Hie guys……..thx for so much support…….
So radhika and arjun finally reached at hrishkesh………first of all its not that much away from delhi and the another reason for selecting is………… radhika and arjun both love adventures games and this place is full of all these activities like river rafting, bungee jumping, water falls, cliff jumping and many more……so now it’s a time to know more about each other in a different way……..
They reach their in the evening time…..their destination is not planned so obviously they reach the best hotel but….hahahaha……no room is avlaible….then another hotel….then another…and like this they nearly inquired 10 but not a single room….ohhhh….its a peak period so rooms are booked….…. now what to do???
They open their google…….find any jugaad…..while searching they jump in the excitement when google give an option for camp………….oh yess….but as their excitement comes..it also vanished in the same manner….”what is this place is also prebooked?” radhika sadly speak…
Arjun “button…lets try first…otherwise we have to back”
Radhika “hey dnt say that…..please”
Arjun laugh “lets go and check”
They reached and check for the Camp Valley View….and yes they get the passes for that…”trip will become more interesting then I expected…I think…”radhika said
Arjun “button…..get ready for this darling….it will be the most memorable trip of our life”
Both reached near the camp area….
They Get served with hot buffet lunch and then spend some free time to explore the area…both of them enjoy teasing each other a lot……take some rest and after Have evening tea, take a Jungle walk near the campsite.
Arjun ”you remembered something button?”
Radhika “yes pumpkin”
Arjun “excuseme who is pumpkin here?”
Radhika “obviously you…”
Arjun angery effects “ I think you need an eye checkup first, am I look like a pumpkin to you…?”
Radhika with innocent face “but baby…I love to call you pumpkin”
Arjun instantly melted with her stare…. “Button…dnt you get any other name which suites my personality?”
Radhika “no…I love this name”
Arjun quit arguing…..ahhhh…..thought in his mind “she definitely need a lesson”
While talking they reached in the jungle….. arjun…I hope there in no snake here” radhika said
Arjun “button it is jungle and obviously jungles are full of variety of snakes….leopards….tigers….langoors and many more wild animals…”
Radhika started cry like a two year old kid…”I dnt want to go here…please lets go back…..”
Arjun enjoy this….teasingly speak ”but why jaan…you are so brave na”
Radhika saw something….she bend down…pick a big dry leaf and sent it on arjun and shout “arjun king kobra”
Whole incident is so quick that arjun doesn’t understands what happen “he got scared and shout loudly “god save me please” he shut his eyes tightly….
Radhika laugh now….not laugh but badly laugh…eyes filled with tears….pain in her tummy……it takes some moments to arjun to understand what the hell is happened with him in the last two minutes…..
He come towards radhika “you little monkesss……you are gone now…”
Radhika cnt control…she keep laughing….. arjun just mesmerized……he kiss her on her cheeks…..
Then radhika “what do you think pumpkin…only you can tease me…..”
Arjun and radhika start arguing again, click a lot of pictures….with each other kissing…..jumping…and many more weird portraits…. and finally turn back from jungle….” They reached back to their camp and Enjoy evening bonfire with light snacks and after sometime they have their Dinner.
Radhika “lets go for a walk……”
Arjun “I think you are tired”
Radhika “no…. I am not”
Arjun “button dnt stress your body so much….its only one month to your operation”
Radhika “aaaaahhh….dnt remember that please…lets go now…or I will go myself”
Arjun “dare you to go alone”
Finally they went for a walk…
Obviously radhika becomes so tired in the way noow…… “pumpkin I love you more then anything…”
Arjun “I knew button and stop calling me pumpkin…”
Radhika “ok….butttt”
Arjun “but what?”
Radhika “I am feeling very tired now….i cant walk any more”
Arjun “o little devil…what is this now?”
Radhika sit on a big rock…….and extend both of her arms towards arjun…. Arjun understand ….he stares her for few seconds with so much love…”he go towards her….turn his back and finally carry her on his back like a little kid”
Arjun “I already told you in the morning that you also fulfill the need of a kid in my life”
Radhika “you are happy with this or not?’
Arjun “what do you think?”
Radhika “I dnt think but I knew and I am sure that you are happy with me…the way I am and I also knew that you enjoy this moment may be more than me…”
Arjun laugh on it and move towards their camp…”
After reaching inside…they both sleep to their beds………only single beds are avlaible at that time so….no gupchup….they try to sleep but both of them feel the emptiness of their bed…finally our lady gaga get up from the bed and come on arjun’s bed “I can’t sleep without you”
Arjun “ohhh….but if you are so close to me on this single bed I will not let you to sleep…” and wink towards her…..she giggle at this….
They stare each other so lovingly….then arjun try to kiss on her lips and she turn her face so that arjun’s lips reach to her cheeks only…”no….today we will chit chat only”
Arjun smile at this and said “can I ask you one thing?”
Radhika “you need permission?”
Arjun “na…….. ok tell me will you stay at hostel without me……”
Radhika had tears in her eyes with this now…”I can’t….arjun….but…”
Arjun “but what?”
Radhika “but I have to control myself…coz I really want to complete my graduation”
Arjun “I knew button…I also want you to complete it”
Radhika place her hand on his face and he kiss on her palm… “nop need to cry if I am with you”
Radhika “hmmm…..lets sleep now”
After hugging him tightly she sleep but Romeo lost his sleep and think something….he decided something and smile…finally he also take her more in his embrace and sleep..
love is not only about romance and s*x…these things are only a part of love………but then what is love???? you knew….??? tell me…..
Quickly comment and tell me how it is?????
Awesome…bringing back mmz memories…love is love…sorry m very poor with this…coz m homesick…i love my family more than anything…that is all I know ?
haha…thx rosie…actually i myself planning to go hrishkesh this weekend so……
Yipee…sis…enjoy ur 2nd trip if m not wrong…but what about arya
its 2nd but before that i was going with my mommy and daddy….m in class 8th so…no masti….and this tym me only….arya is not fine….same cough and cold……much better then before and with her grandparents………ahhhh….her dad is….so busy…in his books…u knew he love to study…. i mean really….yukkkkkk
Take care of our najook kali…i must say ur writing effect come from seeing ur hubby only studying…lol…m not sure
O goddd……no….he is damn good in this….
happy journey!!!…..and all my good wishes for arya….well its the first time v hear smthng abt ur hubby from u…hahahaaa
i wonder if ur hubby is also not like my dad who always keeps on studying one thing or the other…..evn in his this age….i always think tat how can they b like tis…i am fed up of studies and my dad is exactly opposite….but v r the best buddies evr…
Yes Rosie…but u knew joke of the day is I am the person who collect books, magazines for him to study as per his interest…..I want to ask m I mad???
Maandey this was so cute…pumpkin…that made me laugh…next one pls
today i prepare pumpkin for lunch…hahaha
So cute..and romantic
thx sweety
Hi maandey… This one is beautiful. U bought rishikesh into this. Tats cool. Well love is….hmm sharing best and worst moments of ur life with that special one…which makes life more beautiful peppered with little sadness, anger, helplessness.,happiness… Finally a shoulder to transfer all d burden if it becomes toooo much… And when u look back he is still there with a smile tat smile which gives u hope and u know if u fall he will catch u…. All this makes lives beautiful… We’ll forgive me I blabberd smth…. It’s a gud one…
rg….na its nt blabbering…actually for me love is
you love to stuck with that one always.share every emotion…whenever u r happy or sad excited or disappointed…your eyes search only him…to share your feelings…………to threaten him or her…if you dnt do this…then look (i will pack my bag and shift to women’s hostel…i use to tell this….so funny)
Seriously sis I will use this leaving n staying at women hostel excuse in my future…obviously when my time come…its quite funny n threats same time…n I think u should show ur work to ur hubby…ur quite beautiful at writing…good wishes to Arya…
Hahaha….no way…..m damn nervous in front of his work…..
And this threaten work for me…..hahahahaha….I always enjoy that
Nice one…. I agree wid u….
awesome love story yaar…….please update soon……tc
Will try yaar
It’s awesome………. I loved it…………. nd about love……….. I don’t know much but I know when ever I youth about love there is just one image came to my mind nd i.e. my dad I love him more than my life………………………………….. tc. ?
Sooo nice
thxx sweety
Hi maandey am a tamil girl i like u r story line and way of u r writing i love my family a lot and i will call u akka(akka means di):-)
o god….thankyou so much sweety……
U r too gud maandey
Thx dear n welcomr
Nice yar
Thx sweety
Mazzaaa aaya mujhe…oops.i hope i said it correctly. I love it Maanu dear
it is tooooooooooooooooo goooooooood :). Masth episode. You are too good dear
Keep going.. 
Yup….u r correct
wow!!!!!!! it was chooo cute dear
i m too young to understand what is love but what i know about love is from my dad mamma bro towards me thats it
sorry for being late i was attending my college function i just opened for is it any updates seriously after seeing ur update i m literally screamed like a mad in excitement all were waching me like what happened to this girl ho nooo
waiting for next one
u r visiting hrishikesh so nice
take care
Hey…..missing u…..and just try to get some tym from the stressed life…..let’s c
Lol waht was that?! Pumpkin?! ??????.. Too good… This one was so cute!! Now what is Arjun going to do?! Is he gonna shift there?!
He carrying her like a kid!! Too cute!! I remember my dad carrying me like that when I was tired after the trek.. I really donno the pain of staying away from my parents as they never let me go anywhere… Alone.. Not even school trips.. Even if I don’t get home sick, my mom will cry without me… I remember when I was in US, we had to go to this camp.. It was compulsory and maa came along as a volunteer… She left my sister with my dad… That’s the only reason why she didn’t send me to hostel… But paa is like ony if I stay in hostel I’ll know of people and learn to be independent..
I think I blabbered a lot didn’t I?! Sorry about that… I just got carried away..
Have fun… Take care.. Stay safe.. I think you got your husband’s influence… Lol…. And baby arya get well soon… Muaahh to you!!
Post soon… Love you ??
Thx alot my baby….
Awesome episode, I hope you enjoy your trip at Hrishkesh.
Thxxxxx alot
You dont answer my question i will call u akka or not
Yes my doll u can…..
Very cute
Its amazing dear….
Ur words are true my darling
I love the way u narrated everything
I think beyond this care is must for love
take care
loved ur ff much today
stay blessed
love u

Thx my dear
Hi i’m silent reader of ur story. But today i broke it and ur story was too good u always rock it today our aradika scene touched in my heart
MP thxx alot and please now no more silence reading
nice one.
Hi maandey how r u and ur little angel i must say u r a very gud writer i love ur ff so much daily wait rehta kab upload karoge aap t c
M overwhelmed now…..
Awesome da! I dnt think anyone cn define love. Well i hv no idea. Bt i guess so. N wht abt ur interview?.
Updt soon
Sasha……I dnt get a call till now BT hopefully in this week…..ahhhhhh nervour from the core
Aww so cute dey r….arjun is the man..he will do anything 4 his lady….
Love..i think dis word is d most beautiful, meaningful and powerful word…love is sacrifice..its bearing d burden..its pain..its forgiving ur lovd ones…love can be in any form..it can b love 4 our partner,dad,mom,sis,bro,
dog,cat,bed(seriously,i love my bed d most….i even say i love u to it)or anything….to be loved…its a different feeling…wen i c my parent’s love 4 each other…..it just make me very happy..dey balance each other very much…love has its ups and down…it comes wid full load of baggages…v have to accept our lovd one’s d way dey r…v should respect and trust each other…love is a mixture of different varities of icecream….d flavours in it r happiness, anger,jealousy,sad,loneliness,possessiveness,etc.etc..
God i’m feeling so much things right now….
Well..update soon…u r doing an amazing job…
Love you….
Vivi thxx alot…..
hey manndey it was superb dear..sorry for late commenting…for me love is connection between soul who shares same vibes abt ech other..they laugh cry fight argue bt end of the day sleep in ech other arms…
Dipika thxx alot……I agree with ur opinion
lovely and cute one……waiting for next update…
Haha me 2 waiting for nextttt
very cute
nice story
update asap
Sure dear
i just loved ur story
please post updates soon