The daily soap “Pandya store” has become one of the most popular shows on Starplus. The show is becoming more intriguing day by day as it launches several twists and turns with drama in the upcoming episodes.
Enjoying the spike cake
Now, The Pandya is way too delighted with the birthday celebration. Gombi gifts gold jewellery and Suman interrogates the money, he claims it is a whole family investment.
Dhara commands Sweta to distribute the cake, and Rishita wakes in, saying she is ousted and soon gonna return home, let me help you. Rishita circulate the cake and everyone enjoys it.
Arnav saves Raavi
Meanwhile, Arnav enters Pandya’s house, and Raavi happens to see him before anyone and rushes outside with him. A dancer is also called for this auspicious celebration.
The guest and the Pandya get unconscious while dancing whereas Raavi is out with Arnav, asking him to leave. Luckily Raavi doesn’t have the spike cake due to Arnav’s arrival.
Chikoo kidnapping
Shweta’s friend, the dancer, kidnaps Chiko while Raavi was busy with Arnav. Raavi shocks when she comes home, finding everyone unconscious, while Sweta just pretends to be.
The upcoming episodes
Police and the doctor come into the picture, Raavi with their help, gains everyone back to consciousness. The doctor collects the blood sample. Sweta escapes from giving it.
Rishita notices it and demands to provide the sample, uttering to call the doctors. Rishita is suspicious of Swetha, gonna snag her red-handed.
Will Sweta get red-handed caught?
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