Hello everyone!

Vihaan’s POV

I’m obsessed with her beauty, her hair, her lips, her voice, in short everything that’s related to her!!

She’s so beautiful when she sleeps. I turn to cuddle with her, but I don’t know why she always pulls away.

I lie back, staring at the ceiling fan spinning in our room. I have to say something. She’s been distant for weeks. So, facing her I asked.

Vihaan: Everything ok?

Riddhima: Yeah.

Vihaan: You sure?

Riddhima: Yeah, I just don’t want to cuddle, it’s too hot.

Vihaan: Ok…goodnight.

It is hot. Maybe that’s all it is. But deep down I know it’s not. I don’t want to be needy, but I can’t stand being left in the dark.

Vihaan: I just feel like you’ve been distant.

Riddhima: Vihu, I have to get up early tomorrow.

Vihaan: I know, but I just want to know what’s going on?

Riddhima: Can we talk about this another time, okay?

Vihaan: Okay.

She turns the other side and goes back to sleep while, I go back to staring at the ceiling fan.

Did I do something wrong? Does she want to break up with me? Is she cheating on me?

I pick up my phone and go to her Instagram page. I tap to see who likes her photos.

And I see him: Vansh.

He’s attractive, successful…happy. He’s the guy I’d picture Riddhima leaving me for.

I have noticed that he has liked all of her photos.

I tap onto his page and shockingly, I see that she has also liked all of his photos from the past 3 weeks.

They’re clearly into each other.

I start envisioning Riddhima and Vansh on dates together.

They could have been getting together for weeks behind my back. How dare she? How?? How could I be so dumb?

Till date whosoever boy she had met, be it her friend and they tried to eye my thing and I got to know about it, there hasn’t been a trace of them since then!! Then how come I wasn’t aware of it? How?? And about killing the boys mercilessly and then cutting them into the slightest pieces and dumping them to a place where no one ever dares to come hasn’t been known to her till date! And if by chance the dating thing comes true then with Vansh toh I’ll do but I don’t know what I’ll do with you Riddhima! HOW DARE HE TOUCH WHAT BELONGED TO MEE?

Why would she lie? How could she do this to me?

Yeah, I can be needy at times, but I’m not that bad.


The morning light peeks through the window and I look at the clock to see it’s 7am.

I’ve been up all-night thinking about Riddhima and Vansh.

And to disturb my thoughts, the alarm rings and Riddhima groggily gets out of bed. She’s not a morning person. She stumbles into the bathroom.

I watch her brush her teeth and wonder what she’s thinking. I guess, she’s probably going to see Vansh today.

Vihaan: Are you busy tonight?

Riddhima: Yeah, today’s my co-worker’s birthday so we gonna go to a café!

Everything feels like a lie. I dig deeper, hoping to expose her.

Vihaan: Which co-worker?

Riddhima: Sejal. She’s new.

Vihaan: Maybe, I guess I could also come by.

Riddhima: No need, it’s really more of a work thing.

Vihaan: I’ve gone to work birthdays before with you.

Riddhima: Yeah! but she’s new. Also why do you care? You hate the people I work with.

Vihaan: Well maybe I’ll like Sejal.

Riddhima: You won’t. Trust me.

Vihaan: What time will you be home then?

Riddhima: I don’t know.

Vihaan: Should I get dinner for you?

Riddhima: Nah. Just get something for yourself.

How could she be this cold? Why does she have to keep me in the dark?

Vihaan: Do you wanna talk about last night?

Riddhima: I’m already running late. So, not today!

Vihaan: Well, then when can we talk about it?

Riddhima: Tomorrow. I’m just too stressed with work. I gotta go.

She finishes getting ready and rushes out the door.

Vihaan: Have a fun night tonight. Love you.

Riddhima: Thanks, Vihu. Bye.

How can she not say “I love you” back? I just feel like smashing her head to the wall and forcibly ask her to reply back. But nah, I won’t do that because I love my baby a lot!

She’s probably going to see Vansh tonight. Going to some fancy restaurant I could never afford and laughing about me and how worthless I am. But she doesn’t know the real devil which is inside me!

2 hours later

I sit at my desk blankly staring at the computer screen. I bet Vansh is a Vice President at some company.

Probably drives a , no not just any Lamborghini, the super nice latest version one. And has a luxurious penthouse in the hills.

The one which Riddhima always dreamed off.

We’ve been together for 3 years. Yeah, we did had ups and downs but I never thought she would cheat on me?

I’m not going to let her get away with this. I’m going to catch her with Vansh.

That night

I wait outside Ridddhima’s office making sure I’m in a place where she can’t see me.

She gets into her car and leaves the parking lot. I wait a few moments and then follow her car.

10 minutes later

I follow her till the end. She parks her car and walks towards a café.

I find a parking spot that has a good view of the café and peer inside and see her there with her work friends. I get calmed for a moment knowing she told the truth.

But then I feel shameful for following her.

How can I truly love her if I don’t trust her? Maybe I’m the problem?

But I love her aur pure daave ke saath keh sakta hun yeh I just can’t sleep without seeing her face, without listening to the sweet melodious voice I can’t start my day!

I’m such an insecure obsessed idiot who thinks everyone will abandon me just like Ragini did!

I should do something nice for her.

I’ll get her Kaaju-katli from Gulaab.

It’s her favourite.

I text Riddhima.

Vansh: Hope you’re having fun. I have a surprise for you when you get home.

I see Riddhima had seen the text message and ignored it. What? Why would she do that?

I tell myself to calm down. Maybe she just wants to enjoy the meet and will text me later.

I turn the engine on and then look back in the café one more time.

What I see breaks my heart…

Vansh is there. The two of them chatting. Laughing.

She looks so happy with him. He touches her arm. She leans in and then they kiss.

Tears immediately stream down my cheeks.

It’s over.

But soon the sadness turns to anger.

She lied to me. And I had to find out like this. She has to know I know.

I get out of the car and walk towards the bar.

As I walk, I envision killing Vansh ruthlessly and then torturing Riddhima till the time she doesn’t get to understand that she’s mine and ONLY MINE!

I open the door to the café and see them there.

I walk up to them.

And tap Riddhima on the shoulder. She turns and I look into her eyes. I can see love in her eyes but that’s not for me but for someone else!

And I see the woman I loved for 3 years. I see all the good times we’ve had.

The parties. The mornings in. The road trips.

She made me so happy then. And I made her happy then.

And out of nowhere the memories 4 years made their way.


Ragini and I were married and highly obsessed with each other we never left a chance to make the other person feel special! And why won’t we? Highly mad in each other’s love.

But one day all the love I had for her started decreasing and the main reason was that she was pregnant and soon I realised there will be someone in our life whom Ragini would always like to give all the love!

I always tried to make her understand to abort the child and when she didn’t pay heed to what was said my me, I started plotting various ways of how to kill the child but fate wasn’t my side. I was really really obsessed with her and wanted all her love only to be for me and me and after knowing that someone else will also get the love which was stored for me, how could I just stay silent then?

Soon, the distance started increasing between us and at that time I started cheating on Ragini just to break her apart for not listening to what I said. Just to break her more apart, I didn’t even go with her to the hospital when it was time for the delivery!

It had been 10 days since, I hadn’t seen her after that, and I wasn’t even interested, looking for her.

One late night, when I entered my room, I found a letter near the desk and on reading it I found out that Ragini was blessed with a baby girl and that child is now in the orphanage and if by any chance I wanna get my child, the details of the orphanage and her name and all are safely kept in a purple file in her house’s almirah. And I shouldn’t search for her (Ragini) anymore as she has already left to a trip to GOD.

“I loved you the most but still you cheated and soon take my words Vihaan, and soon the same will happen with you that’ll break you apart”

Her those words pierced my heart but at that time I never took it seriously.

Flashback ends

And today am standing in the same position where Ragini stood once.


She was right. And I was and am still wrong!

Riddhima: What are you doing here?

I snap out of my trance. A million thoughts rush through my head.

But all I can say is:

Vihaan: I don’t want to hold you back anymore, I just want you to be happy. Goodbye Riddhima.

Tears fall from both of us, but I smile and she smiles.

Riddhima: Bye Vihaan.

I leave the café.

I feel sad.

I feel hurt.

I feel heartbroken

But I feel free.

And now I know what I have to do.

Plan change!!







Now, am gonna go straight to Ragini’s house and open her almirah and find the purple file and then live happily with my daughter.

She might have been 3 years old by now! 

And how does she look? Did she go on me or Ragini?!




 Hope you liked it! 


Life is too short...enjoy it, don't waste it!! Be friends with nature not foe.

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