On The Path Of Love (Chapter 3: Childhood Days) RiAnsh

Chapter 3:Childood Day

In today’s chapter bear with my grammatical errors đŸ™đŸ»

After all 5 reached home Uma saw Vansh’s condition and asked, “what is this Vansh? First day of school and look at your uniforms condition”
Vansh replied, “it’s not my fault”
Then Nitya narrates the whole incident to his mom, listening to it even Uma laughs and says, “Vansh beta, but that girl apologised you”
Listening to this Vansh says in frustration, “you also take her side” and goes to his room
On the other side Riddhima reaches home looking at her condition Roopa says, “what is this baccha?”
Then Riddhima narrates the whole incident and starts laughing while her mother says, “why are you laughing? Is there something to laugh and also you shouldn’t have laughed on him”
Riddhima answers, “Is there something on which I can’t laugh? And secondly I apologised him and by the way it was his fault that he was not laughing”
Just then Riddhima’s nani says, “That’s my Riddhu”
They both give hi-fi to each other and Riddhima goes to her room
Few academic months went
One day geography lecture was going on everybody were listening while Riddhima was just scribbling the page and Vansh sees it but ignores her just then Riddhima murmurs
“This sir is so boring, I don’t know how his family members must be tolerating him”
Listening to what she is murmuring Vansh whispers in her ears, “The same way your family is tolerating you” And he smirks
Riddhima gives him a angry look and says, “Did I asked you? And why you always poke your nose in between?”
And again their arguement takes place while professor notices it and scolds them, “Vansh and Riddhima each and everyday you both are creating mess, but teachers always leave you, but today I’ll punish both of you and punishment for you both is that you two have to explain ‘INDIAN AGRICULTURE’ chapter to whole 8th standard in auditorium in front of teachers as well as whole 8th standard batch. That too without preparation as you should understand how it feels standing in front of class and teaching everyone” He takes both of them to auditorium and call the peon and ask him to bring 8th standard batch to auditorium.
They both didn’t even talk to each other as professor was standing there and they both were so curious to argue again that they choose to keep their mouth shut
Everybody gathers in auditorium and professor ask them to start then


Precap:No precap

Sometimes it’s better to laugh at some situation rather than getting angry,
Smiling crowns are far better than frowns.
In some situations it’s better not to say anything,
Sometimes silence is mightier than words.

 ~By Author

Authors note:Hey everyone!! I hope you all are doing good and thanks for all the love, thanks for all the comments,though I’m unable to reply all of them but yes I read each and every comment with motivates me to write more. I hope you all are enjoying the ff and I have one question if you all are getting bored with Riddhima’s and Vansh’s childhood part so please let me know in comment section, so then I can complete it ASAP. Till that be happy, stay safe spread love and positivity ❀

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