Fan Fiction

Pain Trust Love episode 49

Thankxx a lot guys for ur amazing comments.. Luv u all loadss..
So here’s the next part..

Morning :
Sm Mansion :
A beautiful couple was found sleeping peacefully wen d sunrays entered through d huge glass window disturbing d sleep of d lady.. N d lady was non other dan our cute bubbly Swara.. She woke up n turned to her side only to find her Handsome cute husband sleeping hugging her by keeping one hand on her waist n other under her head.. He was looking soo cute dat she cldnt resist herself from caressing his hairs n giving a cute kiss on his cheeks.. Feeling d kiss Sanskar smiled in his sleep bt realisation struck him.. Dat it was his Shona.. He got up wid a jerk n looked at her fr sometym.. Swara became confused seeing dis.. So she shaked him a bit.. Sanskar again back to his senses realised dat Swara was now fyn n looking at him n talking to him.. He suddenly cupped her face n kissed her all ovr her face n den hugged her tightly.. As if his whole lyf depemds on her.. Y not also?? After all she was his life.. Swara hugged him bck.. Dey bth sat lyk dat fr sometym… Den Swara broke d hug..

Swara: Sansku.. Wat happened? Y r u..
Sanskar: Do u hv ne idea.. How mch u scared me?? Shona.. Nvr do lyk dat.. U know wat was our condition seeing u in dat state.. Darling ur my lyf.. I cnt see u in ne other condition except fr being happy..
Swara: M sry Sansku.. It was jst ki..

Sanskar: It was jst. Wat Shona?? I didn’t knw dat My Shona nly shares happiness wid me.. She doesn’t think me dat worthy enough to share her grief.. Her pain.. Ryt??
Swara: Its nothing lyk dat Sansku.. Ur getting me wrong..
Sanskar: No Shona.. If its not lyk dat den y aren’t u sharing ur pain wid me.. Haan.. Tell naa.. Y??
Swara immediately hugged him crying badly..

Swara: Y Sanskar.. Y?? Y dis happens nly wid me.. Dont i deserve anyone’s love.. M i born nly to bear d taunts of everyone.. U knw wen i was small.. D society people taunted me of being an illegitimate child.. Dey bad mouthed abt me n my mother.. Bt i was strong cz i had my mom n Dida wid me.. I didn’t get a Father’s love.. Weni became big.. I got a best frnd in Ragini n later got to knw we r sisters.. Dat tym i was so happy dat i forgot my years long sadness.. Bt mine dat happiness was also snatched by God.. Laksh entered our lives.. He denied to marry Ragini dat was fyn bt wen he confessed abt his love fr me.. It broke each one of us.. I didn’t give him a chance wen he proposed me cz he broke my sister’s heart n i was d reason.. Bt i nly liked him as a friend.. I had no sort of other feelings fr him.. Bt one day Ragini tried uniting me n Laksh n in every situation made me realise dat my feelings fr him was different.. I was happy dat my sister was soo nyc n caring.. Fr me she sacrificed her Love.. Bt i was wrong.. Tym n fortune ditched me.. I lost My Ragini.. My Soulmate.. We agn became Swra n Ragini frm Swaragini..

My Mom who was my support system.. She.. She too.. How can she Sanskar? How can she? She too didn’t listen me.. She too thght me of running away on my marriage day?? Now i hv to bear d taunts of being characterless n cheap.. Y so mch pain fr me Sanskar? Y for me nly?? Y.. Y??

Sanskar was teary eyes listening to her.. He kissed her forehead caringly n hugged her caressing her back..

Sanskar: Dnt wrry Shona.. Everything will be fyn.. N who tld u u dnt deserve love n trust haan?? U knw ur d world’s mst sweetest n loveliest girl.. I love u sooo mch n trust.. I trust on u more dan myself.. Ur my life Shona.. N u knw Sahil Kavi n all love u soo mch.. We r a small family now.. N d bond we share is full of love n trust.. Soo dun wry.. Frm nw ur life will be full of happiness.. N not a single one wld be able to point out on u… Ok.. So my Baby please give me ur sweetest wala smile.. M dying to see dat frm yesterday.. N promise me u will be strong frm today..n nvr ever leave me…
Swara : Hmm.. I promise i will be strong n will never leave u.. Its Shona’s promise.. N will be strong.. M SM’S WIFE NAA…

Saying dis she winked at him ran away.. Sanskar was amazed to see his naughty Shona bck.. He was beyond happy n ran after her..
Sanskar: (while running) Shona.. I wont leave u.. U again teased me in d name of SM.. SM whom d whole world is afraid.. His wife wid a little brain is teasing him alot..
Swara: (stopped running) Sansku.. U again said my brain to be little.. I wont leave u today.. Wait..

Sayin dis she ran ran behind him all laughing n giggling.. Bt dashed to someone..

To be continued..

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