Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th September 2019 Written Episode Update – Arjun learns new lesson while karna achieves his wish.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Arjun trying to throw all his anger towards a clay statue by his bow & arrow to hit but it can’t hit while it becomes dark & he continuously is missing the target. He feels depressed while guru drone comes asking him that why your target is missing today so he replies due to darkness of light so guru says it is not the reason of darkness but your heart is not stable so can you tell me the reason then he replies that I took all efforts to achieve varunastra but I could not win so guru says why then he tells guru that due to dooryodhan played tricks so guru interrupts saying he cheated that’s why he won so Arjun asks guru that you knew all this so yes says guru as I know each & everything. Guru also tells him that you must be wondering too as

why I awarded dooryodhan & it was to make you understand that all these things you are going to face out of this gurukul in future so to alert you. Arjun asks guru that due to darkness if I can’t see what is happening then what to do so guru tells him to use your heart’s light to understand this to achieve your target.

Krishna is explaining how a human should concentrate within his heart’s faith to achieve any target & also if he has such a good teacher to make him alert so Arjun is preparing himself to become a great warrior with all the help of these quality lessons.

All pandav brothers sit to have food but one of them say I can’t eat food without brother bhim so yudhishtir tells him that he is being given punishment so we can’t do anything for this & we also can’t dis-obey food so Arjun prays food plate & tells yudhishtir that I am finished so yudhistir tells them we won’t eat here & they all go to bhim & bhim is surprised seeing all of them & yudhishtir tells him that we will eat food together & bhim is overwhelmed by hearing food but he says that I can’t do this as l too love you very much but we can have fruits together of this jungle & they are happy while a storm comes & they are wondering how this has happened. Dooryodhan goes inside the ashram to see his brothers by cursing them that how come without me you are eating food & never thought about your elder brother what he must be facing in the jungle so they reply we had thought but we can’t do anything & also we were feeling very hungry. So dooryodhan curses them saying kill your hunger & listen to me carefully for our future plans to achieve tomorrow’s divyastra & he is explaining plan of cheating with them. Bhim is telling yudhushtir that dooryodhan will definitely plan big for tomorrow’s task but yudhishtir tells him that question is not of his plans but what our mother kunti taught us we should be abided by that as if we try answering dooryodhan in his language than what will be the difference between him & us so not to worry & we should do what is right. Yudhistir is calling sahadev with light but bhim says why we need light because we can eat in dark also so how they ask him then he explains them that this is my hand & this is my food & he eats while yudhistir smiles. Arjun asks bhim how did you see food in such darkness & you took in your hand & ate also so he says food is my love so Arjun thinks saying bow & arrow I too love so why I can’t hit the target in dark so bhim explains him that see like I lift the food in my hand so food also becomes part of my body & can eat easily. Arjun understands this as guru also teaches in this way as to make our weapon our part of body & how easily brother bhim explained me & he leaves while yudhshtir asks Arjun where you are going so he replies that you said correct as we should answer dooryodhan by what mother kunti has taught us & we should answer him with our pure faith power.

Arjun goes in practice room & concentrates with closed eyes & says its true as now I will study to make target also part of my body & as he shoots arrow from his bow the statue is destroyed & all other statues too he destroys by same way & he feels glad about it.

Krishna explains guru showed his the path of weapon to make his part of body but bhim told him to make target his part of body so half he learnt for guru while rest of the half from his brother bhim & this is what will make Arjun a great warrior going ahead.

Arjun challenges dooryodhan in himself saying to get ready for next task now as you will face me.

Dooryodhan is telling all his brothers that to be alert only by Arjun as we need to sop him so do what has being told to you & all say yes.

Bhim comes asking his brothers that what I had told you to do did you do that about smoke so they tell him all is planned well & bhim tells them to leave rest on me & he takes them along to spread smoke in gavravas room near their nose while they are asleep & they do their work & bhim says happily that gavrav brothers now all of you sleep tight & bhim says that this is done but we should take them at such a secured place where nobody can wake them & they go along to do that.

Karna sees gurudev coming out of his hut in the morning & as he tries to pray him but he vanishes in flash & karna searches gurudev so he sees him sitting again for meditation & he thinks that this way I won’t be able to meet gurudev as to control his speed is impossible by trying all ways but he isn’t feeling me over here too. But there must be some solution & karna cries sitting while he reminds about what guru drone had told him & what his mother explained him so he gets up taking oath that I also am karna & what ever happens but now without meeting gurudev I won’t return & he goes to meet him.

Krishna explains about karna’s eagerness increasing by which he was not able to sacrifice his will to meet gurudev as its human nature where lot of people can’t sacrifice various things in life so Krishna says that I feel proud of karna as he did not sacrifice meeting gurudev.

Karna is going towards to meet gurudev very fast while he faces huge storm & he thinks to save gurudev from this huge storm & picks some fallen tree branches with leafs but suddenly he see one huge stone coming down from the mountain towards gurudev & throws everything & runs very fast to stop the stone from falling on gurudev. He holds the huge stone shouting mothers name & gurudev opens his eyes while his mother who was praying gets feeling of karna’s voice & she pleads god to take care of karna & says if anything happens to karna then I too can’t be alive.

Karna is holding the stone in his back very painfully & gurudev is impressed smiling seeing this.

Krishna explains Arjun proved this that his dedication towards guru & to achieve knowledge from him is so strong that his guru himself became ready to come to him.

Gurudev gets up from his meditation seat & helps karna to get him free from the stone. Karna falls unconscious & guru takes him along to his hut with his powers & wakes him throwing water on his face. Karna gets up seeing gurudev in front of him & becoming shocked.


Precap: Arjun while shooting an arrow is thinking that my target & my weapon has become oneself now as they have no distances. The arrow enters the sea water thereby the water comes flowing in his pot. Guru done tells Arjun to go & declare yourself winner of today’s task. Arjun is declaring himself winner as I am first to fill water in my pot without doing any cheating.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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