Fan Fiction

An orphan falls for a goon (chapter-5)


So this epi is gonna romantic and joyful. Thank you for appreciation and also for wait…so chapter ‘Thahaan’

Here it goes••

AT NIGHT (12:00 O’clock)

Bihaan wears his jacket and goes out and locks the door. He goes to bring lemonade. But in few minutes he returns because all the shops were closed as it’s late night time.

He opens the door. (It’s everything dark here) As soon as he puts his first step inside someone hugs him with a jerk. Bihaan pins to the wall due to the push. It’s thapki. Her hug is getting tighter. Bihaan becomes senseless for a minute. Then he comes to his senses back.

BIHAAN:- hey?? What happened? And Why is here no light? thapki??? (He tries to detach her hug)

THAPKI (shivering) i…i

She is unable to speak.

BIHAAN:- o I think light has gone! Right.

thapki is scared of something.
Bihaan feels that she got some kinda nightmare.

BIHAAN:- Ok listen! Calm down first. Come sit here on the bed!

He tries to loosens her grip around his waist. But thapki doesn’t leave.

BIHAAN:- listen to me once thapki don’t get afraid. I’m here. It’s just there is no light so don’t get scared. Nothing will happen to you now.

THAPKI:- h..h..h.ha !

She walks backward and moans in pain.

THAPKI:- aaahh..!!!! Ouch.

Bihaan panics. He takes out his mobile phone and turns on the torch. He sees thapki is holding her foot. She sits down. Blood is also coming out from her foot.

THAPKI:- ahh.. its paining.

Bihaan immediately holds her hand to get her up. He puts his mobile on table beside him.. now there is only low light of torch in the room..She tries to stand but is unable. She stands on one foot holding his hand. She loses her balance and falls. Bihaan holds her and takes her in his arms. Not an inch distance between them.
(They are very close)
He puts her on bed and goes to take first aid box and his mobile.
He asks thapki to hold his mobile and show him light. He does first aid of her leg gently.

THAPKI:- slowly! Plz ah! It’s paining. A lot ..

BIHAAN:- how you manage to do such stupid stuff?? Ha?

thapki sees him speechlessly..

BIHAAN:- tell me how you did this??

Thapki feels pain and asks bihaan to stop this.

THAPKI:- it’s ok! Plz leave this now. Aaahhhh! Thisssss is paining .. plz don’t do.

BIHAAN:- if I will not do then it will pain later.

He continues.

BIHAAN:- tell me what happened how did you get this wound ?

I was sleeping in a room. When I saw a nightmare it was horrible. I woke up and found myself on this bed. In wet clothes. Suddenly light goes and I stood up because of darkness I got scared. And I didn’t know that there was a broken flower vase. I mistakenly putted my leg on that. I moaned in pain then you came and because I was afraid I..i hugged you so. That’s all.

BIHAAN:- oh! So you’re the one who calls problems by itself!

Thapki shivers and looks him strangely

Bihaan becomes little bit soft. And he says in softly

BIHAAN:- still in wet clothes and You’re feeling cold? Then you’ll catch fever. Change your clothes ok.

Thapki wonders that she don’t have any of her clothes right now.
She gets confused.

BIHAAN:- oh so you don’t have clothes.. I forgot! Sorry.. well, when mr. Bihaan is with you then no matter I’ll help you! You can wear paan’s clothes! Such a genius I’m.

He shows his teeth and gives style holding his collar proudly.

Thapki gives him cold look.

BIHAAN:- Stop it! Go and change clothes. Here is the cupboard.

thapki nods yes and she stands up and goes to cupboard to take clothes with halting. Bihaan helps her a bit.
She takes out red shirt and a blue pants. Bihaan goes out of he room. She changes clothes.
after few minutes
THAPKI:- you may come in now.

BIHAAN:- sure.

He goes in and sees thapki sitting on bed. Bihaan smiles seeing her. she smiles too. He sits on bed.

THAPKI:- by the way.. you helped me this much for what ?

BIHAAN:- actually i didn’t know that the girl I’m locking in the hut is Thapki. I felt guilty when I came to know.

THAPKI:- then! No matter if it’s thapki or any other girl. What bad is bad.

BIHAAN:- ya I know I did wrong but I did that for my friend only.

THAPKI:- so!

BIHAAN:- so I’m so sorry.

THAPKI:- ya it’s ok.

BIHAAN:- thankyou.

THAPKI (while hiding something true from him):- it isn’t your fault. Actually i did wrong that day with your friend.

BIHAAN:- yes actually. Well we should Let’s go home. I’ll drop you at your house. Where is it? Tell me.

THAPKI:- (tells him the way) you can’t understand right now.. I’ll tell you the way in car. Ok

Bihaan nods and stands up and gives her hand to help her to stand. She stands up and he makes her sit in car with his tight holding of hands.
He sits on driving seat and starts the car. And ties seat Belts on both.

While driving.
BIHAAN:- where do you live.

thapki tells him the address.
They reaches there.

BIHAAN:- so here is your apartment madam!

Thapki doesn’t answer. Bihaan sees her and she fell asleep!

BIHAAN:- thapki madam is tired.. (laughs)

He wakes her up softly/ gently)

Bihaan gets out of the car and stands beside thapki’s side window. He asks “woo!! On which floor do you’ve your room”?

THAPKI:-Ok that’s not only room it’s a big apartment yet not like your villas
She says pridefully and in sarcastic way.

BIHAAN:- how do you know about my villa?

THAPKI:- you’re a business. You must have.

He smiles.

BIHAAN (with a sudden change expression):- I’ll lift you to your room as you can’t walk. Ok.

Thapki nods. Slowly.
He picks her up. Thapki feels shy. While bihaan is walking while thapki is in his arms and continuously seeing him. They reaches thapki’s floor.

BIHAAN:- open the door. But keys???

Thapki:- (blank) (seeing bihaan)

He again calls her name.

THAPKI:- (comes back to her senses) yes yes!! Oh what were you saying??

BIHAAN:- I think you’re sleepy! Right haha.

THAPKI:- yeah. I’m tired na that’s why. Let me stand first.

He puts her down.

BIHAAN:- you’re falling for me (sudden smile)

THAPKI (confused):- what?

They stare at each other silently for minutes

Finally bihaan breaks the unwanted silence.

BIHAAN:- ahah! I’m just joking lol.

Thapki feels shy!

BIHAAN:- keysss???? Do it fast I wanna go home. My grannie must be waiting for me!

THAPKI:- yeah! I always hide my kesy here.

She takes it out from a flower pot near the door.

Bihaan smiles sarcastically.
Thapki sees him with complicated expressions.

She opens the door and they goes in.

While seeing the whole room he puts his car keys on side table.

BIHAAN:- wow! This is

THAPKI (cuts in between):- beautiful apartment na! I decorated it by my self! Actually when I came here with my uncle…I (Stammers)

Bihaan interrupts her words.

BIHAAN:- I wannnnna go home…. and it’s small apartment in front of my house (pridefully)

Thapki feels sad.

BIHAAN:- oh no no! I didn’t mean that. Plz pardon me!

THAPKI:- it’s ok!

BIHAAN:- yeah plz! I didn’t mean to hurt you. Actually I can’t hurt anybody!

THAPKI:- I said it’s ok!

he starts going out.

BIHAAN:- ok so see you soon. Bye!

THAPKI:- I won’t come office tomorrow.

BIHAAN:-I can understand ok you can take rest..

He goes.

Thapki gets into bed to sleep faster.

THAPKI (to herself):- I can’t tell him about sahil. As he is his friend so!

And she falls asleep while talking in mind.
She didn’t even lock the door from inside and doesn’t change the clothes as she was just tired and wanted to sleep.

Bihaan again comes up and he thinks a little and knocks the door. Thapki is sleeping.

BIHAAN:- (mind):- I must knock the door slowly! What if she is asleep? But I have to take my car keys. I forgot here on sidetable!

He again knocks. But no respond. He opens the door GENTLY!

BIHAAN:- wa! Madam fallen asleep. How fast! Such a cutie pie she is

He goes near to her.
He gently touches her cheeks. But suddenly he goes back to sidetable.

BIHAAN:- what’s happening to me! Why am I doing this all to her. She is just a girl and cute girl haha.. (he smiles) and I would help anybody so no my heart you can’t think like that! We are just friends.

He thinks are we even friends.

He takes keys.


Next chapter will update soon. I’m little bit busy with my home chores. But I’ll definitely update soon.. till then enjoy this guys!

Arruu costs nothing.

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