Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 16th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Pari didn’t get to meet Rajiv

Parineeti 16th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Parineet doesn’t see Rajiv with Neeti. She takes the juice and leaves. Neeti says my bestfriend is asleep. She will get up. He comes close to kiss her. He says where is your kundli? I will show it to mom and tell you’re the best for me. HE comes to the room where Pari is asleep he says sorry sorry. Pari didn’t see his face. Rajiv tells Neeti he went to the wrong. Neeti says it’s my bestfriend. Pari says was it Rajiv? It was his voice. neeti asks Rajiv to leave. Pari asks is Rajiv here? Neeti says no no it was my friend. She says you should sleep it’s late. Pari sees Rajiv’s back. Neeti takes her to the room. Pari asks is it the same dinner date guy? Is she just a friend or? Rajiv collides with the sofa and sees a dupatta. He recalls he saw it on Pari. Rajiv

is on call and says what? Pari says I felt like it was someone else. Introduce us. Neeti says okay come. They come out, Pari is shocked.

Gurvinder says to daughter your brother has lost his mind. He doesn’t know difference between right and wrong. Gurvinder says my stars told me his name should be from R. Your dad liked Sanjay dutt and named him Sanju and got him registered in school as Sanju Mehra. I told your dad is should be from R. When he came from college I named him R, got him married to such a nice girl. She brought blessings and he got such a good job in Chandigarh but he doesn’t listen. He gets called sanju there. Sister says he likes Sanju and real name is the one on your documents. Gurvinder says he likes such bad things. He isn’t taking her to Chandigarh and left her here. How long would we answer her questions? I think he will come around Pari.

Pari says your friend isn’t here. I would have been happy to meet him. He made you blush. Neeti says I will make Sanju meet you at all costs today. Let me call him. Pari says would he come? She says he has to. Neeti calls Sanju and says come now my friend wants to meet you. Pari says is he coming? Neeti says yes. We will find Rajiv together too. Sanju comes home. He is shocked.

Scene 2
Mandeep comes home. Gurpreet says was everything okay? She says you all didn’t sleep? Vicky says we were all waiting for you. Harman says come let’s eat. Mandeep says you were all showing love? Vicky says is Pari happy? Harman says would Rajiv keep her happy? She says yes Pari was very happy. Rajiv loves her a lot. Gurpreet says thank you for what you did for Pari. Harman says I am happy Rajiv is accepting and loving out Pari.

Pari and Neeti make tea. Neeti says you make best tea. Will you make halwa tomorrow? Pari says I will make everything you like. Neeti says he will love your tea. Rajiv’s driver fights with a man who has hit the car. The driver calls him and says please come here fast. He’s threatening to hit the car again. Pari says he’s not here yet? Rajiv comes downstairs and tries to calm down the fight. Neeti says Sanju.. Pari says his wallet was here now it’s not. Neeti says he’s nowhere. Neeti calls him. She says where are you? My friend wanted to meet you. He says my car got hit, I am coming. Neeti says should I come downstairs? Neeti says to Pari he’s downstairs. His car got hit. Let me show you from the balcony. Neeti says he’s there. Pari comes near the window. She says the one in black is Sanju. Pari only sees his back. Neeti says let’s go have tea. Pari says let’s wait for him. Neeti says you are my friend not his wife, let’s have it. Sanju calls Neeti and says I’ve to go to police station. Say sorry to your friend. She comes in the window. Rajiv says sorry. Neeti says it’s okay you go home. Pari says is everything okay? Neeti says yes, let’s meet him tomorrow.

Rajiv’s brother comes. He hugs him and says thanks for coming. He asks how did this happen? Rajiv says to driver don’t tell anyone about this. They come home. Rajiv says chachi loves me more than you.
Pari tells Neeti Rajiv saved my dad’s turban. Neeti says he’s a hero. Pari says he is. My dream was to get married to a nice girl and have a home. Rajiv says Pari has no goals and ambitions. She only wanted sindur and mangalsutra. NOw she has it. She must be happy. Pari says I am very happy after marrying Rajiv. I love him. Neeti says you’re mad in his love. Hd didn’t come back to pick you from pagpheray. Pari says I am mad at you, you weren’t there. You would have said no to Varun. Neeti says what if I let you marry Varun adn married Rajiv myself?

Episode ends

Precap-Neeti says Rajiv if my friend doesn’t like you I will reject you. Rajiv says I am going away from Pari for my love Neeti. He says I should get flowers for Neeti’s friend. He sees Pari there.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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