Paramavatar Shri Krishna 3rd December 2018 Written Episode Update: Makdasura attacks vrindavan.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 3rd December 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with kansa and bhadraksh in Mathura. bhadraksh says bhagwan, that kanha and radha are together! Kansa says we have to stop them from making the Shakti sthal otherwise everything will be against us. bhadraksh says yes bhagwan, if the Shakti sthal is made then I will die forever and I don’t want to leave you bhagwan, I want to serve you. kansa says there is one way. Kansa and bhadraksh go.
In vrindavan, rishi gargacharya says first the place where Shakti sthal is present, we have to remove the Shakti khand out of the ground. All people say yes guru, if we build the Shakti sthal of devi laxmi, her blessings will be over brij mandal forever and our village will be safe from all evil, no demon will be able to come to vrindavan forever. Kanha says yes, for that first

the Shakti khand has to be unearthed from the ground. All people say yes, first we shall go to the tree in the forest, there we will find the Shakti khand. Nand and brij bhanu lead all people with rishi gargacharya and radha, kanha at the forest. Kanha radha and gargacharya bring everyone to the tree. rishi gargacharya says you have to dig here, you will find the Shakti khan. Some men start digging the ground with spades, as they dig and dig for some time, then suddenly a golden light appears and the Shakti khand of laxmi is found. Everyone pray and rishi gargacharya picks the khand. He then says now we shall go back to vrindavan, there we will put this khand in a Shakti sthal and build that sthal, now start preparing people, we need everything and all ingredients to do the establishment of the Shakti sthal. Everyone is happy and they head back to vrindavan.
Kansa and bhadraksh enter a cave and bhadraksh says bhagwan it feels like a dangerous demon lives here. kansa says you are right, this is the home of makdasura. Kansa says makdasura come out now, come out it is bhagwan kansa! Makdasura comes out in his spider form, he takes normal form and says what happened kansa? Why have you come here? kansa says makdasura, you have a great work now, you will get to take revenge from laxmi who cursed you. makdasura says then I am in, where is she? Kansa says makdasura laxmi has taken the avatar of radha and she is now in vrindavan, this is the right time to kill her. Makdasura says then I have to go. makdasura goes.
Narad muni says who is makdasura? Lord Vishnu says devrishi, makdasura is actually the son of kuber dev, Manek. Manek was angry that laxmi’s form of guptlaxmi decided who could have how much wealth, he thought that if his father kuber was the god of all wealth then how could guptlaxmi decide whi would get how much wealth? Guptlaxmi lives above vaiktunth and the way to her place goes through the branch of this huge lotus. Manek climbed that branch by taking the form of a spider and he came to guptlaxmi. Guptlaxmi was angry as manek came without permission. Manek confronted guptlaxmi that how can she have the authority to decide who gets how much wealth and that should be his authority or his father’s and not hers. Guptlaxmi was angry and she said first you come here and then you challenged my authority? You have become egoistic and I curse you, you shall always remain in the form of the spider that you came here and be known as makdasura. Manek is sad and he says no mata! Manek goes.
In vrindavan, all people are prepaing for the Shakti sthal and makdasura comes in his huge spider form. All people start running and say run, run! It is a demon. Makdasura throws his spider webs on all people, the people are trapped in webs and they faint and fall down. Kanha and radha come and radha says stop makdasura. Rishi gargacharya comes in between. Makdasura says so here you are laxmi avatar radha, I will kill you. rishi gargacharya beats his staff on ground and makdasura is pushed behind. Gargacharya says kanha and radha, you both go because radha cannot be touched by any evil while the Shakti sthal has to be built. Kanha says yes radha lets go. kanha and radha go.
Balram comes and says guru you go and protect the people, I will kill this demon. Gargacharya goes. Balram uses his mudgal and attacks all webs as makdasura attacks the webs on balram. Balram says makdasura, I will kill you. makdasura attacks more webs and balram hides under a bullock cart, makdasura covers the cart by a web and traps balram. Makdasura then relases a green gas and disappears. Balram says where did he go? all people wake up as makdasura goes.

Precap: radha and kanha go in the cave to kill makdasura. Kanha takes the form of a spider to kill makdasura.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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