Fan Fiction


O Re piya ….

” His first impression was of reminds me someone who I hate the most in the world which made me to hate his first glimpse “- Swara
Story begins -Swara POV..

I am most unbelievable person of this earth, it is not me who said it this is the word which is said by every other person I passed on as it is my mother Sharmistha gadodia or my sister Ragini Gadodia or to say my collage mates whom I hardly converse!! I am a silent type girl who didn’t like crowd and mostly like to be alone. Being with myself is my favorite time pass. But today I don’t know what gotten into me after that morning incident that at this hour of midnight I am sitting on my bed with sketch book and pencil making a face which I don’t know why but I wanted to make it from last one hour I am doing this as like my brain and heart are not in my control and my hands are moving on her own mind and when finally it finished my face turned into pale and numb and What in the hell I made this blo*dy smoker face!!!! Have I lost it!!! But then I myself found staring at the face. How could I make such flawless sketch of that smoker whom I just met at once in morning. It’s too much!! It is like he has gotten in my blood at one glimpse !! OK just took a deep breath and you will be fine! Assuring myself is my old habits. But nothing is making me rest!! Why???
Before 12hrs ….

After taking my college bag I came outside only to be greeted by such shocking scenes where my sister is on top of some stranger “MAN ” and compositing myself I cough hard to make them come out so called dream land. But after waiting of few seconds looking like there small fairytale is not breaking so this time cough hard to make them startled awake and then I gaze at Ragini and then the stranger before I could say I heard surprised of Ragini unusual anger tone “,Are you blind jerk??? “woah that was shocked for me to listen a badmouth from Ragini gadodia. I already double check my ears what I heard is it true because her sister is too much Miss perfect that she thinks badmouthing is like classless woman!! And now this statement made me totally flew me out of window Really!! And then when I was again to say I heard Ragini fuming anger towards that stranger “What are you staring !!! And who are you!!??? “and now I am definitely thinking that what happened to Ragini gadodia?????? !!!!! Because she is not someone who ask anybody whereabouts or intro!! Never then what had gotten in her but what I was kidding dude as I heard harsh retort of stranger”listen Miss whatever it was just a accident ! And it was you who bump on me! And last thing dammit you are not my wife to ask me who and what I am doing here!! “if I didn’t have any problem with Men’s I would have whistling at the perfect retort on my perfection sister face making her nostrils flared, so now I decided to step in this banter!! “Ragini who is he? ” I ask Ragini making her to stop glaring that MEN!!! As I suppose she turned around and said in burning anger “don’t know who is this jerk! “….ohkay as now I see my this Miss perfectionist sister is behaving really weird!!and then heard that MEN voice which is seem too angry “try to be civil Miss whatever !!” that MEN face was truly annoyed by Ragini bad mouthing and for the first time in all those years I find this MEN very much culture and sensible who knew how to behave with woman and I am impressed because after listening Ragini gadodia this much anger and disgusting words no one would like to talk in civil and have any patience before slapping hard on Ragini face because if I were there I would have done this with Ragini but I can’t say aloud right after all sister and the poor victim is MEN!! I heard his polite voice towards me making me really amused is this type Men are exist but when I heard I literally frown!!

” Would you please tell me which one is flat of Praveen Bose? I don’t know the flat number! “..I took a minute to digest this because I can now look myself boiling in anger knowing this MEN would be leaving in front of our house I replied him in warning tone which I used with everyone who are MEN!! “it’s left building and I think you are new PG of him so I just warn you Mr.. try not to come infront of us ” and I can see that Men scowl face which I think like giggling I can bet he would be confirmed that we both are sisters then I turned to Ragini who was fuming in anger WOAH this much anger its a deep miracle Swara we are getting late let’s go! “and we walk past after all we both are getting late for college as we walk out of Badi no one of us talk about inside incident because we both never talk with each other and it’s a thunderstorm truth of both us life we are like formal and we never tried to talk like sisters because our past made us not to trust anyone even not your family and I think we have adopted this policy so I just be busy in my world not to interact with anyone let alone talk as we were walking past I saw Ragini was going to take Scoty but next moment my whole existence froze when I smell… smell that cigerat… Someone was smoking. It made me take furry in my eyes and when I turned I found myself staring at the hot -handsome – masculine young man if I compare the men I saw inside and this men infront of me I don’t know whom I hardly get crushed because one is clear in my head that is I HATE MAN!!don’t think I would be going to check out but don’t know what but don’t know what happened me suddenly I was trying to mermerize every detail of that Men but I stopped when I saw him smoking don’t know why but I felt horrible and pang of dissapointment for a mere stranger and mostly for MEN!! but don’t know how my eyes turn moist and when I saw him turning I wiped those tears. He seemed to be surprised by looking me and when I look at his eyes I can feel going to head to toe I started feeling conscious of myself too much fidging my top and scarf but Then I smell it again and I outburst on him “Would you Stop smoking!!!! “he literally dropped the cigerate stick between his fingers looking at me with wide eyes and I heard his commanding voice “What did you say!!? “he hissed with Anger written all over his face like me. But I was determined so snapped out at him ” I said you Men population always need to disgust woman with your this casnova type habits smoking is injurious for health and don’t ever once think that I am concerned about your blo*dy f**kING health!!! There is another public area where like me people live who don’t want to die!! By smelling these sucking smell making our life short!! So you disgusting man tried to stop smoking your this disgusting cigerate in public places!!! Go and smoke there where you are alone and can easily die alone!!! ” I shouted on him I didn’t realize when my breath went heavy, my hands clench fist tightly, my eyes are red shot looking straight in his eyes!!! But what I heard next make me shocked the hell out of him.. He was.. He was chuckling ..and then started laughing saying me inbetween ” oh gosh… You.. Are.. Incridible.. Lady.. And you.. Should be.. Looking at your face.. It is looking… Like.. Red mermaid.. Ha..ha… Seriously are cute ” I fumed listening all that nonsense was about to retort when he replied sternly ” one sec Lady Gaga whoever you are stop making fuss over it. If you don’t want me to smoke then tried to ask in normal woman voice but seems like you need physocterian.!! Cyco!!!! ” chuckling he was about to go but stopped at track by my Voice ” Hey you Mr so called doctor!!! I don’t need anyone but you seem to need doctors soon! And looking like you are another cartoon of that PG well do the favor for yourself don’t ever show your ugly face!!! Mental ” lashing out I made him angry but I care less turning around I was about to go when Ragini too come there looking behind of me saying ” is he another cartoon of that flat! “I murmer “yes ” and make my way out of those blackish flaming eyes. With Ragini who was still fuming in anger!!! ..

I don’t know what was that MEN I don’t get control on myself which is unusual for me I still can’t believe on my eyes that I have actually sketch his face and every short details with my pencil perfectly but what I do now? Teer it would be best option!!!. But then I heard knock I know who could be my perfect sister! I open the door she is looking wide awake like me I heard her “coffee? “I smile and taken it. Then I thought to ask inside but the sketches of that were scattered I can’t let Ragini see them ” my room is mess up! It would be suffocating for you! Why don’t we… ” I said her best excuse which she can easily carried away .she completed with smile” common terrace! ” I nodded that is the only place where I have peace with my sister company we don’t need to behave like normal siblings we are like this and we are happy with it making our way we came to terrace where we have scenes of Kolkata bridge and the city but when my eyes fall on one figured I shocked looking at that very reason I am having sleepless night!!!as I gasp looking at the bears and cigarettes. Ragini ask me “what happened Swara? “but when she turned I think she knows what happened I heard her angry voice “what the hell is going on here? “but then I listen the another Man voice who have gotten in fight with Ragini “What the f – ” and when Mr smoker and that another Man look shockingly to both of us but my was still on that Mr smoker!!!

So here the POV of Swara Gadodia…
And last would be Sanskar POV + their four surprise meet on terrace!!!
Please guys comment!!!
-by Aryna


Hi !! Myself Aryna as you all know my nickname so here I am who just know that write about something which make you feel good!!

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