Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 1st September 2023 Written Episode Update: Pami takes a stand for Pari in front of Neeti

Parineeti 1st September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Neeti tells the receptionist that they need to find Pari, she is my best friend. Bebe asks her to calm down, the receptionist tells them to calm down, I will check CCTV footage. Neeti gets scared hearing that and recalls how she had met up with the nurse and the hitman. The doctor comes there and says Sanju is unstable again.

Pari is locked up in the room and fainting.. she tries getting up but the poisonous gas is making her dizzy. She says I can’t lose hope. She gets up and cries in pain. She goes to the window. She screams for help but no one can hear or see her.

Neeti and others are outside Sanju’s room while the doctor treats him. He says its difficult to save him. He goes to the family and says his heartbeat is dropping.. I think you should call Pari, she

saved him before by stabling his heartbeat. Neeti says I am his wife, let me go inside. The doctor says Pari was able to calm him before so I don’t care who is his wife. Neeti is angry and leaves from there.

Pari tries to open the door but its locked, she cries for help and says I am sure this room is sound-proof. She screams for help and sees a nurse outside the room but she can’t see her. Pari cries in pain and says I can’t die here. She sees the room filling with the poisonous gas, she says nobody can hear me. She sees the vent where the poisonous gas is coming from. She looks around and finds a switch, she tries reaching it but gets tired and faints.

Neeti is angry recalling the doctor’s words. Bebe comes there and asks what happened? Neeti shouts that I am Sanju’s wife so why does everyone give importance to Pari.. I hate Pari so much. Bebe says don’t worry, she is going to die soon. Neeti says I was a fool to save her before, I should have listened to you before. I shouldn’t have saved her as she snatched my love from me. Pami comes there and says no one snatched anything from you. Pami asks Bebe why is she doing this? why do you keep provoking her when she is stressed? Bebe says enough.. I have heard enough, I am your mother in law but you keep giving me lecture, what wrong did I do with you? I am this family’s elder and will do what’s right, I won’t bear your words anymore. Pami says you are an elder that’s why we kept bearing your mistakes. Neeti says you keep fighting for Pari but what about me? what’s my fault in all this? you know that the other person is wrong. Pami says you yourself are not sure about that that’s why you can’t take Pari’s name. Neeti says you keep chanting Pari’s name like she is your daughter in law. Pami says if I praise her but that doesn’t mean you don’t mean anything to us.. we respect Pari because she respects us as a family. You shouldn’t angry with her. Neeti says no, this is wrong, she leaves. Pami tells Bebe that you keep provoking Neeti against Pari. Gurvindar comes there and tells Pami that Neeti is stressed but you still giving her lecture? Pami says Neeti is on the wrong path, Gurvindar asks her to shut up and goes behind Neeti.

Pami tells Monty and Chandrika that Gurvindar came here, I am sure she will provoke Neeti against Pari. Neeti is being wrong about Pari, she thinks Pari wants to snatch Sanju from her.

Neeti is angry and thinks this family just loves Pari, she snatched everything from me but I will kill her now.

Precap: Pari says to Neeti, you were my safe place and now you want to kill me. Neeti says to Pari because you tried to steal my husband. Pari says to Neeti, enough you have shown what a friend can do and now I will show what my friendship can.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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