Categories: Pandya Store

Pandya Store 17th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Natasha and Dhawal’s argument

Pandya Store 17th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Natasha taking lift from someone and leaving. Dhawal looks on. The guy says it looks like a love matter, I m in a hurry, you get down. She says no, it’s a fight. He asks her to go on her own. She goes by walk. Dhawal smiles and leaves. Chiku says talk to Chutki first. Suman says you would have many friends, find someone nice for her. The girls ask Dhawal about the single status. Dhawal says it all shattered. Natasha comes. The girl greets Natasha. Natasha says we got separated. The girl asks wow, really, it’s a good thing. Natasha says yes, now you will know the truth, keep your Dhawal. The man asks what’s this new episode, you both were love birds. Dhawal says love got over, if there was love then we would have never got separated, don’t know why we got married.


says its about marriage, how will alliances come in a hurry, we can’t take a wrong step for Chutki. She says this time, I will test the guy and family, I will find the good guy for her, they have challenged us. Dhawal and Natasha hear about the forest tour for the project. The guy comes and asks Dhawal to come like old times. Dhawal says done, Urmi, you also come. Urmi says sure, Natasha won’t come. Natasha says Neetu, we can also have fun. She writes her name and spills some pen ink on Dhawal’s face. The guy taunts Dhawal. Dhawal goes and stops Natasha. He corners her and applies the ink to her face. He says its mistake of both of us.

Amba says Amrish, you invited Arvind, but Dhawal can create a trouble. Amrish says don’t worry, I m sure he will listen to me and try to understand. Hetal says Pranali, Dhawal loves Natasha a lot, he won’t go against Amrish but find a way to refuse. Pranali says I wish so. Suman shows the alliances to Natasha.

Natasha is lost. She says don’t prepare to get me married to anyone, its my final year, I don’t want to marry anyone. Chiku comes. Suman says Dhawal will get married, a girl’s family is coming to fix the marriage tonight, you sit here, what’s the use. Arvind comes and hugs Amrish. Hetal says Dhawal didn’t come home. Amrish says you should not let him go out, where is Suhani. Arvind says she will come, she works in a NGO. Amrish says great.

Chiku explains Natasha. He says we heard it in the court, girl’s family is coming to his house today. Natasha cries. Isha greets Arvind. Arvind says she is your younger sister, Isha, right. Amrish says yes. Arvind says I m looking for a girl for Rohan, I have a proposal if you all agree, I will send Rohan’s pic, show it to Isha once, both the marriages can happen in the same family. Amba says it will be our good luck, Isha won’t refuse. Amrish says yes, we know your family, we can’t question Rohan’s upbringing, its yes from our side. Isha is shocked.

Arvind says think again, I like Isha a lot. Amba says we know you well, Amrish has learnt work from you, we accept this alliance, make preparations for the marriage. Arvind gets happy. Isha goes. Amba says she got shy and left. Amrish asks Arvind to have food. Natasha says Dhawal can do anything, I can’t put myself in any other relation, I have put my 100% in this relation, what did I get, just a cheat, what’s the guarantee that I won’t get cheated again, let Dhawal marry if he wants, I won’t. Suman worries.

Dhawal comes home. He sees Arvind and greets. Amrish says Arvind Sir has come. Amba looks on. Arvind says great, what a timing, Suhani also came. Dhawal turns and sees Suhani. Amba and everyone smile. Suhani greets Dhawal.

Natasha says I don’t have my parents, I have health related issues, who would marry a girl living on one kidney, no one, one would marry me by pity or greed. Chiku says don’t punish yourself because of them, why did they return the store to you. She says maybe they thought to get rid of me and return the store to me. Chiku gets angry on Dhawal. He leaves.

Amba asks Dhawal and Suhani to sit. Suhani says I m fine here. Amba praises her values. Suhani gives the sweets to Dhawal. Dhawal thanks her. Arvind says our relations are getting fixed today, have sweets. Dhawal asks whose relation. Arvind says Suhani and yours. Dhawal is shocked. Arvind says I want Suhani to become this house’s bahu and you become our son in law. Everyone looks on.

Dhawal and Natasha argue. They hear about the ghosts.

Update Credit to: Amena


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