Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Pain of love ragsan FF – shot 4

Sanskar and ragini’s eyelock breaks by the anoucement…..

They all look at laksh standing at centre…

Laksh-the first valentines day for me and love swara…


Everyone hoots for them….swara blushes….

Laksh- so guys lets enjoy……..lets start with dance…hey dj play some song…guys come lets rock on the dance floor……..

Laksh takes swara with him…….sonal also goes with her boyfriend……….a girl comes to sanskar and asks him to dance with her…..sanskar grees……….ragini looks at him……sanskar smirks……..


Ragini is standing alone……..when a boy comes to her…

Boy- hey beautiful……will I have the pleasure to dance with you………

Ragini looks at sanskar who is looking at her ………ragini smirks…….

Ragini- why not……

The boy holds her hand and takes her to dance floor……


All the couples start dancing……..

The boy holds ragini’s waist……and pulls her towars him……..ragini feels uncomfortable……..but smiles back….seeing sanskar staring them………..

The boy starts coming near ragini’s neck….sanskar sees him angrily………

Sanskar comes to them…

Sanskar- hey mister……..if your dance is over can I dance with her………

As the boy knows who sanskar maheswari is….leaves from there immediately…….ragini looks at sanskar with love in her eyes…..


Sanskar pulls ragini by her waist…..ragini lands on his chest……

The start dancing…..

While dancing…

Ragini-so do you agree that you still cants see me with anyone…….

Sanskar- you are mistaken…miss Gadodia….i did this just because the boy was not good……he was looking at you lustfully.

Ragini- so why do you care mr maheswari….

Sanskar- because…….

Ragini- because…you love…

Before ragini could say sanskar cuts her by saying…

Sanskar- because……you are my brother’s wife’s sister…….means we are somewhere relative…….so I guess I should save your honour……….dont thing anything else…..i still hate you……

Ragini- huh……..

Ragini puts her hands around sanskar’s neck

Ragini- mr sanskar maheswari……you still love me… still care for me…… believe it or not……but your heart knows it………in deep in your heart……you still love me sanskar…..

Sanskar looks at her……and pushes her slightly……..ragini looks at him…….

Sanskar holds her hand……and pulls her to him……and starts dancing………they are lost in each othr while dancing……..

The reality strikes them……when everyone claps for them…

Ragini moves away from him……..



Sanskar goes from there……..

Sanskar ccomes to bar……and takes a full botlle of wine…and goes from there………ragini looks on……..

Ragini is about to follow him…but swara takes her with her…..


After sometime ragini makes some excuse and goes out in search of sanskar……..


Ragini comes to garden area outside……

Ragini- sanskar…..sanskar where are you….

Suddenly someone….holds ragini’s waist from behind….and keeps his head on her shoulder………….she knows it her sanskar…


Sanskar- ragini……..

Ragini understand that he is drunk not in his senses………..ragini holds him……and brings him infront………

Ragini- sanskar you are drunk…….

Sanskar holds ragini face……….

Sanskar- ragini………I really…..really love you a lot……why did you do this to me………..i really loved you…..but you…….

Saying this he starts coming near her…….he holds her face…….and comes near her to capture her lips….ragini closes her eyes……..


But sanskar instead hugs her……ragini opens her eyes…..and hugs him back……..

Sanskar- I love you ragini…

Ragini smiles listening to him……..

Ragini- I wish you would have realize it……when you were in your senses……..but I know you love me…….you will one day realize it…


Suddenly sanskar pushes her…

Ragini looks at him shocked….

Sanskar- go away from me………you are betrayer……….a big betrayer……….you broke my heart……….why ragini……..

Saying this her starts leaving……and takes a si of wine from the bottle again………

Ragini runs after him……and hugs him from behind……..but sanskar jerks her…….

Sahurya- I said na…..go.just go……..

Sanskar starts going……..towards road…….


Ragini looks on teary eyes…


Ragini sees a car coming in full speed from other side…

Ragini runs to save sanskar……..she pushes sanskar……..and they both falls on the side of the road…….

Ragini holds sanskar head with her hand so that he doesn’t gets hurt………instead she gets hurt on her hand and also her head starts bleeding………

Sanskar looses his conscious…….ragini looks at him………


Laksh swara sonal and others reaches there………when they got know about it from watchman……

Laksh holds sanskar……while sonal and swara holds ragini……

They bring first aid….and puts bandaid on her forehear and bandages her hand……..


Sanskar is till unconscious…


Ragini- Laksh…..he is drunk…….do one thing…..for tonight… both stay at our house……

Swara- yeah Laksh ragini di is saying right….

Laksh aagrees …………they take sanskar to Gadodia house…..


Ragini asks laksh to stay at her room with sanskar….

Ragini sonal and swara………sleeps at swara’s room…..

Ragini was thinking about whatever happened today…….she cries……


Otherside sanskar in his unconscious state murmurs ragini’s name………but laksh is already in deep sleep so he didn’t hear it…




Mornining…………laksh leaves from their early morning………swara tells to family whatever happened yesterday…….

Sanskar was still sleeping……….ragini comes to her room to freshen up………she looks at sanskar who is sleeping……..

Ragini comes to him……and looks at him teary eyes……

Ragini- sanskar I love you….i reaaly love you……

She comes near him…and kisses at his forehead……..

Sanskar waked up….and sees ragini so close to him……..they both share an eyelock……….

Ragini stands up being embarrassed………sanskar also stands up……and tries to recalls what  happened last night…


Sanskar- so ragini Gadodia…….i didn’t thought you will stoop so low…… are trying to seduce me…… that you can trap me again……and then get married to me……….

Ragini- stop it sanskar… could you even think so…

Sanskar- oo please stop you nonsesnse…….i know you very well what were you doing now……..

Ragini looks at him in disbelief….


Sanskar was about to say further……..but ragini shouts…

Ragini- yes mr maheswari I m a cheap girl…….i trap guys……I betray them………..anything else is remaining then say………


Sanskar looks at her……

Ragini turns towards windows……….

Ragini- no please leave from here…..pls leave sanskar…….ooops sorry…… sanskar maheswari……you are now a great person I should respect you……mr sanskar khaana……..a big rich businessman…………with no emotion


Ragini cries….sanskar looks at her from  back……….and sliently leaves from there….

Ragini breaks down and cries…..



At night both ragini and sanskar cries remembering each other…

Sanskar listens to songs to reduce his pain…but still his mind is full of ragini…

Sanskar- ragini why did you came back in my life again…….however I try to the you………but you said right…….in deep in my heart I still love you ragini………after swalak’s marriage I will leave from here…………I wish I would not see you face ever in my life…..


Otherside ragini is lying on her bed and cries……




That day ragini got ready for valentines day party…..

Sonal- ragini how much time you will get ready….come on babe…

Ragini comes down the stairs…sonal looks at her…

Sonal- awww raginiu……you are looking super hot…babe


Ragini- lets go sonal….others alredy reached there…

Sonal- yeah.


While ragini and sonal reached the ransom palace….

Ragini parked the car and was about to go…when she notices a guy sitting in the park singing holding his guitar….

Sonal- ragini lets go yaar…

Ragini- sonal….you go……I have some urgent work…..i will come later…

Sonal- what urgent work ragini….

Ragini- I said na go please……..

Sonal knows how stubborn ragini is… she leaves from there……..

Ragini moves towards the park and sees the boy from backside……..


The boys sings…

Dilon ki mohabbat ko bandhe kyun haye re…

Daayre daayre… daayre daayre…


Ragini looks at him and slowly moves towards him….


Hai kyu faasle darmiyaan leke aaye re…

Hai kyu faasle darmiyaan leke aaye re ….

Daayre daayre…. dayre daayre…


Ragini is mesmerized in his song…

Kaanch ke who… khwaab naazuk thhe humare saare..

Chhune se hi tuttne lage….

Mannaton mein.. umr bharka saath jinka manga …

Humsafar woh chhutne lage….

Na marna munasib jiya bhi na jaaye re ….

Na marna munasib jiya bhi na jaaye re…

haye re….

Daayre daayre …..daayre daayre


Ragini understands he is in pain…his song is full of pain….but still his voice is heart touching….


Ragini comes infront of him……..and the boy is revealed to be sanskar….



Precap- flashback continues past memories…





die hard fan of ## MEHARYA(mehak shaurya) fav couple -meharya ,kanchi and sanveer ,ragsan follower of samiksha jaiswal (mehak of zkm) passion for dance...

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