Paramavatar Shri Krishna 8th July 2019 Written Episode Update – Fight between Balarama, Kanha & Evil Giant elephant.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 8th July 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Balarama coming in between kanha & giant elephant & starts hitting with his weapon in his hands & tells him I will kill you now. He hits him but nothing happens to him so he uses his power & mind by asking kanha & starts fight. Kansa tells elephant to kill Balarama & elephant hits him & Balarama falls unconscious. Kanha come running towards & tries to wake Balarama but in vain so kanha starts fight with kansa & hot him on his head by balarama’s weapon. Elephant is shaken but nothing happens to him surprising kanha.

Kansa tells kanha he is having gift of your god Vishnu to kill his avatar so nothing will happen to him but you will be killed paramavatar.

Kanha is in confusion how to kill this giant elephant?

So he thinks of a solution by his gurudev & prays for his gurudev to help him show the way out to kill this elephant. Gurudev is heard by kanha’s prayer & gives him solution by his teeth. Kanha feels happy by the way shown by his gurudev & fights with him on the way suggested & hits him so he falls down suddenly. Human immerges from kaule peed’s end & prays kanha for helping him to release from his curse. Kanha gives him blessings.

Balarama is woken up & sees elephant’s end & is surprised. Kanha tells him that still main culprit is alive who sent this elephant to kill us, Lifts elephants teeth & throws towards that main culprit, kansa.

Kansa & bhadraksha are stunned & kansa shouts that kanha will be killed. Kansa tells bhadraksha to not to utter any wrong towards me or you will be cursed by me. Bhadraksha asks kansa how will kanha be killed as elephant has also failed so kansa tells him that kanha will be killed only by me & very soon will happen by the only weapon i.e. dhanur yagna which is secretly kept by me for this reason only.

Narayan talks with prabhu about kansa having shiv bow & how he acquired this which may create trouble for kanha. Mata tells Narayan yes kansa has shiv bow by which once arrow shooted then kanha also will be unable to stop that. Narayan says it will create destruction in world by this but asks how this is acquired by kansa & mata tells him sahastra Arjun is name of that person because of whom parshuram while fighting with him got this weapon . Mata tells Narayan that parshuram deed tapasya of shiv god & asked for boon to give him shiv bow to destroy evils in this world & shiv god gives him towards his one will that if he uses wrongly against non-evils then next time he won’t be able to use this.

Parshuram goes to fight with sahstra Arjun with this granted bow & shoots arrows towards his army & him by killing all army & cutting sahastra arjun’s hands too & killing him. But prashuram could not use bow again as he killed the army people wrongly without their mistake so he went to deep devotions chanting “om namah shivay” & took oath that he will never use weapons in future & he kept that bow in Mathura.

Narayan says that if kansa uses this towards kanha then world will get destroyed.

Lets see what will happen in future.

Kansa is praying shiv dhanush & says that he knows that you are powerful once shooted as nobody can stop you even this brahmand & by you I’ll be killing pramavatar shri Krishna & kansa sits for prayers. Bhadraksha tells kansa why waiting for this or tell me I’ll pick & kill him but unable to pick & falls down as no common person can hold this shiv dhanush. Kansa tells bhadraksha to go as he will sit for devotion prayer to wake this powerful bow & starts chanting “om namah shivay” mantra.

Kanha & balaram come searching kansa at his palace but does not find then gurudev immerges & tell kanha that kansa is performing yagna to wake shiv bow & if he succeeds in this then no one can stop him by destroying the world so you have to bring hurdles in his performing yagna.

Precap : Kansa is performing dhanur yagna to kill kanha for bow to wake. Kanha asks gurudev where can be kansa & gurudev replies he will be in shiv mandir itself.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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