Fan Fiction

The pain that continues…(Episode 5)

hi guys . i’m here again with my FF . i know u guys asking me by whom new roles are being played . but guys i know how we feel when we see our fav stars in roles we like. i dont want to stop anyone imagination . so i request everyone u imagine ur fav stars in roles u like as i do . hope u guys understand …
Episode 5:
Class ends..

Sir: so students that’s it for today . tomorrow u all should submit ur project works to me. This time i’m very strict no excuses .i want them tomorrow n Aadit since u r new u don’t need to submit tomorrow take sometime.
Morning session classes ends . it’s lunch time . Aaru comes out of class with her friends .they are in corridor .
Mandy : wah Aaru ..! i know u will change ur mindset one day . anyways he is damn cute .
Aaru : change mindset …? wat r u mad ..? wat r u talking about ?
Mandy : so innocent. I have seen he had sent a note to u …u know each other right . r u both in relation without our notice .
Aaru irritated atmost now . but gives fake smile n says
Aaru : when u became so smart Mandy ? u r right he is my Boyfriend . just for me he joined this collg . come let me introduce u guys to my Jaan.
Dhruv and rithu were shocked by her words.

Dhruv : is it true Aaradhya ?
Aaru : seriously u both feel that ..i know Mandy don’t have any sense now u both too lost ur senses .
Mandy : then why and wat he wrote in that note?
Aaru : actually this is the first question u supposed to ask .it’s almost a threatening note .
Rithu : but why?
Aaru tells them about whole incident happened …
Mandy : tell me something how do u always manage to get into fight with someone all the time.
Rithu : seriously for a stole u fought with siddarth malhotra….
Dhruv : n u have thrown his watch…
Aaru :guys r u on my side or his side . why u guys supporting him? Fine… go to him . i’m leaving.
When she about to leave . all holds her .dhruv keeps his hand on Aaru’s shoulder.
Dhruv : fine . guys listen if Aaru hates him . we too hate him .
Rithu : no matter how cute he is….
Aaru gives a look to rithu .
Rithu : wat ? just my opinion .
Mandy : so wat we are gonig to do now?

Aaru : guys chill . i don’t think he have that much guts . might be he worte just to frighten me . let see wat he can do? Lets go to canteen i’m hungry .
Dhruv : ok then , let’s go .
They all leave to canteen . where Aadit is sitting with rohan ( he too studying in same class n Aadit knows him from childhood . Rohan’s father works in Aadit’s father company.)
Rohan : wat dude sudden transfer from Canada to Kolkata …
Aadit : even i don’t know the reason for this . it’s dad order .it’s really tough to leave that place. since from my childhood i was there even away from my family . my schooling , my memories , my friends , my fun everything belongs there. i started missing them badly .
Rohan : don’t worry dude . everything that happens will have strong reason .
Aadit : hmm philosophy ….( he sees Aaradhya coming to canteen with her friends) dude i need ur help to take revenge from someone .
Rohan : who buddy ?
Aadit points out Aaru
Rohan : wat Aaradhya Maheshwari?
Aadit : oh her name is Aaradhya maheshwari…..

Rohan :dude i suggest not to get into fight with her . she is so stubborn .
Aadit : so u want me to back off. never n u know how stubborn i am .
Rohan : i know u r . but….
Aadit : but wat ? nothing. tell me something about her . so that i know her weak point .
Rohan : she is not weak in any aspect bro…
Aadit : boyfriend..?
Rohan : that’s far off . she just hate love .
Aadit: why?
Rohan : i don’t know the exact reason but i just know it’s bcoz of some past incidents . even every one have crush on her but she didn’t even care .
Aadit :interesting …..wat if she proposes me in front of whole class .?
Rohan : impossible…
Aadit : not for me .i bet she will propose me within two days…
It’s evening 4pm . all leave for home .
Next day morning .everyone gathers at class .
Rithu : hey Aaru did u completed the project work?
Aaru : yes buddy . it took almost whole night to complete .
She wanted to show it to her n takes her bag n surprised to see zip of bag open .
Aaru : oh god it’s not there.
Rithu : wat? did u brought it ?
Aaru : yes i’m sure i brought it . but where is it..?
Suddenly she looks at Aadit place n he is not there .

Aaru : rithu wait. i know where it is ..
She goes to canteen . where she sees Aadit drinking coffee so leisurely.
Aaru (shouts): Aadit give my project work right now.
Aadit : ur project n you asking me . how does it make sense ….Arrogant maheshwari.?
Aaru : i know everything. Don’t act smart .
Aadit : i dont need to act but i’m smarter .Anyways i can help u to get out of situation on some conditions.
Aaru : wat conditions?
Aadit : simple .condition 1 : u will call me sir until i ask u to stop . condition 2 : u will propose me infront of whole class tomorrow .
Aaru : seriously r u mad . go to hell .
When she about to leave .
Aadit : think of it .Danny sir said no excuses this time .
Aaradhya (to herself): Aaradhya u need this project work now. U can even handle him later .
Aaru : fine i accept .
Aadit : then sign this agreement .
Aaru : u made agreement for this.

Aadit : how can i believe girl like u .?
Aaru signs the agreement n he gives her the project work . Aadit leaves smiling .
Aaradhya (to herself) :this is ur day mr. Aadit malhotra enjoy not for much time. Soon u r going to repent for this .

Precap: Aaradhya proposing Aadit infront of everyone .but situation turns some other way which Aadit didn’t expect .


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