Fan Fiction

Oberois Memories – Part 22

Authors Note- Hey, sorry for the long wait turns out fasting for 19/20 hours is tiring . Anyway just to let you know this story will end in roughly 3 shots.

Now I’m going to skip all this illegitimate business and evil Pinky because it messes with my brain. I’m also cutting off this Kamini ladki but I’ll make sure to mention Mahi in mine. I really hope that IB bring mahi again. In this part I’m going to show you Pinky being mean to Anika but she’s not blackmailing her or anything. I hope you like it.?

Pinky’s kitty party

Pinky- Hello, my lovliess.

Friend 1- Pinky I like your necklace, where did you get it from.

Pinky- Oh, this thing. My herra beta and my herra beti bought it from me from Icelands. For theirs “vacation”.

Friend 2- Your daughter in law right.

Pinky- No. My daughter. She is like a daughter to me and I am like a mother to her. You know I always wanted a baby girl so when she grows up I can go shoppings or go to parlour together but now I think why want another daughter when you have Anika: I can do everything with her. The best thing is she doesn’t complain where we shop or where we eat. That Tia ki bhachi always wanted Italian or French cusine. Whilst my Anika likes having yummy chat with me.

Friend 1- So you daughter- in law is called Anika,

Pinky- Right. I’m always on Team Anika, you know when Shivaay shows to tadi to Anika, and as I am about to tell off Shivaay, my Anika answers back very clever. If shivaay has tadi, then anika has very tadi (her english gives me jokes). (looks at her friends who have no idea what she’s talking about) Anika taught me that word. Tadi.

Friend 3- So you really like her then.

Pinky- Yes. she is my superbeti. Like she is Rudra’s superwoman she is my superbeti.

Friend 2- I heard she’s middle class and is an orphan.

Pinky- Yes… That doesn’t matter, she’s a human being. A very pretty one.

Friend 3- So you have no idea of her background or her family.

Pinky- We are her family. If you have a problem with that then GETS OUT.

Friend 1- Well I’ve heard that these middle class girls are always up to no good. They trap a rich man and steal his money.

Pinky- So… Wait a minute are you trying to badmouth my beti.

Friend 2- No we are trying to warn you. My nephew had the same problem; his wife was middle class, an orphan. Stole all his money by blackmailing him.

Pinky – Really.

Friend 1- Yes. This is why such middle class people come to these rich families. We are just saying this to save your hera beta.

Pinky- I can’t believe that Anika would do such disgusting things. She better not hurt my Shivaay. Just wait.

( So basically Pinky got brainwashed by her stupid friends, this bit is only going to last for this shot only, I just want to try and make Pinky a positive character)

This carries on for a bit where Pinky is being really mean to Anika and not giving her the love she deserves. Instead of a crying Anika we see a much more positive Anika who just answers back politely. OmRu watch all of this and they meet Anika near the pool, her thoughts are someone else.

Om- Anika bhabi.

Anika- hmm.

Om- We saw and heard what choti ma said.

Rudra- She can be a bit stuck up but just ignore her.

Om- You know what we’ll go to Shivaay about it.

Anika- NO! Shivaay must not know about this

OmRu- Why.

Anika- A mothers love is the best thing a child could ask for and I don’t really want to break Shivaay and Aunty’s relationship. I don’t care if Aunty is badmouthing me, it actually shows that she cares about him. She’s worried about her son. I don’t know but if Sahil got a girlfriend, I would also be very protective oh him because I would never want that girl to hurt Sahil.

(Shivaay actually know all about this as he has observed Anika and Pinky’s actions. He has also heard AniOmRu conversation which brings a smile to his lips. He then tells Pinky something(I’ll reveal it later))

Pinky goes up to Anika, crying.

Pinky- Anika

Anika- Yes!

Pinky just hugs Anika.

Pinky- I made a huge mistake. I hated the girl that made my son’s life complete. i hate the girl who was like my daughter.I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what happened to me.

Anika- You did make a huge mistake. By apologizing. Pinky aunty I was never mad at you. You are such a good mother to Shivaay and I really envy that.

Pinky- You are just like my daughter.

Anika- Stop it, you are making me Senti.

Pinky- But today I need to tell you the reason why i suddenly turned on you.

Anika- You don’t need to give an reason.

Pinky- No. I’ve behaved so badly with you. When I was 8 months pregnant with Shivaay, one of Shakti ji’s friend came to stay and our house, her name was Nayantara. She was from a middle class family too, I loved her like my own sister. Just after Shivaay 6th month birthday I was walking in the corridor upstairs and someone pushed me. The last thing I saw was Nayantara smile as she pushed me. Then it went all black. I had been in a coma for 5 and half years. When I was awake, I had seen Shivaay, not a 6 month baby anymore but a 5 year old boy who was now mature, he didn’t need his mothers help in anything. He had learnt to do it all by himself. He had grown up without his mother’s love and comfort and as for me; I had missed everything. His first word, his first steps. His first day at school. I missed everything. I never felt like a mother. It took some time for myself and Shivaay’s relationship, he would always make me dinner and come to check if I had eaten it or not. He would feed me lovingly. Sometimes I had felt like I was the child and Shivaay wasn’t. He had a real passion for business and he always considered Tej as an idol. Sometimes he would practice his Business man of the year speech and I would be in the front row, being a Proud mother. If Shivaay had a problem he would always come to me first. Then Omru and Prinku came, Shivaay loved them all. Prinku and Omru first word was bhaiya or shivu. My Shivaay gave them love as a brother and love as a father. I was upset at first as he would always talk to me first, but I knew inside Shivaay was like me, he truly loves everyone and he would never forget his mother. When Shivaay exams were taking place I had sleepless nights not knowing how Shivaay would cope. I would go to his room and see that angelic face of his and it brought me happiness. When he finally graduated he came and hugged me first. I was crying so much and Shivaay was there to wipe my tears. I never wanted anything, except the love of Shivaay. I try so hard to fill in that gap of 5 years. It’s hard Anika. If I could go back in time I would change that event. I would tie his shoe laces, pack his school bag, make his favorite meals. God knows what Shivaay would be like. I can’t help but feel like someway I have become a bad mum. And then you came, Anika and Shivaay feel in love with you, if he had a problem he would come to you first. If you were ill, he would do absolutely anything for you. As i watched your love blossom I felt like the relationship between me and Shivaay was fading. He would be your Shivaay not mine. You would be the one that he would share everything with not you. When I found out you were middle class, it just brought me memories of Nayantara. I didn’t want you to take the thing I only have. I didn’t want you to take Shivaay of me. Now I’ve realized your perfect for Shivaay, your the ice and he’s the fire. You would take a bullet for him. You love the family more than anything. You are the best bahu and I don’t know why that didn’t come to my mind. The biggest mistake I did was treating you like a daughter in law. I should of treated you like a daughter.

Anika is speechless and is crying.And Pinky wipes those tears.

Pinky- Don’t cry. Shivaay was right, it doesn’t suit you.

They walk away talking about going out to have Halva Puri(think I spelt that wrong)

Flashback(when Shivaay goes and talks to Pinky)

Shivaay- Mum. Why are you suddenly becoming so mean to Anika.

Pinky- What do you mean?

Shivaay- Don’t lie I’ve seen you mum, you make fun of her background and her. If I was in her place, god know what I would have done. Instead of shouting and yelling at you, she not made at you. When OmRu found out she calmly explained that it was no fault of yours. But I don’t understand. Why are you being so mean to her.

Pinky- Because I’m scared Shivaay, I’m scared she’s going to hurt you. You know my friend P…

Shivaay(interrupting) That’s enough Mom. Now will you let me talk.

Pinky- You will obviously defend that Anika.

Shivaay- Will you let me talk for God’s sake. Mom, do you remember when I was 12 and Me, Prinku and Omru became friends with that Rajneesh. Rajneesh Singhania.

Flashback(in a flashback ??)

Shivaay comes, sulking, and hugs his mum.

Pinky- What happened to my hera beta.

Shivaay- Mom, you know how OmRu and Prinku are my cousins but they are much closer and they always share everything with me.

Pinky- Yes!

Shivaay- Well that Rajneesh, my friend he has become very close to them and they are always talking. When Omru had a problem they went to Rajneesh first, and started explaining the problem. Thats what they used to do to me. They used to come to me and I would explain the situation and take them for ice cream. I think they prefer Rajneesh over me, the thing is Rajneesh is also really good at giving advice. I hope they don’t replace me with that Rajneesh. It’s not fair.

Pinky- That’s it. You were sulking over such a small problem. Beta, you are the Shivaay Singh Oberoi and …

Shivaay(getting up)-Thanks Mom

Pinky- I didn’t even finish.

Shivaay- You are right. Who is he? Rajneesh Singhania. I’m Shivaay Singh Oberoi. He’s no-one to me. No-one messes with Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Pinky- Where are you going and what are you doing?

Shivaay- I’m going to talk to that Rajneesh kid.

Pinky- Good.

Shivaay- And then punch him at least 10 times.


Shivaay- After punching him, I’ll drag him from this house and say what Bade papa always says. “Get lost. Never come here. If you ever come here, I’ll take you straight to jail, and Shivaay Singh Oberoi never breaks a promise” (He looks at Pinky, who’s clearly freaked out) What? Did I say the line wrong.

Pinky(mutters) Men.

Shivaay- Huh?

Pinky- Is that what I’ve taught you, go straight to battle without thinking. Now listen, this relationship between Rajneesh and PriOmRu is new,na. So it will take some time to form. Your relationship with PriOmRu has lasted for 6 whole years. PriOmRu love you, I can see that. If they don’t show it it doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Relationships take time and you need to understand that. It’s like when you have a new toy, you would start playing it more but then you love all of your toys, old or new. That’s the same with this. You need to understand there will be a time where PriOmRu may love someone more or the same as they love you, even you will. PriOmRu will spend more time with someone then they will you. But you need to understand. Give them some space, so they are able to understand both relationships. Are you saying when PriOmRu are married you will drag their fiance’s out of the house. No right. Later on you will be married and you will spend more time with that girl than you will with me. I will obviously will upset of that but I would never kick my daughter-in-law out of this house, I will love her like I Iove you. PriOmRu are mature enough to understand that your their older brother and you will always protect them, and they will always love you. When Prinku gets upset she knows not to cry because her Shivaay bhaiya is there for her, no matter what. Now go and join in with Rajneesh, and please be nice to him, and if I hear anything of you throwing him out of the house, I’ll throw you out with him. Okay.

Shivaay- I love you mum. And don’t worry I will love you more that I love my wife.

Pinky- That’s what everyone says. You don’t know how much you love them until you fall in love with them. I hope you marry a nice girl who loves and cares for Shivaay and not Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Shivaay- We’ll see what the future has planned for me. Thanks Mom for making me understand. I love you.

Pinky(wipes the tears on Shivaay’s face) I love you too.

End flashback(Wait we’re still on a flashback?)

Shivaay- Do you remember when you said ” Later on you will be married and you will spend more time with that girl than you will with me. I will obviously will upset of that but I would never kick my daughter-in-law out of this house, I will love her like I Iove you.” Then why were you acting like that, huh.

Pinky- I guess I was being stupid.

Shivaay- Yes you were, When I was younger you would say to me that I would get a girl who loves me like you do and makes me smile and she would love me as Shivaay and not Shivaay Singh Oberoi, That girl who you described is Anika.

Pinky- Aw!

Shivaay- I’m guessing that Anika taught you that word. That girl na.

Pinky- Oi, don’t insult my hera beti.

Shivaay- Your hera beti. Excuse me she’s my wife. ( realises what he says and starts blushing.)

Pinky- Oh she’s your wife. Sorry Mr SSO.

Shivaay- Don’t you start mom.

Pinky- Thanks Shivaay for making me understand. I love you.

Shivaay(wipes the tears on Pinky’s face) I love you too.

Shivaay- Mom, I love Anika. She’s the one.

End flashback

That’s it, for this shot, I just wanted to show Pinky as a good character who just wanted someone to love her son the way she does. I hate the way they’ve portrayed Pinky and Bua ma in IB. Before it was such a good serial, Yes it’s easier to direct and act with drama and villains but don’t make people villains or these crazy stuff that make’s your mind hurt( Next thing you know if Anika is a ghost and half wizard). Personally I think they are just dragging it. They should talk to some IB and DBO fans so they can learn how to improve this serial. Before It was so good to watch, something fun to watch after having stressful days. The obro moments are so rare now. I miss them. ?

Sorry I haven’t been up to my standard of writing, I tried to make this long, What a lot of people have said is that I haven’t answered of my questions of this ff so there are parts which are still a mystery. Please comment them and I’ll find a way of putting them in the next 2/3 shots. What I will answer definitely is Anika’s past and why Tej treats Anika really well. I’ll make sure to update soon. ?

RainRose6263 ?

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