Our Limitless Love(A Riansh FF….)… Ch-40

Guys I know that I was supposed to update but , feeling dismotivated. I don’t know what happened to you guys! when we will write that we want to end this ff,you’ll give a lot of comments and then we don’t complain you don’t think about the place we face .

we also have a hectic schedule in our life ,from online classes to regular works homework and and many more, but we cut off time from our other works to at the end or in between we will get time to write.

Guys I speculate that few of you wouldn’t have even told your family about you being a writer.

And still post.

Guys just think from our point of view.

We take out time from our schedule just for you entertainment, so that you can enjoy.

But in return we just ask for comments which only takes few seconds for you maybe 30sec to drop an emoji.

We always tell to our readers and our silent readers took, just drop an emoji if you don’t wanna to write a line or anything.

But atleast drop something.

Now, sorry if anyone found it boring but it’s the true feelings of us (writers), when we don’t complete the target.

I know even I sometimes don’t drop comments but that happens when I read in hurry and go to another but try to comment on everyones.

I have two options to reconcile them and end it . Or continue it.

It totally depends on you. 🙃🙃🙃🙃.

Here because I love you all so I can’t back off too so giving a sneak peek in few chapters will contain ahead.

Sneak peek.

R-:”I will slit ” Stay away everyone.

Vansh:-“don’t be childish “.

Vansh :- ” Forgive n, I am your love n “.

R:- remember!?

Vansh:- no taunts pls.

Kabir:- she left!.

Vansh:- no… No.. This can’t be true.

At airport,

They are searching, ridz is hiding.

Vansh:- I can’t live without her.

Kabir:- no

. . No

. . No… Don’t dare vansh… Stop.

A gunshot!.

That’s all, for today guys.

-make your theories and drop them down.

Would be looking forward to read them


Thank you,



I am good at writing. So just gave a try. Hope you all will keep supporting 🤗

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