Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 28th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Neeti plans to use Babli to trap Pari

Parineeti 28th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Neeti asks Pari what are you doing here? Can’t stay away from your sister and mom? Pari says I forgot my bag here. Shut up. What’s your problem? I didn’t come here to meet you or anyone. She goes to Gurpreet’s room. Pari says forgot my bag here. Babli says I have it. But how did you know I’d have it? Pari says my little sister also takes care of my things. Thank you. She says if you have problems you can call me. If you need any help let me know. Gurpreet says you just look like my daughter,

Neeti says to Sanju I’d be the happiest if she’s Pari. I won’t be jealous. He says she’s not Pari. Neeti says you always get me wrong. Gurpreet my daughter was very different though. She was very calm and docile and she was always scared. She

was always like a fairy. Pari says you don’t look good with tears. Please take care. I liked meeting you all. Babli if there’s any problem you can call me.

Neeti says to Pari you can explain to me at least. Sanju says why are you so angry at Parvati? You just irritate her. You will have no interaction with her. Neeti says to Parvati what are you doing here? Trying to listen in? Pari says mind your language. She says to Sanju you need to control your to-be wife. She doesn’t understand professionalism. Sanju says to Neeti stop this Pari topic, please. Neeti says I won’t let Pari win this time.

Scene 2
PAri comes home. Ambika says come sit here. Pari says I. Ambika says I will always be with you even if you don’t tell me before doing things. Pari says I am sorry. Ambika says I know you can’t see them in that condition. You wanna help them. I knew why you left your bag there. I understand your feelings. You don’t need to hide anything from me. She says we have to be practical. She says we have to avenge your life. Tomorrow is your new life.

Amit asks Sanju what do you think if she’s Pari or Parvati? How are you so sure? sanju says I don’t see any love in her eyes. Why would she not come back to me? My heart still feels restless. If it’s Pari why is she staying away from me? She’d go and tell me what happened on the cliff that night. Neeti hears it. She goes to Salojna and says SAnju will try to find out what happened. My life was so good but now he wants to control everything and deal with Parvati. Salojna says you think Sanju would leave you? Neeti says it’sPari adn she wants revenge. I have to expose her. Salojna says Pari will tell him how she died. Neeti says Sanju will be shocked to know when she takes his name. We will tell Sanju she’s lying about Sanju like she is about his name. We are innocent like Sanju. Salojna says I am scared.

Scene 3
Pari says to Dai maa I shouldn’t have left my bag there but I had to check how they are. Those people can’t sleep now for sure.

sanju wonders if it’s Pari why is she hiding? Neeti says she is here for revenge. She will go back soon. Pari says I am here to stay. I will take my revenge now. Neeti says tomorrow I will use Babli to trap her. Pari will be exposed. Pari says Neeti will not win in her game now.

Scene 4
Dai maa tells Pari Ambika has left for the meeting. Snaju gets ready for the meeting. Neeti asks Daljit to keep an eye on Sanju. Pami comes there. Neeti asks Gurpreet to take her back to the room. Pari leaves for the meeting. She says to Dai Maa Neeti might come here to look for proofs. You have to be careful. Neeti plans to go to Pari’s house. Pari says today Neeti will get arrested and let her do whatever she wants when she comes here.

Precap: Neeti on call says that I have proof that Parvati is Pari. Neeti threatens Pari with a knife. Pari shouts for help and everyone rushes in and are shocked to see Neeti pointing a knife at Pari.

Update Credit t: Atiba

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