Our Limitless Love(A Riansh FF….) ..Ch-63


As she came out of her headquarters

All the media made a circle around her and started to push each other and started to ask her

Rep1:- mam, mam what do you think will you be able to solve this case? 

Rep2:- why is CBI taking this much time to solve this case? 

Rep3:- Mam are you all losing the grip on this case? 

And it was enough of her . She ignored all these and made her way out through the crowd of media with the help of a bodyguards ,sat in car ,went to RS Villa. 

Changed , lied down for few minutes and went to her hospital, it was almost evening when she reached hospital and saw vansh already waiting for her in her cabin as told by the nurse to her! 

In cabin, 

She came in. 

Vansh:- it is paining , again! 

Ridhima:- you were busy in work today? 

Vansh:- yes, but didn’t took that much pressure! Please do something! 

Ridhima:- ok, wait! 

She carefully took out his shirt, opened the bandage ! 

Ridhima:- it is cured! 

Vansh:- why! Why is it cured? 

She stood confused from his lines! 

Ridhima:- what you actually mean? 

Vansh realized what he said! 

Vansh:- u.. Mmm.. I said actually….I meant that you are very good doctor that it is cured and very short time! 

Ridhima:- ooo! 

She changed it and he went back to VR Mansion and so ridhima too left back to RS Villa after checking few more people! 

Önce he reached VR mansion he saw angre Ishani , sia, in his study room. 

Study room, 

He was confused that why are there in the study room. to confirm it , he went in! 

Vansh:- what happened? 

Angre:-( ignoring his question) 

What happened to your shirt, how is your wound!is it paining should I call ridhima..sorry bhabhi? 

Vansh:- no yaar it’s Ok actually it is cured and she has removed the dressing that’s why the reason to be with her is also minimized! (Making face) 

Ishani:- ooooo! So should I be happy that you are fine now be sad that you lost the only reason to be with ridhima? 

Vansh:- what ever you feel like! 

Sia:- so bhai! Now??? (Chuckles) 

Vansh:- what now, just merely few more days and we will be together! 

Sia:- will you blackmail her? 

Vansh:- and what makes you think that? 

Sia:- areee the girl who didn’t get convinced in 2months , how will get convinced in your so called hours! 

Vansh:- so called 55 hours, in the sense? 

Sia:- it’s simply that it is almost 11 pm now … You have merely 49hours! (Laughs) 

Vansh:-thankq for telling! But I am serious tomorrow she will be mine forever! 

Sia ans ishani:- we will be waiting! 

They both go away laughing! 

Here angre and vansh discuss about some business related works and they too depart to their respective rooms! 

That’s all for today’s guys! 

No suspence today! 

I don’t know but I don’t thing my story has the same charm it had! 

Read @sara ‘s comment to complete 100 ep. 

I seriously had the plans but… The response is very low, so I am thinking to wrap it! 

Rest is on you all! 


I am loosing my interest in my ff 😒🙃🙃! 

Silent readers please do comment! 


Thank you, 



I am good at writing. So just gave a try. Hope you all will keep supporting 🤗

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