Pandya Store 27th April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with everyone sitting to dine. Rishita says we will have some spicy food. Dev says Dhara has prepared many things for us. Shiva says it doesn’t suit us. Raavi says I will also have outside food. Rishita says I don’t want a homely feel. Krish jokes. Dhara asks him to sit quiet. Gautam says no problem, there is a restaurant, go and get the food for them Dev. Rishita and Raavi ask Dev to get chinese. Dev goes. Raavi sits with Rishita. Dev gets the food parcel. Dhara gives food to Dev. Rishita asks him to have chinese.
Krish says its a big problem now. Dev asks Rishita to have it. He says I will have the food made by Dhara. Rishita says fine, have a bite at least. Dhara signs him to eat. Dev eats from Rishita’s hand. Raavi eats and coughs. Dev and Dhara care for her. Dhara asks her to drink water. Shiva looks on. He pats on her back. She gets fine. Dev asks are you fine. Raavi sees Shiva and says you always beat me, I will not leave you. Shiva says thank me, your hiccups stopped, think, your thanks doesn’t matter to me. Dhara asks Raavi to have food. Raavi says I don’t want. Rishita says you should have eaten chinese, it was yummy. Raavi says I have a problem with chinese. Rishita screams in pain. She shouts to Dev. Dhara asks what happened.
Rishita says I m feeling like vomiting. Krish says congrats. Dhara stops her. Dev says I told you not to have outside food. Rishita says its not because of that. She vomits. Dhara makes her rinse her mouth. Dev asks how will we get medicine now. Dhara says I will arrange it, don’t worry. She makes a kada for Rishita. Raavi looks on. Shiva takes her along. Raavi asks him to leave her. He says you and Rishita are going against Dhara, don’t act, are you not ashamed to do this. They argue. He says you were a good girl, why are you punishing Dhara for Dev’s mistake, why are you changing yourself. Dhara makes Rishita drink the kada. Shiva asks Raavi to see, what Dhara is doing after hearing their taunts. Raavi cries. Shiva says Dhara has no evil in her heart, you wanted to become like Dhara, right, why did you change. He goes.
Everyone leaves in the bus. Rishita feels better. Krish says we reached the haveli. Rishita likes the haveli. She says its beautiful, we will have fun here. She hugs Dev. Gautam asks do you remember anything. Dhara says love, my new life started here, I pray to get this life in every birth. He says our life. He kisses her and hugs. They smile. Shiva asks Rishita to know why she got sick, she insulted Dhara’s food. Dev asks him to respect every relation. Shiva says explain your wife. Dev says its your mistake this time. Shiva says you need to understand many things, you know mum, mum will beat you. Shiva and Dev fight again. Krish calls Gautam. Shiva and Dev hug and argue. Gautam says they have much love.
Dhara says no one’s bad sight should fall on my three kids. Gautam says I asked you to stay with love, but together all day, go to your rooms now. Rishita says we will find a good room for ourselves, come. She likes a big room. Dev says ask Dhara whose room is this. She says no need, its ours, we came here first, Shiva has no manners to talk, I fell sick because of his taunts. Dev says Shiva is my brother, don’t say anything about him, I know to handle him. She says fine, tell him not to mess with me. He says I came here with my Rishita, don’t know how a nagging wife came here, go and get her. She says fine, I m here, I welcome you here. They have a romantic moment. He says I didn’t expect this romantic day. She asks him to just see, much will happen which he didn’t expect. He hugs her. Dhara asks Raavi to choose her room. Shiva says yes, Rishita is your heroine these days. Raavi asks Dhara to suggest a room.
Rishita and Dev romance. Tum ho….plays…. Gautam and Dhara dance. Raavi and Shiva come close.
Update Credit to: Amena
Y shiva is so obsessed with dhara? He cant force everyone to respect dhara..He is reacting too much..
Yes i am agree and also he was so bad with ravi they all forgot that they destroy this girl life and dreams even if the producer will make them be closer in future
I totally felt the same…both Raavi and Ristha weren’t disrespectful or anything… especially RAAVI…just because they don’t agree with what she says it doesn’t mean they don’t respect her
and Raavi has all rights to be pissed at Dhara cause Dhara broke her trust….so shiva should really learn to chill..and respect others views also…
Shraddha I agree Shiva is bit obsessed with Dhara but Rishita and Raavi are not at their best Raavi knows when things can affect Dhara then and there she is supporting Rishita purposely. And Rishita she needs to sort her priorities she is not wrong in desiring privacy bit she is never seen as a giver. She is only taking things away.
Firstly she took room allotted to Ravi cuz that was bigger and beautiful room. Then she took back seat of bus and was not ready to even share. And then she started nagging for the biggest room again.
Raavi is upset so she is purposely hurting dhara. And Rishita she is just being unreasonable for again & again hurting dhara.
I don’t think he is overreacting cause what he said to raavi was true she is unnecessary blaming dhara when it’s all devs fault
No o he is not obsessed with her. It is like someone wants to do something to your mom. Will you keep quiet or you fight for her? Dhara is like their mum and he is especially close to her because he didn’t go to school so he was around to see all the sacrifices he made. That is what I feel sha
But no one did anything to dhara..its not necessary that everyone will agree with her
But here no one did or say anything to her not even Rishtha….she just wanted to eat outside food not homemade and even Raavi agreed with that….so it doesn’t mean that they are ganging up against Dhara or disrespecting her……
And you made a point right saying Shiva is close to her seen her sacrifices and all that…. even mami(Ptaffula) loved Raavi like her own child …but Shiva is always rude to her (ik she has done wrong with his family) but still Raavi didn’t question or force him to be nice…
Acc to Raavi Dhara betrayed her and broke her trust(which she actually did) so Raavi actually has all rights to be pissed at Dhara but she never disrespected her
It’s not disrespecting but hurting others sentiments purposely. Keeping your thoughts is never wrong but hurting someone’s sentiments purposely us definitely wtong
The mistake Dhara made was that she thought Dev loves Raavi as she has seen how Raavi loves Dev so she decided to get them married but she should have consulted Dev first before she start the wedding preparations but she started without Dev’s knowledge. When she realised her mistake and found out that Dev loves Rishita, she went to ask for the hand of Rishita for Dev in marriage but Rishita’s family insulted her and threw her out of their house and when Dev found out about it, he accepted to marry Raavi out of anger but Rishita came to stop the marriage and she married Dev and to save Raavi’s life from committing suicide, Dhara had to persuade Shiva to marry Raavi. The problem with Dhara is that she is behaving like a typical mother who decides for her children without asking for their opinion, which is not good. She should bear in mind that she is not their mother but their elder sister-in-law so she should ask the guy’s opinion before she does anything concerning their lives. Now the boys have grown up and two of them are married so she should think of having kids of her own with her husband and stop meddling in the boys lives.
I think dhara is a good person but she has gotten used to unconditional devotion from the brothers. She makes almost all decisions for them and they accept it without a question. Dhara is not bossy or authoritarian but she has brought up these boys and she has completely immersed herself in their mother’s role. But the truth is these boys have grown up and now even have wives. Its natural that the new DIL will not be submissive towards dhara like that. They have their own likes dislikes and opinion. Dhara will have to learn to ask for their opinion and not make decisions for them. These new DIL will not see dhara as a mother but only as elder sister in law and dhara should act like that.
As for rishita and raavi not being mean to dhara, no they are not mean to her. But both of them have their own reasons to be angry at her and they show it very subtly. Rishita laughingly says ‘dhara should stop behaving like a teacher’ and raavi supports rishita whenever dhara and rishita have a difference. Raavi does that with a smirk and its clear she is supporting rishita only to snub dhara.
I dont think any of the girls are bad. They are just humans, and this double marriage was a big change in all their lives. I am sure with time these three girls will learn to respect each other and care for each other. Raavi will behave better when she starts accepting shiva. And rishita didnt live in a loving family before. Her maternal family is full of mean, arrogant, schemin people. So she has trouble accepting that her in laws are genuinely good, or that she doesnt have to fight for wishes, they will provide for her out of love. That trust hasnt developed yet.
As for the boys, dev needs to stop being angry at rishita for little things. When gautam said he will beat dev, dev said rishita to stay out of it. Dev asks rishita to stay out of most things. I know he is worried about everything that happened, but he should also try to explain to rushita with live and integrate her into the family. And shiva. He has lots of anger issues and almosts worshios dhara. He married raavi only cause she asked him to. Now he needs to accept what happened and stop blaming dev for it. Both dev and dhara were a little responsible for the marriage mess but its no good tryinv to blame anyone now. Shiva has a good heart but he keeps that hard attitude and doesnt show his true feelings to anyone
I agree with ur every point but for Rishita I feel she is so rigid. Like from starting she is never ready compromise little for others. At her first day only she started torturing Raavi for liking and marrying dev like Ravi was forcing Dev. Then she started showing her pointless anger to dhara. Raavi’s anger I totally understand but Rishita not at all, she is just behaving like spoilt brat.
And Dev suggesting Rishita to not comment not getting beat up Gautam or Dhara is because Rishita will not understand their understanding and love but instead she will look it as a bossy behaviour.
Dhara I completely agree with you….but except the part that Raavi does it with a smirk and supports Rishita only to snub Dhara…I really don’t think it’s true as …Raavi supported Rishtha at that sandwich matter because she saw Rishta feeling bad..and she politely replied to Dhara saying that food won’t spoil so soon …and about Dhara being like a strict teacher…there Rishita was kinda rude but not wrong… she learn how to share her thoughts or views without hurting others…

they all are just so pissed at eachother
And I really feel they all need some time off from eachother
I agree with u. But most of the people here seems to hate dev n rishita for no reason.rishita isn’t bad she just need time to understand this family. Raavi from childhood saw dhara sacrifices for these brothers but rishita don’t even have any idea so she thinks that dhara is just pretending as she never got love from her own family.n remember bcoz of dhara dev agreed to marry raavi n he broke up with rishita so she is also angry for that with dhara
Raavi is pushing it to far why is she blaming Dhara couze have Dev ever told her I loved you maybe l missed those episode couze she is not adjusting bt playing blame Game and becoming Rishita’s puppet