Paramavatar Shri Krishna 3rd June 2019 Written Episode Update: Kanha resurrects devi svada.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 3rd June 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with kanha thinking how to resurrect devi svada? The god of trees appears and says prabhu, devi svada has turned this statue as she sacrificed herself in fire. But to bring her back, you have to use your own powers prabhu. Kanha says yes and says I have to use the vimla kala, to bring back devi svada. Kanha prays to devi svada but as he prays, her statue melts and the fire of her rage spreads and starts burning everything. kanha says how do I stop this? The tree god says prabhu you can do anything. Kanha says yes, I have the sarang bow, I will use it to stop the fire. Kanha uses the sarang bow and he stops the fire by attacking an arrow. Kanha then understands he has to make an idol of devi svada first to bring her back to life. Kanha starts making an idol of devi svada.

and all women rest near a lake. Damodar makes a fire using wood for cooking. The women cook and yashoda prays to mata ganga to help her in the journey so that she can make the protective shield for her son kanha. Bhadraksh comes disguised as a rishi and introduces himself as a disciple of mata ganga. All people and yashoda welcome him. bhadraksh says I have been staying around here for years and am a disciple of mata ganga, I know what your purpose is. Bhadraksh says to yashoda, devi you are doing all this for your son and I bless you because your hard work will bring the result to you. yashoda thanks rishi. Bhadraksh then says he will help them and guide them through a quicker path to the ganga river. Yashoda and all women agree and they serve bhadraksh food. Bhadraksh eats and he asks for more, in this way he finishes all the food of the people. Yashoda is worried and all women tell her there is no food for them. Bhadraksh says don’t worry, I ate it but through me mata ganga has accepted your bhog! We should go ahead in this journey. Yashoda says it is okay people, we have to walk our way without food but we will do it. everyone follow bhadraksh as he takes them through a path.
Kanha makes the idol of devi svada, he then prays to devi of vimla kala. The devi appears and kanha asks her help in resurrecting devi svada back to life. The devi helps and she provides the amrit to help resurrect devi svada.
Balram and all women are in the cave. Danav bhavak ties the women together and says I will kill you all, now I don’t care. The women say but you hate violence, please don’t do this, don’t kill. Bhavak says I will, because I wont be getting any salvation. Bhavak takes them all to the valley while balram tries to stop him by saying kanha has promised and he will come, be patient. Bhavak throws the women down. Balram breaks his rope and he runs and holds the ropes of the women and starts pulling them upwards.
Kanha tells devi svada he has brought her back and she has to give salvation to bhavak by killing him. devi svada is in her angry form and she says yes prabhu!
Bhavak tries to attack balram but is attacked first by devi svada. Devi svada says I have come to give you salvation. Bhavak says so you are the devi? Bhavak is happy. Devi svada says yes you fool, I shall kill you. bhavak says what? He is angry and fights devi svada. Devi svada uses her axe and cuts bhavak, thus killing him. balram saves all the women and the women thank balram and devi svada for killing bhavak. Devi svada is freed from impurity and she takes her original form back. she thanks kanha for freeing her and she goes. Bhavak appears in his original form too and he thanks kanha for saving his life and giving him salvation.
Bhadraksh disappears. Yashoda says where did the rishi go? damodar says yes, and he left us on an unknown path. Yashoda says we shouldn’t have trusted him. bhadraksh appears again with a basket of fruits and says don’t worry, I had gone to bring fruits for all of you. yashoda says why did you go? bhadraksh in his rishi form says, I felt bad that I ate all your food and you all are hungry, so I brought sweet fruits. Bhadraksh gives everyone fruits, yashoda denies as it is her fast! Everyone eat and suddenly start choking and in pain, they all fall down and faint. Yashoda says who are you? what happened to them. Bhadraksh reveals his true self and says yashoda devi, now do anything! Your journey wont be complete, bhadraksh goes away laughing. Yashoda is sad and says what do I do now?
The episode starts with kanha thinking how to resurrect devi svada? The god of trees appears and says prabhu, devi svada has turned this statue as she sacrificed herself in fire. But to bring her back, you have to use your own powers prabhu. Kanha says yes and says I have to use the vimla kala, to bring back devi svada. Kanha prays to devi svada but as he prays, her statue melts and the fire of her rage spreads and starts burning everything. kanha says how do I stop this? The tree god says prabhu you can do anything. Kanha says yes, I have the sarang bow, I will use it to stop the fire. Kanha uses the sarang bow and he stops the fire by attacking an arrow. Kanha then understands he has to make an idol of devi svada first to bring her back to life. Kanha starts making an idol of devi svada.
Yashoda and all women rest near a lake. Damodar makes a fire using wood for cooking. The women cook and yashoda prays to mata ganga to help her in the journey so that she can make the protective shield for her son kanha. Bhadraksh comes disguised as a rishi and introduces himself as a disciple of mata ganga. All people and yashoda welcome him. bhadraksh says I have been staying around here for years and am a disciple of mata ganga, I know what your purpose is. Bhadraksh says to yashoda, devi you are doing all this for your son and I bless you because your hard work will bring the result to you. yashoda thanks rishi. Bhadraksh then says he will help them and guide them through a quicker path to the ganga river. Yashoda and all women agree and they serve bhadraksh food. Bhadraksh eats and he asks for more, in this way he finishes all the food of the people. Yashoda is worried and all women tell her there is no food for them. Bhadraksh says don’t worry, I ate it but through me mata ganga has accepted your bhog! We should go ahead in this journey. Yashoda says it is okay people, we have to walk our way without food but we will do it. everyone follow bhadraksh as he takes them through a path.
Kanha makes the idol of devi svada, he then prays to devi of vimla kala. The devi appears and kanha asks her help in resurrecting devi svada back to life. The devi helps and she provides the amrit to help resurrect devi svada.
Balram and all women are in the cave. Danav bhavak ties the women together and says I will kill you all, now I don’t care. The women say but you hate violence, please don’t do this, don’t kill. Bhavak says I will, because I wont be getting any salvation. Bhavak takes them all to the valley while balram tries to stop him by saying kanha has promised and he will come, be patient. Bhavak throws the women down. Balram breaks his rope and he runs and holds the ropes of the women and starts pulling them upwards.
Kanha tells devi svada he has brought her back and she has to give salvation to bhavak by killing him. devi svada is in her angry form and she says yes prabhu!
Bhavak tries to attack balram but is attacked first by devi svada. Devi svada says I have come to give you salvation. Bhavak says so you are the devi? Bhavak is happy. Devi svada says yes you fool, I shall kill you. bhavak says what? He is angry and fights devi svada. Devi svada uses her axe and cuts bhavak, thus killing him. balram saves all the women and the women thank balram and devi svada for killing bhavak. Devi svada is freed from impurity and she takes her original form back. she thanks kanha for freeing her and she goes. Bhavak appears in his original form too and he thanks kanha for saving his life and giving him salvation.
Bhadraksh disappears. Yashoda says where did the rishi go? damodar says yes, and he left us on an unknown path. Yashoda says we shouldn’t have trusted him. bhadraksh appears again with a basket of fruits and says don’t worry, I had gone to bring fruits for all of you. yashoda says why did you go? bhadraksh in his rishi form says, I felt bad that I ate all your food and you all are hungry, so I brought sweet fruits. Bhadraksh gives everyone fruits, yashoda denies as it is her fast! Everyone eat and suddenly start choking and in pain, they all fall down and faint. Yashoda says who are you? what happened to them. Bhadraksh reveals his true self and says yashoda devi, now do anything! Your journey wont be complete, bhadraksh goes away laughing. Yashoda is sad and says what do I do now?

Precap: Bhavak tells kanha that he has to attain the golden chariot first. Kanha goes and encounters kansa in his path.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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