Paramavatar Shri Krishna 26th September 2019 Written Episode Update – Karna becomes Raja in Hastinapur

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 26th September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with guru drone tells karna that to show your talent of bow & arrow as there is no body in this empire who can defeat Arjun. So Karna kneels down & starts his presentation by shooting arrows in the sky creating fire in the sky, bringing water from the sky & also reversing various arrows hitting towards land piercing into it to bring up a small mountain. All of them are shocked seeing this including guru drone. Karna says that I know I have displayed my talent in more stronger way than Arjun so I challenge Arjun to defeat me while all are shocked about karna.

Krishna explains kunti mata who had kept this secret of karna, was shocked to see her own son in such great warrior status but was helpless. Whereas on other hand dooryodhan watching this

was making his plans to target karna’s support & help to achieve his goal of becoming maharaj by planning to defeat Arjun. Actually it is the start of mahabharat now.

Guru drone is thinking about where he had seen karna & reminds that he had rejected him but then too he has searched some guru he guesses so he thinks I won’t allow him to become hurdle in way of arjun. Drone goes towards karna asking him if you wish to compete with Arjun  I allow you but before any warrior’s competition starts you need to introduce yourself so he calls Arjun & tells kulguru to introduce Arjun so kulguru describes arjun’s introduction as he is the world’s biggest warrior having blood of kshatriya’s & son of maharaj pandu & kunti & he is evergreen youngest achiever of bow & arrow knowledge & whom you are standing in front of is none other than mahaveer Arjun.

Guru drone tells karna to give your introduction so he is thinking while karna is asking why are you quiet as all are watching you & kunti also falls in confusion thinking my son’s introduction & she remembers of her mistake done in the past of practicing rishi durvasa’s mantra & sun god immerges for her handing her a son which she had wished but kunti inspite explaining sun god that she was unmarried & was just practicing mantra then too sun god was helpless as he was bonded too towards rishi durvasa & so she was helpless to flow her son in the water sacrificing him.

Kunti is terribly upset seeing her own son for whom she had longed for so many years is now standing in front of her.

Karna is in confusion while kunti is murmuring “as her son” within herself & Krishna is watching kunti while vidur is also remembering kunti praying near water flowing candle light & feels confused, as kunti gets up from her seat to go towards karna saying my son suddenly Krishna stops her saying this is not the right time & explaining her to control mother’s love while shakuni interrupts asking Krishna what is wrong so Krishna replies this is not your concern as it is between mother & son’s love which you won’t understand & Krishna, her sister are consoling her to be calm. Vidur is also telling maharaj that kunti has also kept fast for her sons.

Drone is continuously asking karna why are you so quiet & to give your introduction so he is reminding what he had told guru drone in the past then drone asks him is that you knew who is Arjun so are you cared or do you feel you are not capable of competing against Kshatriya then he gets instigated & replies that I am not concerned about my caste as such things of spreading caste & creed lessons are those who actually are not capable of that caste too. Karna says my caste is my warriorship which is my bow & arrow then too drone is telling him still you have not given your introduction then he describes himself giving introduction so karna introduces himself as he is proud as sood’s son of adhirath nandan & Devi radha’s & I am proud my father is a horse helper. All people are shocked including shakuni & people are shouting him to go away so drone tells him see what people are shouting as this is the rule as Kshatriya can only compete with another Kshatriya so karna is cursing the rule saying what kind of rule is this that a common man can’t be allowed to show his talent so drone tells him if you are so eager to compete with Arjun then to go & prove yourself by becoming a raja of some place & this itself is the rule of only Kshatriya can only fight with Kshatriya or any raja. Karna says if any kshatriya does not fight with me then how will I capture his place. All are in thoughts & surprises.

Bhim comes forward to tell karna that why are waiting now as you have understood what the rule is so go & help some raja so that he might donate you some part of his ruling place in return so all people are laughing while drone is telling him to go away by not getting insulted so much. So karna tries leaving but suddenly comes stopping him saying to wait friend & it’s dooryodhan comes walking telling bhim as this is not good to joke such a talented warrior so drone tells dooryodhan what wrong was said by bhim as he has no rights to compete without he becoming a raja then dooryodhan tells guru drone that such a big great warrior has to be acknowledged whose at times the arrows also showed outstanding performances towards arjun’s arrows which is seen by all of them so if only the question arises of raja then I will donate my part of my place to him & all are shocked.

Dooryodhan tells maharaj dhritrarashtra & pitamaha bhishma that there is no raja appointed for anga pradesh so I need permission from you to declare him as the raja of anga pradesh then maharaj & pitama bhishma discuss within themselves while they also take advice from Krishna which krishna gives them green signal so maharaj declares karna the raja of anga pradesh & all are happy as Krishna looks towards kunti so she too shows her gladness. Guru drone walks away while karna is asking dooryodhan that all rejected me but you addressed me as your friend & also came to my help so why are yo doing this then he replies that you have earned this with your talent & he orders kulguru to arrange tilak procession of karna to make him raja.

The procession takes place while kunti & krishna are smiling very happily.

Krishna explains today karna got his respect of his talent but he never understood behind this it was dooryodhan’s selfish plan as he made karna raja of anga Pradesh adding strong weapon in his kitty & now karna a good warrior will fight with support of evil people & from there the plantation of mahabharat happens.


Precap: Maharaj dhritarashtra announces yudhishtir as raj kumar of hastinapur & dooryodhan is depressed while pandav brothers are happy. Krishna explains this will create enmity in dooryadhna’s behavior & by this mahabharat will take place.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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