Fan Fiction

One body two soul (swasan) – swaragini (episode 13)

Hey guys Anu once again backk with ff one body two soul I have replied to your comments in previous part read it here is link

So lets start ……

Sanskar is sitting in his room like a dead body no movement nothing…..sumi comes there

sanskar has no reaction….sumi again take his name……no reaction from his side
Sanskar come in his senses…..
sanskar(calmly like nothing happens):- maa u here….is anything important plz tell y u come here does u need any help

sumi is shocked seeing sanskar behavior……nd say sanskar y r u doing this… can u be so calm like nothing happen…..cry sanskar cry

sanskar(confused):- maa but why should I cry…maa today is my nd swara’s wedding na then I should be happy why will I cry nd where is baba badi ma mom……nd there is no preparation also maa get ready nd where is swara…
sumi again get shock nd slaps sanskar….
sumi:- sanskar have u got mental…..sanskar I know u r heartbroken but y r u behaving like u don’t know anything…..sanskar accept the reality nd the reality is swara is dead

Sanskar (shouts):- maaaa how can u say like that today is our wedding na how can u say like that maa…..I m going to get ready because I know swara will come definitely…….

now its high time for sumi she take sanskar in their backyard nd show he have decorated everything for swara…..nd then make him hear recording ( I said u na whatever swara is speaking sumi is recording that)…..sanskar remember it nd finally tears start to roll down from his cheeks

precap:- sanskar breakdown

sry for short update but I will update this much only

acha guys tell me is any twinj lover is here

Credit to: Anu


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