Categories: Pandya Store

Pandya Store 12th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Natasha and Naveli yearn for each other

Pandya Store 12th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Naveli saying Hetal has to drink this bitter juice. She hides under the bed. Hetal comes and drinks the juice. She spits it. Naveli laughs. Hetal gets angry on Pranali and Dolly. Naveli says now you know how Karela appears bitter to kids. Hetal says I will ask Dhawal to send her to hostel. Naveli says no. Golu scares her. She says no, send me to Bittu. Pranali says no one will send you to hostel. Naveli says I don’t want to go to hostel, send me to Bittu. Hetal says she does drama like…. Golu, go and call Dhawal. Naveli cries. Pranali finds her hurt and asks about it. Naveli tells about Bittu. She says you have no time for me. Pranali cries and says sorry, you won’t go anywhere, I will take care of you. Dhawal comes. Naveli gets scared and faints. Dhawal holds her. Pranali

says take her to room.

She checks Naveli and says she has high fever. Dhawal says give her medicines, she will be fine. Pranali takes care of Naveli. Naveli tells about Bittu. Pranali checks the drawing. Naveli says no, it’s a surprise for Bittu. Pranali says fine, I will get noodles for you. Naveli says Bittu, we will meet soon. Natasha gets a few things from her store. The man tries to stop her. Naveli asks when will we go to Bittu. Pranali says we will go soon, I have to take Raunak to hospital. Naveli takes onion and says I will get fever using the onions. Shantanu says I won’t marry. He tears the girl’s pic. Pranali checks Naveli’s fever and calls Dhawal. She says we have to take her to hospital. The lady tells about Bittu. Natasha takes Shantanu with him. The man says you may get arrested if you keep a stranger at home. Naveli asks for Bittu. Dhawal says calm down, let the doctor treat you. Bittu says I want to go to Naveli. Tai says calm down, let Shaanu come, he will take you there. Naveli gets treated. She says I miss Bittu, call her here. Pranali says I will talk to Dhawal. Naveli gets stubborn. Doctor says make her meet Bittu, she will be fine. Shantanu asks Bittu to calm down and stop crying. Natasha says I want to go to Naveli. He says we can’t go, understand. Naveli asks about Bittu. Pranali says Dhawal will find out. Naveli says I have number, Shaan gave it. Pranali asks Dhawal to try. He agrees. Natasha says I will go myself. She climbs a window. Shantanu stops her. He says I can’t take you there. Natasha cries. Shantanu’s Taai and her husband talk about Shantanu and Bittu. He says ask him to marry Bittu. Shantanu shows a new mobile game to Natasha. She says I want to go to Naveli. Dhawal checks the bag and gets the number. He calls. The man asks Shantanu to apply sindoor to Bittu. Dhawal says I will make a video call.

Naveli gets Natasha home. Dhawal shouts. Naveli hugs Natasha and gets scared.

Update Credit to: Amena


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