On The Path Of Love (Chapter-2 Down The memory lane) RiAnsh

Chapter 2:Down The Memory Lane

Firstly thanks for all the comments and love and Pearl actually that ff was not getting proper response but if you want I’ll complete atleaset Vansh’s bday in that ff and secondly I want to clear one doubt in last chapter in precap I wrote flashback of 15 years but it’s 17 years and Vansh was in his farmhouse instead of mansion and farmhouse is far away from mansion and now he is heading towards city after receiving Angre’s call. Ok so let’s start

After uttering word ‘Riddhima’ he stopped the car. He came out of his car as he felt like something is choking him, he felt suffocated, he came out for some fresh air. He was alone on those mountainous ghat area, surrounded by dark green bushes, covered by dark clouds, just like his life which was dark. All dark. He felled down on his knees as his inner chaos and external silence was killing him. He closed his eyes and just took a deep breath and remembered something. Something that someone, someday told him. He screamed his heart out, he screamed so loud, that it echoed. Just then a cold breeze touched his face to calm his wrath, his rage, with his eyes closed he just turn his head up and a drop of water right from the sky fell on his face, it started raining. It felt like that rain was just for him, just fell down from clouds to calm his inner fire. As each and every drop touched him, he became silent and calm, returned to his car he sat on drivers seat and started driving.
He was passing through tunnels, as he was moving down the ghats, his mind was moving down the memory lane, and………………
17 years ago
Heritage Convent High School
8 standard, division B
First day of academic year, before morning assembly each and every student were running in the class, laughing, cracking jokes, teasing, doing mischiefs and then comes that one guy sitting at the corner of the bench with rubik cube, not a book worm he was but definitely a nerd. Just then a girl enters the room with two plates shouting, screaming,laughing with her friends.Innocent was her face but notorious was her gestures. Everyone were playing around and then all the students heard the footstep of professor and they all settled down. That girl ran and sat beside that guy as all benches were occupied. She sat beside him ,with a big smile showing her teeth she said, ‘Hii’. Then this nerd just gave him a look which tells what I don’t even know you.
She murmured, ‘Such a rude he is’
He heard that, but ignores it.
Assembly started, but still that girl was continuing with her mischiefs and giggling
Finally that nerd opened his mouth and told, ‘can’t you keep your mouth shut or what, it’s assembly’
Girl replied, ‘what’s your problem? What do you think that you are nerd so is everyone.’
Boy replied, ‘shut up you wild cat’
Professor, ‘shhhhh, don’t talk it’s assembly’
After assembly,professor called out everyone’s name
The girl came to know that the boy name is Vansh and the boy came to know that the girl name is Riddhima
It was recess time everyone were interacting
Someone from behind called Riddhima’s name and she said,’Hii’
Riddhima answered, “hello, may I know your name? Actually sir called out everyone’s name, but I forgot your name, sorry!”
The girl replied, “Nitya, Nitya Verma. I saw you and Vansh were continuosly arguing, it was quiet entertaining to see”
Riddhima answered, “O God, don’t ask it was entertaining for you all but not for me how rude he is, nerd”
Nitya laugh and answered, “He is my best friend”
Riddhima answers, “O sorry but not sorry because I told whatever I felt”
Nitya says, “It’s ok, you don’t have to say sorry, he is like that only”
Riddhima ask, “you are pretty sweet, how he is your bestfriend? I mean how you bear him?”
Nitya answers,”Even I don’t have answer to this question”
They both laugh and recess gets over
It was last lecture going on, they were copying notes, Riddhima was writing with ink pen, while writing, the pen stopped working, she just jerk the pen and boom……… All ink splashed on Vansh’s crystal clear white shirt and of course face
She looked at him suppressing her laugh she said, “sorry” And she started laughing and the whole class started laughing
Vansh took the ink bottle and splash it on Riddhima’s uniform
Looking them fighting with each other professor told them to write homework 5 times and they have no option
Afterwards they both left for their home,
Vansh, Nitya, Ishaani, Aaryan and Siya came towards the car looking at Vansh condition Ishaani, Aaryan and Siya started laughing and said,”Holi is next year bhai”
Vansh in rage told,”shut up”
Five of them sat in car and were going together and now Nitya have to face wrath of Vansh,
Vansh said, “why were you laughing?”
Nitya replied, “She didn’t do that intentionally I saw that as I was sitting behind you both. Everyone started laughing that’s why even I was also laughing and that too she ask for an apology”
Aaryan asked,”who did what?”
Nitya, “Riddh…. ”
Vansh interrupted and said with little rage, “one wild cat came in our class”
Everybody looked at each other and sat quietly they reached home
Vansh thoughts were broken by some horns as he entered the city and is about to reach the office
He reached the office and went to his cabin
He asked Angre, “Have you got any clue”
Angre replied, “No boss”
Vansh in rage told him,”it been 4 years and your answer is still same. Go and find her. Have you find any traces if Kabir? ”
Angre answered, “No boss, but I’ll find them” And he left
Vansh again sat with his rubik cube closing his eyes


Sometimes you are so shattered that you don’t understand that your memories with your favourite person giving you happiness or pain
~By Author

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