Parineeti 13th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Neeti says I am very angry. I will kill her. Gurinder says you need to calm down. Sanju is already angry. He will ruin everything. Neeti breaks things in anger. Gurinder says I always considered you my daughter. Listen to me. Neeti says that Pari is defeating me in front of you. She’s gonna win. Gurinder says I will never let her be the DIL of this house. Sanju says I only want Sanju.
Babli says to Parvati food is ready. Virkam says let me arrnge the chairs. Pari says it’sokay. I can sit down with everyone. Pari says I didn’t come here as guest but as Gurpreet’s daughter. She sits with everyone and eats the food. Pami says we’re glad you came here. Sanju also comes there. Pami says I am glad you came too. Sanju serves Pari. She says I can do it myself. Pari eats the kheer Gurpreet made. She says i missed this so much. I mean the local indian food. She says thank you auntie. I’ve never eaten food like this before. She says my mom also cooks like this sometimes. Gurpreet says Pari also loved this. Pari says you make such good food, she was lucky.
Scene 2
Ambika works in the office. She says Parvati will head the project of Parvartan. Sanju can’t head it. pari goes to the kitchen. Pammi says to Gurpreet Pari used to make food like yu as well. Gurpreet says I feel so good PArvati came here. Babli says to Virkram don’t you feel it’s Pari? sanju says to Pari, Pari used ot eat like you as well. She says I said all those things to make aunty happy. Sanju asks why didn’t you get married yet? She says I don’t believe in love. Sanju says what if someone makes you belive in love?She says I might not. He says you always get emotional when you talk about love. Youre hiding something. she says yeah I am hiding I amyour Pari. You wanted to hear that right?
Neeti gets Parvati’s finger prints. She says I will prove with these that she is Pari. She goes to the lab to get it tested. Sanju says you’re joking right? She says thank God you got that at least. Sanju asks how did you not find love yet? She says everything is God’s plan. Pami and Gurpreet thank Pari for coming there. she meets Babli and Virkam. Sanju says can I drop you home? I drive safe. She says I have a driver.
Scene 3
Pari comes hoe. She tells Ambika she felt so good after eating Gurpreet’s phone. She says made me who I am. She tells her how Rajiv and Neeti broke up. Ambika says that is such a good news.
Neeti tries to get the finger prints matched. The man says it’s matching.
Episode ends
Update Credit to: Atiba
Enough of this ridiculously acting of Tanvi Dogra aka Neeti n Exploting n Abusing Pari’s relatives
Neeti you will once again fail becoz pari will burn her thumb finger becoz neeti wanted to match pari and parvati fingerprints by matching her thumb finger prints and goddess durga helped pari and pari thimb finger got burnt so by matching her thumb finger print neeti will not able to match pari and Parvati’s finger prints. And neeti will again fail and loose once again
Dayaan,Chudail,Psycho,obsessive, Brainless Neeti you are finished in the hands of Pari now