Categories: Pandya Store

Pandya Store 25th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Amba gets upset

Pandya Store 25th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Hetal saying I feel disobey elders is an insult to them, I feel its right for me, not for you. Natasha says we shouldn’t listen to unfair things. Hetal says I can see Suman’s good upbringing in your good nature, don’t get sad, you will come to handle Pandya store and meet family. She lies to Natasha. She prays for her. Suman says we shouldn’t upset Kuldevta, anything can happen, we have this tradition, when my bahus come, I took them for Kuldevta puja. She recalls her bahus. She says Dhawal got married to Natasha, she is my son now, I will take him for the puja.

Suman thinks Amba is stubborn, how shall I break her, what shall I do. Amrish says as you say. Suman thanks him. Amba asks why are you getting in between. Amrish says Suman is requesting her, let her

keep her traditions, I have a request, take an advice from Amba before planning such rituals. Suman says sure. Natasha thanks Amrish and says thanks, you are the best, it wasn’t my mistake, I swear. He says be careful. He asks Dhawal to come with them. Amba and family leave. Suman gets happy. Amba says Amrish never listens to me. Hetal asks where is Amrish. Natasha says I will go and see. Amrish comes and asks Chiku about the work. Chiku says everything is going well, just Pandya store is there. Amrish says stay ready, you will get order of breaking it, Natasha is our responsibility, Suman is clever, her brothers are useless, Suman will ask me to break and sell Pandya store. They see Natasha.

Natasha says everyone is waiting for you, what are you talking to our goon. Amrish says he is our supervisor, Yash. She scolds Chiku. They argue. Amrish asks them to stop it. He says he is intelligent and hard working. Chiku says I will do such work that you both get stunned. Amrish asks Natasha to go. She goes. He says it’s the right chance, the family is going for puja.

Chabeli makes Amba worried. Amba imagines her bahus troubling her and throwing her out of the house. She says I m daydreaming. Dolly gets her bag. Dolly says I m very happy. She asks Chirag to come and tell the good news to Amba. Amba asks good news, so soon? Dolly says you are talking naughty, its another good news, we are going on honeymoon, thanks to Natasha. She recalls talking to Natasha. Natasha suggests them to go to a beach destination like Goa. Dolly says we will go first and then you and Dhawal can go. Natasha says okay. FB ends. Dolly says Chirag has booked our honeymoon tickets. She asks Dolly to give her slipper. Chirag says it’s a trap, don’t give it. Amba hits the slipper on her head. Chirag stops her. Amba starts a drama.

She scolds Dolly and Chirag. Chirag denies it. Dolly asks what, you said you booked the tickets. He lies that his employee is going on honeymoon. Dolly asks are we not going. He says no. Amrish comes and asks what’s happening here, who is going, no one wants to ask. Chirag says we are not going. Dolly says he booked honeymoon tickets and cancelled it.

At some hotel, Natasha says I have booked two rooms. Dhawal says I have no problem, I m cool. She gives the room keys. He goes. Suman says why did you send him to your brothers’ room, you share the room with Dhawal, go. Natasha says no way, I m Rishita’s daughter. Suman says yes, but you will share the room with him. Natasha says no, I won’t. Suman says I will make a plan. Chiku calls the police station and says a goon has taken my sister with him, she is in danger, save her. Inspector says I m coming. Chiku sends details. He says I have no way, I have to make Suman lose focus on Natasha and Dhawal, then Amrish and I will get happy.

Amrish says it’s the last strike on Suman. Natasha shouts Daama….

Update Credit to: Amena


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