Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 22nd September 2023 Written Episode Update: Gurpreet threatens Gurvindar for the first time

Parineeti 22nd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
All family members gather for the ceremony. The entertainers come there to perform. They start their performance. All enjoy that, the performers try to leave but Pari asks them to stay, she will go and get parsad.

Pari comes to the store room and the light is not turning on, she gets up on a ladder and is about to fall but Sanju comes there and holds her in his arms. He says you should be careful. He brings her down and says I won’t be around all the time to save you. Pari says I was just trying to turn on the light. Sanju gets up and tries turning on the light. Pari is looking up at him innocently, he is mesmerized seeing her and gets his hand burned. He screams so Pari rushes to him and says you can’t take care of yourself, I have to look after you all the time.

Sanju says if you care so much then why are you leaving me? Pari looks on.

Gurpreet thinks something is wrong in the house. Sanju’s boss bumps into her as she is following Shanku. He sees his face and says he looked like that hitman. Gurpreet asks do you know him? He says this man looks like the one who attacked Pari but Sanju saved her, I think he was hired to attack Pari. Gurpreet is shocked to hear that.

Sanju asks Pari to stay back, she says no.. I don’t want to be around you anymore. Sanju asks why? Pari sees a mouse and runs to him, he hugs her tightly and says please stay back for me. Pari runs from there.

Gurvindar comes to Gurpreet and asks her to come for the pooja. A guest asks Pami for a headache medicine. Pami leaves. Gurpreet tells Gurvindar that she wants to talk to her, she drags her from there. Gurvindar scolds Gurpreet and says how dare you drag me from there like that? you have no status to do that with me. Gurpreet shouts enough.. my daughter and I had to bear your bitter tongue but you couldn’t be a good mother in law, mother and not even a good human. Gurvindar asks her to shut up, at least respect our relationship. Gurpreet says I kept respecting you even after all your mistakes. Gurvindar says you think you can say anything to me? I don’t want to create a scene today. Gurpreet says we will talk today only, I could have confronted you in front of everyone but Pari would be hurt as she loves this family a lot. I kept silent even after everything you people did but enough of all this. Gurvindar says how dare you threaten me? she tries to leave but Gurpreet says you have to listen to me today.. you took Pari’s land when she married Sanju but now Pari is leaving the house so I want her land back. Gurvindar is shocked. Gurpreet says if you don’t give the land back then I will drag you to court. Gurvindar says what are you saying? Gurpreet says my daughter lost her husband and he chose Neeti. I accepted it because Neeti is like my daughter too but what did you all do? my daughter is paying the price for sins of this family. I couldn’t fight for her but not anymore, she is my daughter and I won’t let you destroy her life. Pami comes there and asks what happened? Gurpreet says my daughter is living her as a guest and I didn’t say anything but someone attacked my duaghter and tried to kill her.. nobody even told me about it?

Pari is crying, Sanju rushes to her and asks her to stay back. Pari says you want to create problems? can’t you understand that I can’t stay back. She thinks that I have to leave otherwise my feelings will be exposed.

Precap: Neeti says to Pari, my happiness will return back to my life. Rajiv says I can see Pari in your eyes that you don’t want to leave. Pari’s mom says to taiji she is taking her daughter along with her, it’s not safe here for her. Pari is being pushed. Rajiv saves her from falling down.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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