Categories: Pandya Store

Pandya Store 1st June 2023 Written Episode Update: Krish reveals Prerna’s pregnancy

Pandya Store 1st June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with the kids taking Prerna out of the house. They worry for her and think how to take her to the hospital. Chiku shows the cart. They put Prerna on it and take her. She asks them to be careful. She gets hurt. They say sorry. They reach the hospital. They take her inside. Krish sees her and rushes. Prerna says its paining a lot. Shweta and Dev look on. Prerna says I slipped and fell down. Krish says I will die if anything happens to you. He calls the doctor. Prerna is taken inside the ward. Chiku tells everything to Krish. Shiva and Raavi argue. Dev calls Rishita, and says Prerna is in the hospital, come fast. Malti packs the bags. She asks Arushi not to increase problems. Arushi dresses like Dhara and argues. She says you used to torture me, now I will take revenge on Dhara. She throws

the clothes away. She says I will become like Dhara and make her life hell. Malti says you are already good. Arushi says I will see what’s special in Dhara, I decided to go and stay with Pandyas. Suman asks Krish not to worry. She asks Gautam about Dhara. He says she will come. Rishita says I feel its related to that lady. Suman worries. Malti asks Arushi not to go there. Arushi says you wanted me to become like her. Dhara comes there. Shiva and Raavi argue. Dev asks them to shut up.

Krish asks Shiva to calm down for some time. Doctor comes. Krish asks how is Prerna. Doctor says she is fine, mum and baby are fine. They all get shocked. Doctor says you can take her in a few days. Raavi asks what. Doctor says mum and baby are fine. Dev says don’t worry, we are with you, Krish. Malti and Arushi see Dhara at the door. Arushi angrily throws a vase at Dhara. Malti shouts. Suman says I will get a heart attack. Raavi says calm down, please.

Suman says it means Shivank had molested Prerna before also. Raavi says I feel ashamed. Krish thinks how to tell them, I m the child’s father. Shiva says I feel his pain. He cries. Suman says don’t get sad, we will fix it. Krish says I m the father of this child. Everyone is shocked. Malti slaps Arushi. Arushi says well done, you have slapped me for Dhara’s sake, I hate you, you proved you love Dhara more than me. Dhara asks them to stop the drama and get out. She gives them one lakh and asks them to leave. Arushi throws the money on Dhara’s face and scolds her. She says I can earn money and buy you. Dhara says you got after a married man, you are Malti’s daughter. Gautam asks Krish to think and say. Krish says I have thought of it. Gautam says it means, you did this, you crossed the limits. Krish says no. Gautam says I will not hear anything wrong. Krish says I had to tell you because Suman was misunderstanding Prerna. Raavi and Dev praise their husbands. Suman hears them. Arushi raises hand on Dhara. Dhara twists her hand and pushes her away. Arushi says its my promise, I will make Shiva mine.

Dhara says when its about my family, I can fight my mum, I will make Arushi and Malti Devi out of the city. Arushi says I will tell everyone that Malti is your mum.

Update Credit to: Amena


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