M so so so so SORRY guys… I knw i did a blunder by not posting my fiction..
I had many personal issues back to back events like marriages of closed ones functions at college vacations n holidays wid families.. Exams n all dose stuffs which forced me to ignore posting…
Bt from today i wld post… I wont promise bt sure i wld…
Actually i got to knw frm one of my frnd dat someone posted a two shots on behalf of me in my absence.. Thankxx to u dear.. N m sry fr not replying ur msgs..
So here goes d summary till now..
Swara unable to reach her marriage on tym.. Sanskar searches for Swara n brings her bck to baadi.. Noone has TRUST on her.. she becomes too weak n bears a lot of PAIN both physically n mentally… Her mother also didn’t trust on her… Sanskar marrying Swara on d same day on d same mandap.. Sanskar bringing Swara wld him to SM Mansion which is unknown to Swara… New relations of Swara.. Lyk Sahil becomes her elder brother whom she calls Bhai.. Kavya (sahil’s wife) becomes a dearest Bhabi.. Kavita(sanskar’s friend n Arjun’s wife) becomes her elder sister whom she calls her Di… N Arjun becomes her sweet Jiju… Dey become lyk a small family… Swara getting to knw abt Sanskar’s real identity… Sanskar’s make over by Swara… Swara to knw dat Sanskar loved her before 6 months… Swara to propose her Sansku on his bday… Love blooming between Swasan.. . Short discussion on Sanskar by his Mom Sujata in MM… Dadaji getting heart attack n admitted in Hospital which is of Kavi n Arjun.. Kavjun marriage anniversary to be celebrated in hospital.. Wer ders shown Swara’s face off wid Raglak n Gadodia family… Laksh badly taunting Swara breaking her frm inside although she shows dat she’s vry strong…
So dis was d short summary on wat happened till now… now next episode
Episode 47:
So let’s start
Precap: Swara feeling low.. Sanskar threatens Laksh for his Behaviour towards Swara..
Swara was feeling bit depresses after dose taunts again. But she masked a fake smile not to spoil d happy moment. Dey celebrated Kavjin’s anniversary fr sometym n left to der respective houses. While on d way, Swara was completely silent n didn’t speak nething. Wen Sanskar looked at her to speak something n initiate a conversation..he found her sleeping, bt wat shocked him was d tears dat wer continuously flowing frm her closed eyes.. At dat tym dey bth had already reached at SM Mansion. Sanskar tried to wake her up bt to his shock she was not responding. He started to panic seeing her state bt calmed himself looking at her. He picked her up n went straight to d room n called Kavita..
Sanskar: (panics) Hlo Kavi.. Wer r u?
Kavi:M at home.. Y r u panicking? Wat happened? Is everything fyn?
Sanskar: No yaar Kavi.. Shona is not waking up.. She’s not at all responding to ne of my tlks.. I hv tried all ways(almost crying). Plzz come na.. See her.. Plzz
Kavi: Dun wry Sanky.. Calm down.. Nothing to happen to Princess.. M coming Ok.. Jst.. Jst calm down..
Sanskar:Hmm.. Come fast..
Kavi: n haan do one thing massage her hands n feet n keep tlking to her.. Ok
Sanskar:ok.. Ok.. I eill do.. Bt u plzz come fast.. Saying dis he cuts d calln does as said by Kavi.. Miss Mary was also der n she was also worried seeing swara as she considers her as her daughter.. She also massages her feet along wid Sanskar..
Sanskar was literally crying seeing his Shona’s state.. At dat tym Kavjun along wid Kavhil(kavya n sahil) arrived.. Sahil went n sat on other side of swara as he loved her as his little sister.. He also became tensed seeing her like dis.. Kavya tried to console him bt he was vry tensed…
Sahil:Sanskar wat happened to my Princess? Y is she lyk dis? Sanky.. Yaar tell something.. Y is she looking soo pale?
Sanskar was now sitting all silent n only rubbing her palms..
Kavi: Sanky Sahil comeon guys get up frm der… Lemme check her.. N u guys knw dat our Princess is vry strong
Kavi went n checked her fr sometym making Sanskar n other present der tensed n worried.. After sometime she looked at Arjun n signalled him to help her.. Seeing dis Sanskar n others became more worried..
Sanskar : kavi.. Wat happened? Y r u not saying nething? Nothing happened to my Shona.. Ryt? I knw.. I knw nothing happened to my Shona..
Kavi: Relax Sanky.. Nothing happened to her.. (to Arjun) Arjun plz chck her heart rate.
Arjun checked her n shied.. N gv her an injection..
Arjun: nothimg to worry.. Our Princess is perfectly fyn.. She needs complete sleep n rest now.. Morning wen she will wake up she eld agn become our Naughty Bubbly Princess..
Sanskar hearing dis was relaxed bt somewer he was still not convinced cz till till now he didn’t know wat actually happened which lead his Shona to sch a state.. Kavi noticed dis
Kavi: sanky n everyone.. Plzz lets go out n tlk something..
Arjun understood dat n took Sahil n others wid him..wen all left Sanskar went near Swara n sat beside her.. He kissed her forehead
Sanskar:Shona.. Plz get up soon.. U knw naa ur Sansku cant see u in dis state.. M dying to hear ur voice.. Plzz Shona get up soonn.. I love u.. Saying dis he kissed her cheeks.. Covered her properly wid comforter n went frm der to tlk wid others.
To be continued..
OMG.. an update of this story after sooooo long… ????.. Made me too happy.. Loved it.. I thought u won’t update this story anymore… ??.. But m happy that u r gonna update this now.. ????.. lovedddd the update.. I think Swara is pregnant.. ??.. Awww.. Sanky will be so happy if she is.. But please make Sanky punish everyone soon and his real identity be revealed atleast to Laksh.. ???… Love this story.. pLease update soon.. ?
After so many days ur uploading superb chapter missed ur ff
I had posted a sorry note n a summary for not posting.. Dun knw y its not updated..
So m here agn to ask sry.. N yeah thankxx to who has posted it as a 2 shots.. I got to knw dat frm my friend.. Luv u all guys fr ur supports.. I wld try to continue to write frm now on
1st I’m so sry kashyapikamalini bcoz I have continued ur ff but it’s just like 2 shots it’s will complete in 2 shots but still without ur permission I did that plz forgive me ?
And about chappy it’s was awesome
Once again I’m apologizing u plz forgive me if u can
Hey dear when are u going 2nd epi it was Amazing
Today I will post my 2nd shot
Plzzz post 2 nd part really soon bcoz after reading ur shot only i loved the story n read all parts….
Today I’m going to post 2 shot don’t worry shinchan
can u post on tomorrow next part large plz plz plz
Ohhhhh myyy god u are back I missed uuu sooo much yaar where were u huh ok no Problem now that u are back plzz post soon..
Hiiii… I posted a comment earlier but it didn’t get publish or may be I can’t see it.. but just wanted to tell u that I love this story and I thought that may be u have stopped writing it.. ??.. Happy to see the update thou.. ??.. and loved it too much.. I love how all Sanskaar’s friends are possessive about Swara.. love their relation.. ??.. but what happened to our doll.. by reading I think she is pregnant… would love to see Sanky’s reaction on it… Hope to see an update from u soon.. ??.. thanks a ton for this one.. Lovedddd it..
nice..continue soon..tc..
Nice but too short
Finally u posted I’m very agree on you yar please be regular at least post once in a week and plz post longer it is short
good one dear butt too short
Finally you posted it.Awesome dear..please try to post reagularly dear dear…post next one soon
This is sooooo awsm…
I read all 47 parts from 3:30 to 6:30…. I just couldnt stop myself even though i was so sleepy…..
post next soon
Thank you so very much for posting this dear… We missed you a lot…. The update was awesome. Please don’t make us wait like this dear. It’s a humble request.
Fnly u posted after so long ……
Amazing epi dr…
plz now be regular….
Superb dear I missed u try to update soon
atlast u updated ur post… awesome…. hope from now u vl try to post and ha dear please gayab mat ho phirse.. hope u try to post parts…. after so many days we got ur update…. and post next chappy soon
Ohh God..Finally..U Posted..i was literally waiting fr this ff like a mad..whr were u..missed this ff badly..bt nw plzz be regular yaar n update regularly..nw coming to da Part..its awsum as usual..amzing..continue soon..
awesome .loved it
awesome, love it, poor my swasan
PlZ jaldi post karo di
I can’t wait anymore