Hi guys . back with another episode . hope u guys like it . this is not proof read . sorry for any typo errors n grammar mistakes .
Episode 36 :
@ morning .
Sun rays falls on Aaru’s eyes . Aaradhya hugs Aadit tighter in sleep . later she opens her eyes n sees him n looks around realizing its not her room n gets shocked . she gets up n sits quickly . she looks her cardigan lying at corner of room n looks at the shirt she is wearing n looks at Aadit who is shirtless . she gets tensed .
“ Aadit get up …! “ she shouts shaking him .
“ kya yaar ? “ Aadit asks in sleepy tone .
“ wat happened last night ? wat I’m doing here ? “ she asked him .
“ wat ? don’t u remember anything ? “ he asked getting up .
“ no “ she replied nervously .
Aadit understood why she was feeling nervous . he decided to tease her more .
“ gosh …! So u don’t remember wat have u done last night ? “ he said making worried face .
“ yaar u r scaring me . did I done something really wrong ? “ she asked looking at him still feeling nervous .
“ actually big mistake happened by us . which we cant even correct . “ he said with heavy voice .
Aaradhya turns her face away n Aadit controlling his laugh suddenly Aaradhya looks at him n he pretends to be sad .
“ wat happened ? “ she asked .
“ everything happened so early …everything “ he said taking her hand into his hand stressing everything .
“will u keep scaring me? Why don’t u make it clear ? “ she asked .
“ wat should I say now ? last night u were really in hurry then … “ he takes pause .
“ no I wont believe . nothing happened “ she said trying to be confident .
“hope this would have happened . but reality is different . we must accept “ he said holding her shoulders .
“ no . u r lying to me . I just remember I had bet with Maira n had drink n u must have helped me . so I’m in ur room . nothing else happened . don’t try to tease me . “ she replied looking at him .
“ y do I lie in such big matter ? remember last night u were upset about maira n ordered me to stay away from her . “ he said .
Aaradhya gets flashes of incident .
“ n u called me hubby n talking about ur right on me “ he added .
Aaradhya remembers the scene .
“ n u asking me to take off shirt “ he continued .
Aaradhya remember this one too …
“ n then the very next moment everything happened “ he said looking her .
“ all incidents u said r in my mind . then y don’t I remember after it ? if that biggggggggg mistake really happened then I must have remembered right ? “ she asked .
“ if u remember all incidents I said now then think with ur genius brain wat must be happened after all those signs ? “ he asked with raised eye brows .
“ oh no …! wat have I done ? “ she said touching her fore head .
“ don’t worry Aaradhya . actually its not mistake if we take it in one way . do u remember our marriage happened on that day which we didn’t accepted .“ he said .
Aaradhya nods yes .
“ upto the extent I know, may be wat happened last night is not a mistake at all after that “ he said looking her .
“its really difficult for me aaru . I cant believe this happened with me ? I’m trying to move on . I understood u will never accept me n u know right… after some years my family will get me married to some other girl . I cant tell them no . I cant break their hearts . so I must accept that marriage . now I don’t know how will I show my face to her . bichaari uska dil toh toot jayegaa . kya soche gi mere bhaare mei ? wat if she raised finger against my character ? i wont have respect for me in her eyes forever . “ he said making fake worried face .
“ I’m sorry yaar . u didn’t done anything wrong . I was drunk right I must have gone crazy . everything is my fault . plz don’t worry I will make her understand clearly . “ she said holding his shoulder .
“ she will never understand . no one will understand . “ he replied controlling his laugh .
“ I can make her understand . u don’t worry . “ she replied .
Aadit nods positively .
Aaradhya picks her cardigan n goes to washroom n comes out wearing it n keeps his shirt on table .
“ I will leave now . u will be ok right“ she asked concerned.
“ I will try “ he said with heavy voice .
Aaradhya leaves the room .
Aadit falls back on bed laughing harder .
“ Arrogant maheshwari ….Arrogant maheshwari …like seriously Aaradhya will u believe wat ever I will say ? idiot . “ he told laughing .
He recalls all her acts last night n smiles .
“ I don’t know that arrogant maheshwari can go this much crazy “ he said smiling .
Aaradhya rushing out of home n bumps into ria .
“ aradhya when did u come ? “ ria asked being surprised .
“ sorry ria I must leave . bye “ Aaradhya rushes out .
Vishab n rishab priya n ritha comes there .
“ ria Aaradhya here “ ritha asked .
“ don’t know babhi . she was coming from up when I saw her… “ ria told .
“ Aadit “ ritha n priya shouts .
“ bhai “ ria too shouts .
“ I will tell her truth tomorrow . n kiss oh god I totally forgot about that .” aadit realizes .
“ arrogant maheshwari will kill me .. “ aadit let outs .
Aadit recalls their first kiss n smiles .
“ if she kissed me then sure she is feeling the same as I feel for her “ he made self talk .
“ who kissed u bhai “ ria interrupted his thoughts .
“ listen don’t eat my brain early morning “ Aadit told getting up .
“ bhaiyyu why Aaradhya coming from ur room early this morning .? “ ria asked with raised eye brows .
Ritha n priya giggles . vishu n rishab stood confused .
“ u must have been dreaming … she didn’t came here . go n do ur work “ Aadit replied .
“ oh really priya bhabhi n ritha babhi u too have seen same dream right “ she asked .
“ haa devarji . “ priya replied with teasing smile .
“ kya babhi ? u know right this idiot will be after me always . u don’t join her team . “ Aadit told .
“ bhai “ria shouts .
“ chup kar chudel “ Aadit told getting up from bed n goes to wash room .
Priya n ritha leaves to kitchen .
“ this means Aadit n Aaradhya r in love “ rishab told vishu .
“ yes . Aaradhya looks really beautiful “ vishu said .
“ she looks smart too . don’t know how she has fallen for this monkey “ rishab said .
“even my brother is not less in any matter . both looks really cute together . I believe they will live happily together “ vishu told smiling .
“ I wish the same “ rishab smiles .
Epsidoe ends .
Precap : kidnap…..!?

Really he is monster malhotra
Yes he is a monster
Kidnape :O
N yeah i was laughing like hell while reading it.. Totally enjoyed it
Thanks niti dear . glad that u enjoyed it.
hahah cool part
Thanks lovely .
u cm so soon…..its a wow for me……..!!!!! i like both of these idiots………nd their writer……keep smiling buddy…..
he he…even I was wondered . today I had free time . even this reader’s comments are really special for me :)…
Thanks Emz fasa
Awsome epi…but precap ….kidnap!!?plzzz update nxt epi soon yaar… eagerly waiting to know wat gonna happen nxt
Thanks a lot ryths n yes I will try to update soon …
It’s getting really interesting..
Thanks Aaru…
Awesome …..its just out of
the world….some parts were really
hilarious….lol………its out of the world
Thank q so much tani
Superb…pls update next part soooon…
Thanks Noora dear .
Lovely episode honey…..
Thanks Shanaya
Awsm epi loved it….when u r updating next part…..
thanks Kriya n i updated next part .