One wrong move- Riansh OS By Parita

One wrong move- Riansh OS

Hey guys, I’m back with another OS. Hope you all like reading it and let me know how you found it in the comments section.

This starts from the track where Ahaana had entered VR mansion. The point where Ahaana had almost hanged Riddhima in the storeroom.


Riddhima woke up in the morning after a peaceful sleep she had in her love’s embrace. She sat upright on the bed and her thoughts were driven back to the attacks that were done upon her. She breathed in and out and looked around the room, trying to find Vansh. She got up and she shrieked seeing a messaged written on the floor, with a red substance….perhaps it was someone’s blood.

She covered her mouth and panicked. She bent down and read the message.

“You’re precious item is in danger….save him if you can.

                                                     In the storeroom!”

Tears welled up in her eyes when she understood the message, it talked about her precious item, which was none other than her love, Vansh. She went around the room calling out for him. She got no response and she decided to rush towards the storeroom. On the other hand everyone was in the living room busy with their own work.

Ahaana and Ishani had their own talk related to Riddhima while Dadi and Chanchal were on the sofa, sorting a few jewellery for Ahaana and Kabir’s wedding. There came descending the stairs, Vansh and Angre with a few files in their hands. They were heading for the main door when something clicked in to Vansh’s mind.

Vansh: Where’s Riddhima?

Ishani: How should we know Bhai….she’s always roaming hither and thither as if a lost child or a spy!

Vansh: Oh really Ishani….no because I thought of asking you as you’re always free and have nothing to do (sarcastic)

Ishani: Bhai, how can you insult me for that low class gold digger!

Vansh: Ishani it’s better you not talk, stop it there! Dadi?

Dadi: No Vansh, I haven’t seen her yet, she must be sleeping in her room after yesterday’s attack on her. Did you check the room?

Vansh: No I didn’t. Angre wait here, I’m coming.

Vansh ran upstairs and in to their room where he saw nothing. It was empty, with no message on the floor anymore. He saw some of the things messy in the corner of their room which worried him. Riddhima hated unorganized items kept in their room, she was really particular at keeping everything sorted and organized then how could she let this mess be free out in the open?

Brushing the negative thoughts he went downstairs and to the kitchen, he didn’t find her so he went to the backyard. He didn’t find any trace of her however he found someone standing there; a person he hated to the core, Kabir. He was about to leave from there when Kabir interrupted and stopped him.

Kabir: Vansh what happened? You seem quite worried!

Vansh: Kabir, I don’t think it should matter you. Stay out of it. (gritting his teeth)

Kabir: I see…relating to Riddhima right, it’s clear on your face. I know you and Ahaana are together!

Vansh turned around facing him, in shock. Kabir knew? Vansh raised his eyebrows, passing a questioning look to him while Kabir just smirked.

Kabir: You thought I’m such a fool! (laughing) That I wouldn’t know you planted Ahaana in my life. You know I still even don’t care about that but now I’m starting to care about your wife, you know why because she’s falling into trouble for something she’s not done.

Vansh: Don’t bring Riddhima in!

Kabir: She was already in between this, from the day I sent her here to spy on you but you indulged her in our enmity deeper when you both confessed love for each other. You know when I first got to know about you planting Ahaana in my life, I wasn’t much surprised but what surprised and shocked me more was when you ordered Ahaana to scare and kill Riddhima! (shouting)

Vansh: Kabir!! Stay in your limits…don’t try to teach me what’s wrong and what’s right!

Kabir: really? Now you know what I feel, I was way better than you for Riddhima! At least I didn’t try to kill her.

Vansh: (controlling his anger) Kabir, she’s my wife! Don’t try to cross your limits.

Kabir: This is the truth Vansh! Let me tell you the truth, all that took place before you jumped off the cliff wasn’t Riddhima’s fault, she in fact saved you but you, you’re blinded by revenge and hatred.

Vansh: And you think I’m going to believe you?

Kabir: You better, before it’s too late.

Kabir left from them leaving Vansh in a turmoil. Was he actually wrong in judging Riddhima? Was it not her fault? Kabir went to a corner and made sure Vansh wouldn’t see him and called a person.

Kabir: I’ve told him the half-truth, I’ll rectify my mistake later as well. Let’s hope I’ve put some sense into Vansh so that he can stop the attacks on Riddhima, but if not then she’s in danger.

Unknown: I think it’s time for me to start my work then. I’ll clear out everything

Kabir: Fine. (hung up the call) I’m sorry for mistreating you Riddhima, I guess that’s why I’m facing my punishment right now, cancer. (guilty, to himself)

Vansh went inside the mansion again and saw Ahaana smirking at him while he nodded. He went to Angre and pulled him towards the main door, exiting for their meeting just when he was stopped by a known voice. The voice that he wanted to hear desperately.

“Vansh Bhai!”

Vansh: (murmuring) Siya!

He turned back to see a weak Siya, slowly descending the stairs with the support of the railing. He ran towards her and took her in his embrace. She was panting due to low energy in her body. Aryan rushed to help and he and Vansh brought her to the sofa where everyone met her, having an emotional moment. Siya looked around and asked for Riddhima however Vansh tried diverting the topic.

Siya: Vansh Bhai, before anything else, I just want to tell you Riddhima Bhabhi is innocent, she didn’t betray you and nor did she send me to coma.

Vansh: Siya, we’ll talk later. You need rest

Siya: No Bhai, let me complete. Kabir had sent her as a spy by wrongly manipulating her but when she fell in love with you, she left everything and was also ready to sacrifice herself to protect you and all of us. Anupriya mom had injected me after which I went in to coma. She helped Ishani indirectly and saved her baby’s life taking the pain upon herself.

Vansh: Siya (choking) is this the truth?

Aryan: Bhai if not Riddhima Bhabhi then at least trust your own sister! (shouting)

Everyone looked at Aryan shockingly when he mentioned “Bhabhi”. It was new for all of them, Aryan had never given the respect that Riddhima deserved but today he did, had he changed?

Aryan: She was always innocent! It was us, all of us who hurt the most and Vansh Bhai you are today hurting her the most. Stop the attacks on her, for God Sake!

Dadi: Attacks? (clueless)

Aryan: Yea dadi, Bhai thought she betrayed him and he appointed Ahaana to hurt and attack her.

Kabir: And planted her into my life so that I could open to her so that she could inform everything to Vansh. Trying to kill two birds with one stone.

Kabir came inside the mansion and went and stood beside Aryan. They both nodded at each other and Siya continued.

Siya: Bhai, stop them. I was awake from the past two days, Kabir Bhai helped as well. So Aryan Bhai, Kabir Bhai and me made a plan to tell you the truth before you could go further.

Aryan: Exactly! (laughing) look at the irony, I was the one who wanted to kill her so desperately but now I want to protect her from you Bhai, at least being her brother disguised as a brother-in-law.

Vansh: She…she wasn’t at fault!

Kabir: She wasn’t! But where is she now?

Vansh looked at Ahaana who acted as if nothing happened. He went to her and held her neck in anger, almost choking her. After a lot of struggle, Angre, Kabir and Aryan pulled Vansh back from her while she was left there standing, panting to catch her breathe.

Vansh: What have you done to Riddhima? (anger)

Ahaana: You’re the one who told me to hurt her!

Vansh: Wrong! I told you to scare her and I also warned you if she got any scratch on her you’d get double! Tell me! (anger)

Aryan: Ahaana you better shoot where she is before we do anything to you!

Ahaana: (scared) She’s in the storeroom but…..

Before she could complete her sentence the four men ran towards the storeroom. They reached and tried their might to open the door, after putting a lot of strength it finally opened but when they entered they saw something that changed their expressions in to horrific ones.

As the door opened, the rope that was connected to the ceiling pulled up, strangling Riddhima and pushing the stool away from her legs, therefore successfully strangling her completely. The men entered and stood shocked at their sight. Vansh quickly traced for his gun in his pocket but couldn’t find it, just then Kabir handed his gun over to him after which he shit at the rope, letting Riddhima fall.

Before Riddhima could fall, Aryan caught her on time and made her lie on the ground. Angre opened the roped that were tying her hands and Vansh removed the neck rope. She was completely weak, half unconscious. She fell on Vansh’s shoulders mumbling his name. Angre and Kabir went outside and called for a doctor while Vansh carried her in his arms and Aryan led the way for them.

Entering their room, he placed her on the bed gently and sat beside her, caressing her hair. The rest followed Angre and Kabir with the doctor to their room, shocked to see her state. The doctor checked her while Vansh was drowning in his guilt.

His one extreme move was wrong, his one wrong move could have spoilt one innocent’s life. His one wrong move…….


Hope you enjoyed reading it and let me know how you find it in the comments section.



Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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