Paramavatar Shri Krishna 15th August 2018 Written Episode Update: Sudhama asks for bheeksha in the village.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 15th August 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with kanha at home with balram and radha. Radha says brother balram, this is not kanha’s fault, we have to help him. Balram says yes radha, I understand now.
Damodar and all people establish kanha’s statue in a small temple in between the village, they start doing his Pooja and say kanha is our god and savior, he is our prabhu, pray to him and do his Pooja and aarti. All people continue doing Pooja.
Sudhama is with his siblings and says lets pray to our govinda, he is our prabhu and our friend, he will give us water for sure. Sudhama, his sister and brother start singing a prayer song for kanha as govinda. Sudhama prays and says please give us water my dear govinda, you are my friend, please help me. Kanha is sitting in front of lord Vishnu’s statue

and says my disciple is calling me with all his heart, he needs my help. Kanha smiles.
There as sudhama and his siblings pray, water comes flowing out of the broken pot and sudhama is happy, he and his sister and brother drink the water and then a pot full of water appears. Sudhama gives the water to his siblings and says see I told you that our govinda would help us, he wanted us to have water. Sudhama says now we should head towards kashi. Sudhama’s sister says brother, we are hungry as well, what do we eat? Sudhama says don’t worry, we will get a village in our way, we will ask for bheeksha and then eat! Sudhama and his siblings head towards kashi./
In vrindavan, all people are praying and nand comes and says what is this nonsense? What is going on here? why has kanha been made god? Everyone is so deep in meditation and payer that they don’t listen nand. Nand says damodar stop it, stop this all people. Yashoda says please everyone stop it, why are you behind my son’s life? Why are you making him god? No one listens. Yashoda says I know how to stop these selfish people nand ji. Yashoda picks a stick and she breaks the pots of milk and butter given as offerings to kanha’s statue. All people open their eyes and damodar says what are you doing nand rani? Yashoda says have you all gone mad? Kanha is my son and he is a normal child of this village, why are you all behind his life? Why are you making him god? Damodar says you cannot stop us nand rani, we see a god in kanha. Yashoda says I will break that statue, kanha is no god. Damodar says we wont let you do that. another man says he is god because not everyone’s statue appears from the earth. Yashoda and nand are shocked and say that is not possible. Damodar says yes it has happened, kanha is our god. Kanha, radha and balram come. Radha says what is everyone’s problem? Kanha is no one’s god, this is all kansa’s plan to fool everyone, someone must have made that statue and kept there. Damodar says no why would kansa make kanha our god? When he thinks he is everyone’s god? Suddenly a young boy comes from behind dresses exactly like kanha and says I am your god my disciples! The person in that statue is me, I am bhagwan pondrik. All people look at him, kanha thinks who is he now? damodar says how do we believe you are the one in that statue? Pondrik says my disciples, you have strayed away from my path, I am the bhagwan in that statue and I have done all the leela till now, look at me I am the same way in that statue. Yashoda says who are you? don’t try to be someone you are not, you are trying to be my son kanha. Pondrik says it is okay child, kanha is your son and he looks like me because it was me who did the leela of making him look like me, I am bhagwan pondrik.
Yashoda says don’t try to fool the people, in the statue, it is my kanha but kanha is no god and you are no god as well. Pondrik uses his powers and blesses yashoda and mutes her voice. Yashoda is shocked as she tries to speak. All people say we think it is true, bhagwan pondrik is our bhagwan. All people take blessings of pondrik.
Kanha goes to balram and radha and says I am sure this is kansa’s plan, I don’t know who made that statue but for sure kansa has taken advantage, he has sent this demon dresses like me and now pondrik has become the god in everyone’s mind. Balram says I will kill that pondrik. Kanha says no brother, this way people will blame you for killing their god, we have to make the people understand that pondrik and even I am not their god. Radha says yes.
In Mathura, kansa is sitting and bhadraksh comes and says bhagwan something very terrible has happened. Those people are now thinking that some young boy named pondrik is their god. Kansa says don’t be so scared bhadraksh, I have made this plan, pondrik was sent by me to vrindavan so that he becomes their god and makes everyone believe he is vishnu’s avatar. Kansa laughs.
Sudhama and his siblings go to a village. Sudhama asks for bheeksha from all the people but he is denied, he then comes to a brahmin’s house and says please give us bheeksha. Sudhama sees inside and says no one is here, where are you Brahmin? Sudhama enters the house to find the Brahmin and says please give us bheeksha. The Brahmin comes out and says how dare you enter my house? Sudhama says rishi we were searching for food and wanted bheeksha, all people denied us so we came here, but I could not see anyone in the house so I entered the house to search for someone. Rishi says you are a low caste, you will be punished for entering my house. Sudhama says okay rishi but please don’t do anything to my brother and sister, punish me if you want. The rishi takes a stick and hits sudhama on his hands.
There kanha gets hurt and he says my disciple is in danger, he is getting hurt. Kanha gets hurt and gets the same pain as sudhama.
Sudhama then goes with his sister and brother and says don’t worry, govinda will give us food.

Precap: Pondrik rains wheat grains in vrindavan and makes people believe he is their god.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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