionlessly-What will be everyone reaction i will accept it Laksh.
Laksh snapped-I know you will and by the end you will lose your brother,and the man who is too in madly love with you like you are !
Swara -Laksh just give me one answer ,why you never moved on from Ragini memories in those ten know i am too living in it . Kambhakt khayalon ne hi toh zinda rakha hai … varna sawaalon ne kab ka maar diya hota””{His memories have kept me alive … or else the questions would’ve killed me long time back }
Laksh mouth shut at this ,he dont have any say in it now.
Swara wiped her tears -Plan is what we have discussed tonight every thing will be done once and all.

Laksh nodded quietly and they walkout of terrace but the person who have been still standing shocked and speechless behind the another door of terrace.

DHS…Director office.

Mr Raheem look at the Mr Maheshwari ,Mrs Raizada and Mrs Maheshwari.the old.students of this acadamy and very much famous and powerful.and knew they are not here for any greeting ,he have this much observation skill in him.

Mr Raheem -I am glad to see you three again.

Sanskar smile -Thank you Sir.We are too happy to meet you again.

Mr Raheem -tell me young man what can help you?

Ragini -Sir we are here to know one batchmate of us information.

Mr Raheem -Is everything alright?

Sara -Sir actually their is a continous threat on my sister life and somewhere we have found the person is our batchmate of 11th.if you dont mind can we see the old records?

Mr Raheem nodded and open the 2002 year file in his laptop and give to Sanskar.Sanskar immediately typed “ALIZAH SHIEKH”and found none.

Sanskar frown -Sir this record dont have the girl name?

Mr Raheem -What ! but It cant be possible we never remove any student file from us.

Ragini suspeciously ask -Sir is anyone come before us asking about old records ?

Mr Raheem think then realization hit him -Yes one women have came six month before and ask for old record .

Sara -Who?

Mr Raheem think then said -I dont remember her name but her name would be enter in our entries! It was late night and my daughter death anniversery ,she was very much sad and have been supportive to me.

And after sometime peon came with the register,Mr raheem told them date and time.

Ragini started look and then at one name her finger froze.

Sanskar and Sara look at the name they too gasped in shocked.


Mr Raheem saw it and said smiling -Khushi now i remember she bring happiness around her,i was so much remebering Alizah my daughter but she supported me like my own daughter is their.

Now Sanskar,Sara and Ragini were frozen at the spot their mind clicked immediately.

Alizah Shiekh daughter of Director Raheem Shiekh.

Sanskar ask in weak voice -Sir when your daughter died?

Mr Raheem said sadly – fourteen years before ,you all have not know but she too studied with you all .but one day after Valentine she was found in miserable state with all hair cuted abruptly and black paint on her face and torn one know who did this cruelty with my daughter but after one week she found dead .
Sara ask meekly – How her death happen ?
Mr Raheem said painfully remembering the past -she was found dead near the lake side,and people said it was she slipped inside the deep water.
Sanskar ,Sara and Ragini were damm shocked.but they composed them self.

Ragini said concern -Sir are you ok?I mean after coping up with your only daughter death!

Mr Raheem -Yes i am.fine.Because I had my Alizah best friend and my second child Zain but soon God have taken him too away from me.

Just then mobile ringed ,Mr Raheem said to them -I am sorry but i have to leave for conferance.

Sanskar ,Sara and Ragini stood up and come out totally shocking reality.

Ragini -I am getting dizziness!What the hell is happening here and Sara you have told us about acid and Alizah father have all story but acid part is missing!
Sara -Its because i have been out side to check if anyone come that side of lab ,only Laksh and Swara were with Alizah inside.
Sanskar -What look like simple and straight revenge is not at all simple its blo*dy complicated and shattering past !Alizah being daughter of Director !Zain Gupta being her best friend and then Khushi Gupta coming here and wiping out the old records!and then the video and all the attacks .Something is We are missing.And this is relating Arnav and Arjun in it.
Sara and Ragini both nodded in totally confused and mostly shocked by the happenings.

Arnav was staring at the plastic rose inbetween his diary,he still have that rose and all the words of her to him.He can never forget it.Sometimes few words were enough to ripped out someone soul.and this is what happened with his.His life was never bed of roses ,it was filled with thorns and those which will peicre you from deep inside.He kept the rose back and heard the phone ring.

On phone..

Arnav -Now what? I am here in Luckhnow to with everyone.

“Easy Arnav,you know your anger will do nothing.!And now be their in DHS tonight with your siblings then everything will be finally open.”

Arnav-fine,but after it you too will loose everything ,this revenge will give you nothing but regret and pain.

“i know…but Revenge is for the one soul whom you Maliks have digged deep inside the ground!And i am ready for pain because i can never forget him.”

Arnav -you are admanant to destroy everything but let me tell you ,the sucide of Zain was his own fault not anyone here.

“you will knew by tonight because death of someone is for sure.”

Arnav -I am still alive and i will be infront of you and her !She is my everything and this realization i have gotten when i betrayed by you Alizah!

“She is coming between the one whom i have desperately wanted to kill for years Arnav.And today is Zain death anniversery,thirteenth !I have been patience for long but not today.!”
And call ended…

Arnav sat with thud.If he wanted to do something ,is to stop this whole Changing colors of Revenge and Love.

Arjun and Khushi both were walking in daze when they bumped into each other.
Both give composing look .

Arjun -Are you alright Khushi?
Khushi-I am ok Jiju and you?
Arjun-yeah.fine. you mind having drinks with me?
Arjun-that bad !huh? I am surely will !

They both went studyroom minibar .Taking bottle Arjun and Khushi sat on chairs of conference table area beside each other .taking sips they both were worned out.
Arjun-What you got ?
Khushi-Arnav is talking with someone whom he is calling Alizah.and tonight is going to happen something which will only give pain nothing else.And Alizah is taking all this because of Zain Gupta.
Arjun nod and said-Khushi do one thing make any excause about my dissapearance and do it carefully,no one should doubt about ,i have to know something.
Khushi-But it would be not good idea !
Arjun -I know but you see i have enough of this revenge which she is not giving up,i thought these years will surely give away her motives but she is adamant !I will not tolerate another Sujata Malik.
Khushi -I have tried hard but she is not ready to listen and beside she is coming today !I am still shocked knowing she didnt change her motives.and in all this Suraj is gotten it!I dont understand why Swara is still silent knowing about all of it.
Arjun -Because of me.let it be Khushi ,today one for all i will stop all of it ,their will only one death which would of me because she will not stop until it.
Khushi gasped -you didnt!
Arjun smile devileshly-yes but with AG style!
Swara came out of car ,looking around ,all the old memories came back flooding like tornado!!

Swara saw Sanskar,Sara,Ragini,Arnav,Arjun and Khushi going inside .while Laksh stood beside her.
Laksh-Everyone is acting strange.
Swara shook her head and said -lets go.
Both siblings walk inside .
Whole DHS was completely empty ,no sound was coming ,even the slightest moment can be know !They all reached the hall of DHS and saw it decorated.Laksh,Swara,Arnav,Arjun,Sara,Ragini and Sanskar have the idea of the decoration the same way as was Valentine day.
Khushi saw the hall and everything .suddenly they saw Lights going off and spot light coming towards stage.
“Helloo guys!!!Welcome back”came a loud aploud voice .and then the voice slowly stepped inside the light wearing white gown and left hairs curly,looking all beautiful.


Everyone were looking at her slight stunned and surprised look.

Arohi smirk evilly-I see everyone have figured it out isnt it Hubby?

Arjun remained silent.

Arohi clapped indicating her mens to trapped them .while they saw her standing centre hall.

Swara directly come to point-Where are Sujata Malik and Raina Malik..?

Arohi -not so easily Swara,i think you have forgotten the deal ?Arnav you too know right tell her !

Now its time for both Swara and Arnav to surprised.

Arohi-Isnt you are forgotten what we both have deal!

Sanskar -Why are you this shit Arohi!! Are you not the one who was so much in love with Arjun and married him!and living happily then why still the grudges of Zain!

Arohi laugh painfully -You really think i am in love to this man who is the reason behind my Zain death,my best friend whom i always love and became the mother of his child.It was just because of Swara that i have kept silent!For your good knowledge I and this Arjun is not married it is just hate – love relation we are sharing.

Everyone look shocked at both Arjun and Arohi.

Arohi continued -And Sanskar you will really understand the relation isnt you and Swara have live your eight years like this.

Swara and Sanskar face turned the burning rage which they felt for Arohi.Before Sanskar could say .
Swara retorted -How dare you Arohi !!You even have slightest idea to what my and Sanskar relationship was !No you didnt and no one here .Sanskar was the one who have given me the respect,freedom,trust,protection and love which one girl crave for but it is my fate which turned me to fallen for Arjun!And so deep to not able to move away but Sanskar was still their for me knowing after it too.Our Marriage was stable because of Sanskar ,The life which i always wanted I have gotten because of Sanskar,I have been got the feeling motherhood because of Sanskar,i am still here standing alive and in pieces because of Sanskar.I didnt fallen for Sanskar but i am addicted to him,and the addiction was more deep then any love here,you know I have been living without My love and can breathe but I cant live without my addiction ,my salvation,my breathe which is only one Man and it is Sanskar Maheshwari.If i can ruined my life for Arjun amd do it again and again then I can trust blindly on Sanskar more then anyone here.Sanskar love me beyond any madness and i trust him beyond any insanity.

That was something no one have ever expected .No one.

Sanskar was speechless so was everyone their.

Swara wiped her tears which were falling miserably-I know what happened with you is Mine Mistake not Arjun,Arnav or even anyone here Arohi !!!And for crying out loud Love is not everything to everyone.You know i have already made sure my both mothers are safe and the man around you is mine ,I have wanted this confrontation from past three years.But have been stopping myself because of my son ,my brother,my love and my trust.Those four will be more hurt then anything.You wanted the justice for Zain life right ,Then stop giving the pain to all of us ,its just me .If you are still ALIZAH and wanted Zain death justice then i am still Swara Malik who is responsible for everything.It was me right who is your sinner from the think me the one who played that stupid prank on you,you think i am the one who is jealous of you,you think i am the one who snatched your Zain from you and the sucide of Zain is my fault then i am alright.You dont have to give pain and suffering to the people whom i love to my death.But I dont want another Sujata Malik .

Arohi didnt say a was too much to take in .

Swara stepped back and was in Laksh arms feeling tired of everything.

Arjun stepped in and said -Zain Gupta,The one who have saved you from the lake which you thought but the reality is that it was Laksh who saved you with Swara.They both tried but no one knew about your house or anything.your face was totally destroyed by the stone and Swalak taken you to the hospital and make sure no one comes to.know.about it.They knew your friendly with one boy ,the same boy whom you were..making out in lab.Zain Gupta.they have contacted him.He too came their and Swara given him Maliks tradition jewellery set of 1crore for your 10lakh operation .they have gotten you plastic surgery and everything beside Zain have taken every responsibility of yours but the meetings with Swara and Laksh,made him attracted with Swara.Hospital staff knew it well because Zain have once tried to force Swara but Laksh have taken care of it.But the obsession of Zain was not over.He didnt tell your father Raheem Shiekh about your being alive.then take you with him in orphanage.after three years he again met Swara in one of party where she was with Adarsh and Me.and he again forced her ,abuse her and that time i have beaten the hell out of him.and he started constantly stalking her and what not but i always made sure he have gotten hit or warning to be away with her.But Swara marriage announcement broken him.He was in relation with you but his everything was screaming for Swara.that time he did what a coward can do Sucide.and you still think Swara and mine mistake.

Sanskar -After it Swara have gone ahead and made you settle with help of Sara and Laksh but your hatred for Swara never gone.

Arohi was silent then looking at Arnav she said -Here everthing is over.

Now everyone is confused and shocked but Arnav smile.

Ragini-Whats happening!!

Arohi guilty-It was act which Arnav told me to do.

And now everyone staring on Arnav who is smirking.


Arnav smirk -What only you can all have rights to shock not me.Arohi is not at fault guys.

“And it was little show from us”said Arjun shocking the hell out of everyone.

Sanskar-What do you mean!!!Arohi is the one who attacked everyone !!

Arnav -No it was not Arohi but Anuradha Malik who is in Australia jail ,She have hired a man behind Swara ,sharp shooted Rex past three years and you see Swara every time we should not forgive our enemies.

Sara -then our mothers.

Arjun-oh they participated in our little it right.!!

Sanskar,Laksh,Swara,Ragini ,Sara and Khushi looked trio and they realize how much it like to shocked after shocked.and now they felt when they always went ahead to give shocked to them.

Swara finally ask -Why ?

All wanted it know !

Arjun replied simply -You see lioness ,Your loverboy was going to again put up the show making you fallen in love and I and Arnav have enough of it so.we did what we wanted.Put up the show and here you confess it.

Swara now realized what she have done ,the anger on Arohi for pointing the finger on her and Sanskar relation make her blind rage.

Two days later…..
Raizada Mansion Mumbai….

Suraj look at Kabir signed saying fine and sat beside Rockstar.

Kabir was all sitting infront of the people whom he just knew were more then heartless and mad people in world .He was here to ask Ria hand for marriage to HER FAMILY.He.look at Swara who is standing far away with Ria supressing the laugh.

He again look at infront of him.

Omkar Malik sitting in centre with his sons ASR and Laksh .and at his right side his daughter Sara Maheshwari is sitting beside her husband Adarsh Maheshwari with holding her son”softy” .and at his left side Sanskar Maheshwari is sitting with Suraj Maheshwari and Samrat Gupta with his wife Misha Gupta.
Then at their beside counch was sitting Ragini Singh Raizada with Arjun Gadodia and Arohi Gaodia .and their stood Christian Raichand and Mira Raichand  with Sujata Malik and Raina Malik.and he saw Aman Bahl standing with Roshani bahl.and his eyes finally come on Pari Maheshwari,Arav Singh Raizada ,Sameer Maheshwari,Samrat Maheshwari and Rashi Bahl .



Kabir look at his shivering fingers he is going to die by heartattack now.

Swara cant take it anymore and bursted out of laughing and the same with everyone.

Kabir look up at everyone who are laughing like no tommorow.

Ria come to Kabir and said to everyone said laughingly -Its not fair you have made my future husband scare out death.

Misha laughing -Ria he needed it because he is going to our family part now.

Kabir shocked mean

Sanskar laughing -yeah …sorry Kabir but you see we all have already approved you before you even came here but one of us wanted to play prank and here it.

Kabir horrified -Who??? Who wanted to do this with me??!

Ragini who finally got her voice after the miserable laughter- your girlfriend!!

And Now Kabir saw Swara winking him and mouthing “How was it boyfriend!!”

Kabir didnt saw anything more and started walking towards Swara,And she knew what was coming the famous Kabir and Swara chasing game of them.

Swara run towards Christian and stood behind while Kabir run towards her.

Kabir -Swara come here otherwise!!!

Swara teasingly grabbing Christian arm said -Oh Kabir you are such puppy and what was that famous dialogue of yours “I dont afraid anyone less Ria Family!!”

Christian laugh-Sammie you are too bad see Kabir he is sweating miserably.

Kabir give Swara i-will-deal-you-later-look.

Swara wink at him .

As the commotion finally came at end .
Omkar Malik said-Kabir and Ria as much we wanted to give you wedding of our wish ,We wanted it to be you both dream wedding.
Kabir and Ria look at each other smile.
Kabir- Sir..I have been talked with Ria and always known that Ria wanted a indian whole wedding .And I would like to give her this.
Ria smile lovingly and whisper -thank you.

As then who stopping any one the sweets were distributed and the laughters were all it happened.

Swara smile heartdly at Family and went out of mansion slowly.

Walking towards the garden she lit the cigerratte ,and smoke freely.Swara knew she needed it badly and beside her habit is growing too .she heard her phone ring ,she pick .
On phone ….
Swara- Yes,,
“DrKhan here Swara..when are you coming to New york?”
Swara smile vanished and said coldly-Dr Khan..what is it?
Dr Khan -Swara you know it!I dont have any words to make you understand that your health is going all too bad!
Swara -Dr Khan i am managing myself past four years and now i will be ,i will survive.
Dr Khan angrily -Stop it Swara !I am your doctor at last but your friend at first !I have saw you suffering all these years and dont tempt to call Laksh !
Swara snapped -You will not dare Salman Khan!

Salman angrily- I will !If my stupid friend is so much being oblvious to her health !
Swara signed say-I need one month more thats it,i will be their Salman please !its last time do me the favor !I dont want anyone to be know it !
Salman practically shouted-You are crazy !!!How can you deal with it so casually ,you needed operation dammit ! I have told you four years before and you being great Swara didnt for once contact me.I will not take anymore risk !
Swara -fine …..I will come NYC..but you will not dare to open your mouth Salman!
Salman-You are insane Swara!
Swara chuckle -I.know and you are witness you see !
Salman -yeah i can see that ,So your mission of India finally over.
Swara smile -yes and i will meet you soon bye.
Salman sadly -take care Swara.
Call ended.

Swara look at cigerratte ,she needed one more and she taken it litting up she smoke calming herself.everything have gone according to her plan but not that night in DHS and especially not her confession.She regret ;She still have not talked to Sanskar.And Salman call make her again wipped back to reality because of which SWARA MALIK FINALLY CAME BACK TO INDIA IN FIRST PLACE AFTER TEN YEARS.




Love is a cancer it …it can happened anywhere,anytime…and when it happened it left the one dead..

Swara laugh at her own words and moved inside ,everyone were busy in pulling each other legs,Sanskar look at her and smile.She just smile back.and pretended like she is doing past four years.and like always Sanskar thought She is just stressed.


Hi !! Myself Aryna as you all know my nickname so here I am who just know that write about something which make you feel good!!

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